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27 FAITHS F1C CH O. OR TI E SOULS AMEN. SERMON XL,VI, Revel. 12.19. vlmen, Evenfo comeLordyefies. Hefe words they afford to us a comfortable and Tweet ar- gument to be convcrfant in. From the fixt verte of this. Chapter is fet down to us the confirmation of the whole Prophefiie and Book of the Revelation ; partly by the. affirmation of God as likewifc ofJefus Chrift , and of John himfelf , that heard and law all thefe things ; and likewifc of the Church of God in verte 17. It is likewife confirmed by the promife ofBlefiing and Happinefs, pro- ounccd,upon them that thall do all theft things, and (hall faithfully.expedt the ac- compliÍhment ofthen. This Verte (a part of which I have read to you) is the Re- petition in fewword ofall thatmatter thai goeth before, from verte 6. toit; and hath in it Firft, ;an attcflation ofour Lord and SaviourChrift, in the former part of the Verte; Behold1 comequickly. Y y y Secondly,