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V iitorisBrabxum, &c, t Coie'it 9. bath(een, norear bath heard, or ever entred into the heart ofmagi, Godgrant there- fore ourheart may cheer into them: quia oAriftoteles no capit Eurtfpurn, Eurrfpuë 1 capiat Areffotelum, becaufe we cannot comprehend the jbycs of heaven, let them. comprehend us. . :' You expe&t fomething to be fpoken ofourdear Sifterdcceafed,andnutcrr might be faid,and-Ihouldby me in her praife, but that one ofher chicfcftcommendatioustvas that thecould not endure praife ; Landes quia merebatur contempft, s .quia corr- tempfr. magia merebatur, becaufefoedeferved praife,fhe despïfed it, and becasrfe fire de-. fpoédít,fhethe more defervedrt. Silentmodetty in her was her crown la iserlrfe,and: rnodefh Iìlence ofher, was thecharge at her death. Hcrli e waswell.ktiowi,.to molt I of this place,and her death was every way anfwerable to her lifc:all that viftedher in her ficknefs might behold with forrow a pitiftilanatomy of frail mortality, andyer With joy a perfeft patternofChriftian patience, and a heavenly converfation : and though thewere fullofdivine conceptions,and fhe had a fining byher of the waters: of life, in the devotion ofherdearefthclper, efpecially inthehelt things e yet where' Icome to her,lhe'defired the might bepartakerof fmeofnet meditations (theywere, her-own words) and when I prayed with her,and for her ; the joynednot fòmuch with me, with her tongue, as her affcEtions, and anfwcrcd more in fìghsand tears, than in words: often thecomplained of.hertough heartthatwould not yield to her ; diíoletion,and long,long fhethou ght.it,till the lhould come to appear before the God (gods in Sion. Her lathwords were,fweet Father helpme,and.ih c had her reveft,for prelently he helped her bothby the zealous, and moft feeling prayers of her Huf -. band, and by the holy fpirit afftfting her in her ownprayers withfighs andgroans thatcannotbe expreffed, andimmediately herfweet Father releafed her ofher pangs, and received her to himfelfonhis ownday: On the Lords daymorning, beforethe morningwatch, I fay, before the morning watch fhe tatted into her reft, andbegan tokeep hereverlafling Sabbath in heaven, where the reapeth what fhe towed, and teeth what fhe believed, and enjoyeth what the hoped for, and is now entredint t thefe¡oyes, which never entred fully into the heart ofany living on earth, nor !hall, intoours, toll we with her be madeperfetl, and all ofus cometo ,_24em tSion, and the Feb. 12.2z, heaveny jrerttfalem, and 'innumerable company ofAngels, and soothe Congregation of C.3. the frrfl-horn, ',haft names arewritten in heaven,and to thefpiritsofjuft men andwo- men made perfeü?. Whither the Godofpeace bring us in our appointedtime, who Heb. 53. AM brought again from the dead the great fhepherdthrough the blood of ebe.everlailing Covenant. To whom with the holy Spirit, eec. EdITHS