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I The Souls e...vfrmin. 529 It is infoldedI fay inthe wordAmen. This wordfgnifierh in the Scripture,cither irev. 3. r4. the Author of the truth himfelf, or elfe it is anaffirmation of the truth. In the Revelation, thus faith the Amen, thefaithful and true nitnef ; here Çhrifc himfelf is called Amen, becaulehe is the Author of all truth and verity, the faithful and true witeefs. , Sometime this word is ufed, andmoli frequently in Scripture, foetheaffirmation of the truth, either witncffïng ofthe truth, or wilhiug the truth. For the witneffing of the truth, as in all chofe vehement fpeechcs ofour Lord and Saviour Chrift, Amen, Amen, Ijay unio ye ; or verily, verily,!fay untoye: this is a vehement affeveration and;a witneffing to the truth, which a man ought tobelieve, or would have to be believed. Or other wife for a wishing and carncft defiringof ch.!! truth to be accomplifhed. So in the conclufionof the ì.eids praycr,and all our prayers,we add this word, smen, that is, fo beit, or Let it befo : nee wiffh it with carneltnefs of of croon and ¡Afire, and with a confidence and faith ofour hearts, wepopeandbelievethat this shall be Ifo. This is that mcprofcfswhen we fay Amen. In this place, this word is tared both for affirmation, and witncng ofthe truth , and likewife it is a vehement with and delire of the accomplitlhment of there prgmi- fes, withan.earneft.and certain hope and cxped}ationoffaith,that all theft: promifes andgood things shall be accomplilìsedto the foulofa Chriftian. . Again, the matter of this Acclamation is unfolded, and explained in the latter words, Come Lord Jeju. Where there is both theAdhion, and the perfou to be cònfidcred. The Action, Came. Chrift cometh tohis Church many wayes. He, commis in his Word ; Fie cometh in his Spi,it; He cometh in his mercies. He coined, in hisl Judgmentsand Jultice. Noise of there are here meant. But liecometh ti his Clii reh in perfussand appearance, even intheapp arauceof his body and humane nature. I Isus Chrift cometh two wayes tohis Chureih inper- Ifni. Firfi inhis. Incarnation, he appeareth to the world in the fimilitude of hinful flesh, he came in humility, he came to fuffcr,to dic. Thar is not lucre meant,for that was paft,wlien as the EvangeliflSaint John wrote this propi cfie. But the Secot'd.cot ,ing in perfon, ofour Lord andSaviour Chrift, is his coming in theflesh in glory, in exaltation to judge the quickand the dead, to,ihew himfdf a mighty God fromheaven. This is the coming which is here meant, Chrifts fecond coining to Judgment in glory. That is the Aaion. The Perfon,is.defcribed by there too Titles; Lord: Jefios. Wherein the Church delìreth that he may come both is a Lodd, and as a j efas. That he maycome as a Lord tovindicate the Church,and reveo;tehim upon his encmies,to dcltroy thekin,;- domofdarknefs, the kingdom of the .f)evil, the kingdom ofAntichrifl,which hash hem a great argument in this book of theRevelation. Andnotonly conic thus as a Lord, bust as a.Ícfus to fave his Church, to vouchuife to her,comfort and peace,and joy;; that he would come to loath her with immor- tality andglory,which (hecannot cx}eft on earth in a mortal hate. This is the rum and fubftance ofthis Petition and requcft, that the Lord would come inmajelty and glory,both as a Lord,againft the enemies of the Church to deftroy them utterly : and as a Saviour,tobelow upon the Church,even all facing mercies efpecially that great Mercy ofeverlailingblclfednefs,; that is not mixed with fin and corruption, that is uotmixed withany infirmity and defect whatfoever. This is the Chun and fubflance of the.Text whirls I have in few,words shorty explained to ye. SA hence the point I obferve (wherein we will infili by the grace ofGod at this time) is this. That it is the nature andproperty ofevery trace member of the Church ofCod, car- nefliy, and longingly to deli, e the fecond coming of Chriftfor thefull redemption of his Church. The epirit faith, Come, and the Lride,faith, Come; and wbofoeverhearethfaáith, Y Y Y 1 Come;