Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

5 28 ',c echo, or, Secondly, an acclamation of the Church, inthe latter parr, thefe wordsI have read to ye ; Amen, even fo come Lord lefut. In the atteflation ofChrif,he promifethhe will come tohis Church, he will come Ihortly, both for the accomplifhnient of all his promifes, and likewife for their fafety and deliverance fromall enemies; and all miferies, and moleftations what- foever. To this the Church makes an acclamation, and faith, alien, evenfocome Lord feffe. Inthis acclamationofthe Chúrch '(tówhichwemuff no'wcome) weste to con_ - fider, Firfi, the perfon of the Speaker, whofé words they be. Secondly, what is the matter or fubítance contained'in them: Yefhall fee whole words theybe,ifyelook back but tothe r.7verfe of this Chap- tor, there ye (halt find,thatfirth it is faid, the Spiritfaith, Come. By the Spirit is not meant the third Perron,in Trinity theholy Ghoft, b'epaufe he is not fdbje& totheft pallions, to thefedelires; but herated' himfelf ih the execution andprefent difpofing anddifpcnfing ofthings,, according to his own will and pleafrtre. ' Neither by Spi- rit here is meant any wicked fpirit or Angel, for they do with fear and horror ex-. pert the fame comingofour Lordand SaViour Chrift ;, becaufe his coming firall be the accomplithment of theirmifery and eternal infelicity.But bySpirit here is nìtant, the fpirit in allthe Ele& and holypeople ofGod; in whomfoever the Spirit'of God is,that Spirit doth fay,come,anddot) with theaccomplifhment ofall theft molt gra- cious promifes : For this is not the dire ofthe flea), or ofnature ; but an earneft andvehement deftre of the Spirit ofGod in the Ele&, that faith, come. Again fecondly, the fame verfe telleth us, that the Bridefirth, come. That is, the Church of God in general,the Catholick Church,the whole Church ofGod,being now hand-fattedto Chrift,and entred into a fpiritual contra& with him ; She deli- reth theconfummationof the Marriage, the folemniationof theMarriagewhich is ready begun in the contra& of it ; and not only every particular member of the -ringch inwhom the Spirit ofGod is,faith come ; buttheChurchofGodingeneral, the Bridefaith come, the whole Churchfaith come ; whiting and defiringtheat- complifhment of the Marriage which is already begun. In the thirdplace, the fame verfe telleth us, that as the Spirit and the Bride fay, come, fohe that heated)faith, come ; that is, not only the Church ofGod that is now prefent hereupon the face ofthe earth, but &he fuccet live parts of tile Church in all futureAges ; they areall of the famemind, Raving received the fame Spirit, they all fay come. Whofoever heareth this Prophelio, whofoever heareth ofthefe promifes in any Age or Countryof the world, all they having the fame fpirit,theymuft needs fay come,hethat hearerb,faithcome,he that is acquainted with the promifes,thaecorn- eth to theknowledge of them;,and dothmingle them with the faith ofhis foul, this manmuli needslay, come, to the accomplifhment of them. And kitty, He that isa thirflfaith,come too ; thatis,whofoever hath tatted ofthe fweetnefs ofChrift in anymeafure whatfoever, and thereby bathwrought in him a vehement thirf'e after more; this Man will lay, come. Whofoever hash fuch a fenfe ofChrift in his promifes,as totafteof the fweetnefs of thelenever fo little ; as he that bath hafted a dropofhoiiey wifhethfor tirore,fo hethat bath tattedof the fweetnefsof Chrift,a dropofhis grace and mercy, this fetteth upon his fpirit a heavenly thirft,he faithcome,he would havemore,he is never quiet tillhe havethe promifeaccomplifh. ed to him.. Thereare"the perfons,every particular member of the Church that lath the Spirit ; the whole Church in general, not only the particular part of the Church . now in the Worldor Many Age,but the feveral parts ofthe Church in feveral Ages; whofoever is a-thirft, that bath tatted of Clarift, muff needs fay,come. Evenfo come Lord fefin. Thefe are the perlons. The fecondthing,is the matter of thisacclamationofthe Church. Fife the matter contained in it, it is a vehement and earnett delire ofthe people,ofGodafter Chrifts molt happy return, in theft words, Alien, evenfo came Lordfefna. Thematter of it therefore is either infolded and implicite in the word, Amen, even fo, or unfolded and explicitein the latter words, Come Lord Pfau. It