The onqueroues Ì'ri e. 5 25 The third difñculty,was,whkher the wotks follow thedead ?.. which may thtts be The third dif- expedited : their good vvorks follow themnot td thegrave ; for there the foul is, ficuliy, not, nor toPurgatory, for I have already proved there is no fuch place i nor to Hell; fornone are blelfed that come there: The works ofthe damnedindeed follow them thither ; there theymeet with them; and with the Devil who feduced them, to tor- ment themfor them ; there thefwearers andblafpliemers gnaw theirtongues; there the lafcivious wantons are call into a bed of fire ` there they who fwini herein plea. fures,are thrown into a river ofbrimftone. Eut the worksof the godly follow them to the place where they receive their recompence for them. The fourthdifhculty was; when the worksfollow'the dead? which may bethui The foor,h expedited; fomeoftheir works follow them immediately after their dcath,othersat eliothq. theday of Judgement. Thofe works which they have doneby, and in the foul only without the help or ufe of the body, follow them imrnddiately after death,when the foul receives her reward for them ; but chafe which were performed partly by the foul, and partly by the body, follow them attire day ofjudgement, when the ktog Mát. às: 14, /hallfay, Comeye bleffedofmyFather, pof/efs thekingdompreparedforyou ; for /writ Is- hungry, andyegaveme meat ; heat thirfiy, andyegave me drink; l was n,ked, and ye cloathedme ; I wasFick andinprifon, andye vifited me. - We have peeledoffthe chine, let us now cane of the tweet juyce r if our workl (hall molt certainly, and plentifully be rewarded: Let us be-Zealoio ofgood works,!Heb. io. ;s. lame be filed withthefruits of righteoufnefs; let us in no cafe be weary ofwell -doing ; let us not cuff away our confidence which bath great recompence of reward: ifa cup ofcold water (hall be reckoned for, what thinkye ofa glafs ofhot water to revive ï many a fainting foil ? If twomites cefi intothe treafury(hallhe taken notice of,what think ye of ten talents? 1f atilt bath a bottlefor everytear fhedfor him, hovemuch !, more for every drop ofblood Thereare infinite motives in holy Scriptures to inciteus to good vvorks, I vvill touch at this timeonly upon three. I. OM great Obligation to them. z. Our exceeding comfort in them. 3: Ourfuigular benefit by them. Firl, ourObligation to them is tvvo-folde t.SAs men. z. ¿As Chriftians. As men, vve are bound to ferve him vvith ourhands vvho gave Cis them. As Chriftians, vve are to employ them in his fervice, vvho loofened them after they vvere manacled, and reftored unto us the free ufeof them. . z: Our comfort in them isexceeding great,they aforeus ofout fpiritual life;for asthenatural life is difcerned by three things efpectally. I.SThe beating of the pulfe. z.The letting outófbreath. 3. The flirringof the joyats or limbs : fo allo is the fpiritual; if the púl'of devotionbeat ftrong atthe heart, if vvebreath to God inour fervent prayers; and billy, ifwefair ourroynts in walking in all holy duties, and performing filch good vvorks as are required at o'ur hands, vvemaybe Pure, that Yeehave fpirituallife inus, Nyemay build upon itthat Chrift dvvelleth in our hearts by faith; and chat We five in him by grace. 3. Our,benefit by them is manifold in this life, and the life to come. In this life peace ofconfcicnce,tbeirfoul fhalldwellat cafe; :.Good fucce& in all vve undertake, rial, sr i 3: whatfoever we do it[ballprofiler. 3. The fervice of the creatures,. foral t h ings wort¿ Pfal L i s - for tie befi to them that loveClod. Laftly, a comfortablepats out of this vvorld, vve Itost.t.zt. are fore ourend [hall bepeace. lathe life tocome, the benefits are fuch asnever eye 1 bath