TheSouls Amen. 53'5 (not,thatman canhave no found argument in his ownhcart,thathehath this.cxpc&a- ttonof the coining ofChrift, for with it there is a found joy in the heart that the world breeds not, nor cannot take away. I A third companion to try the truth of this cxpc&ation is, an endeavour after pu- (rity ofheart and life, this midi needsgo with this expo&ataì n ; t foh. 3. 3. He that 'bath thishope pter(reth himf, 1, and is pure as he is pure: He that bath this hope that ìexpeas Chrift hopefully and joyfully,lec purgeth hímfelf; he that waiteth for Chrift, waiteth for him that he may be likehim, that he maybe holy as Chrift is holy, (frill ;referving theproportion ofa member) and he pureas Chrift is pure. What a numberbc there, that profils they look for Chrifts return for their final '5lvation,and yet this expeE ation Both not purge their hearts,doth not cleanfe thole natty and filthy corners that are there. It purgeth not their mouth from fallhood, and lying, and deceitful and curfed fpcechcs, nor their hands from injuflice, and op_ ,'preffion and the like ; they are no whit like Chrift in their converfation, and yet they hope for andcxpeet Chrift,no,he that bath this (tope purgeth himfelf. What fhall we thinkof them that oppofc, that feck to opprefs purity of heart and Re? that caft fcorns upon purity and holincfs? what (hall we think of chofe per- kills ? Shall we think that they have this expe&ation? They will tell ye fond jufti- fie it before any man,and boldly Wand upon the expeetation oftheir Saviour as well ;s others ; but if thou hate purity in others,then thou l ateft it in thy fclf,and bethat purgeth not himfclfhath not this hopc,for he that bath this hope, purgeth himfelfas he is pure. I A fourth companionand attendant of thiseTpcftatiou,is Chrillian fortitude and valour, and unvitcariednefs in lahouringand fuRering for Chrift. Where this expe- ifiation is, the Idol is inviable in labouringand fufferings; I-Ie careth not what he endüres,wfìät he lets on for thename ofChriff,This we shall f e in the Apoftle Saint Pául,whenhe had the white inhis cyc,when he had this aym let before him,the high price ofthe high calling of GOD in thrift, 1forget the things (faith he ) that are behind, and prefi hard to the things that are before. Though his labour and pains, arid fuffe.rings were marvellousgreat, lac forgettcthall them, and itillpreffed hardro themark,the priceof the high callingof GodinChrift Jeri's. So holy ,1ofes,bccarife he lookedfor the recoinpence of the reward, he chafe tofufcr afRsclion with thepeople of el OD, rather than to enjoy the pleafures offnfor afeafon. Befides; thole faithful fervantsofGOD, many other inflanccs might be added, to Thew that 'shenamart 'lath this expeetation that Chrift will come,and give him the end and recompence of hislabour, and eternal joy andglory for his {port fufferings, which are not'worthy ofthe glory that ihall be re waled, he refit fcth no pains,no labour,no palliota,nofuf- ferings for Chrift and a good confcience. Burt what need we go further than the exahaplc ofChrili himfclf, theexample ofallexamplcs,who far thejoy that was let be- fore bins, endtìred the Crof,and deftifd the Jhatn'e?' and why was this? but'for our sixample,that We (houlddefpifeth'e croffes that are before us,and go onunweariedly, and iinfaintiiig-ly tìipugh all crates and perfecütions ; if we meet with never fo many oppofitions, with never fo many Devils,yet to go chcarfullyon in the waysof G'od;'why ? becatife we havea hope,and an expeáiation before us ofCVftappear shag. Further, anotherattendant of this expe&ationis this; tebltintethand abateth the fiery_edge ofOur affe&ions to the things of thisworld. He that bath this,eápeaa, tion is "wëancd'from the world,it loofeneth the foul from the world everyday inure' than other ; Whereas naturally we are rivetted to earthly things, faftned to the world ; this expeçfiationwrought in the heart, caufcth us to walk more loofely'and unjoynted, it blunteth and abateth thole eager dcfires that are in us to earthly things. See it, in the example ofthat worthy fervant of God ;ti7ofes,bccaufe he look-, edfor a Ctty,and for the recomp once of reward this was fit beforehim,; he fcà_rned thè'tr'cafiires'of Eeypr, Tie defpifed them, heçatcd not for honour or treafures, oral( that Egypt could.afford, he had rather fufcr of hi Lions withGpds people, wliy? beceule lac lookedforthe recomp'encc"ofreward.. Se there not a number Of perfons that proféfs'théy espeet Gllritáhisreturti'for Z z z .. their