.peat t- `Z rerotdativë, commute the Gallows into the Trandi nu.dilìe the Brand into the whip,. under- punish offences without wróng to any, becaufe thereinhe dóth only, pit; amperio fue. . Defcend we now to more particular anfwers, and before we go further; the Audience will grant this unto nie ( which if denied me I fhatl be bold to take, as an undoubted truth ) that had the reticence of eternal coi:dcmtistion, beenoüce pronounced by God, and paired on Adam ; It, like the Laws of the Modes and Perfions, Dan. 6.8. could not ever after be reverted, or repealed. This bciisg premifed, I tender to your confideration, how inc nfiftent it was with Gods goodncfs, to carte Adam and Eve to the fit of Hell, beheld either in their Per- Ional 2Lation, as fingir fouls, or in their colleflive capacity, as the Reprefentatives of all man-kind. . For the former, God would not curie Adam or Eve, as-privátc perlons, be- caufe forefeetng, that bothof them would repent, and lay »old on the Pramifed feed, and fo eternally be laved ; indeed there were in the primitive time a fort of Hereticks, no leis uncharitable than Erronious, who maintained that both Adam and Evewere damned, ( bale birds thus.to defile theirownncfl) whole Do&nin was exploded by confcicntious Chriftians, and the contrary avowed and afferted by theChurch of God. Secondly, confider Adam and Eve as the reprefentatives of all man-kind, and fo all the g f. E CT S lay hid in the 1_oyns of the one, and Womb of the other; I haveble9fed him (laid Ifaac ofJacob, Gen.z7.33.) yea and he füall be bled; by the fame Proportion it followedmore firmly, that if God had curled thede/ in Adam and Eve,thcy fhould have been curled, which was diametrically oppofite to Gods gracious intent,yea,would have proved dellrufive to his defign,having fore - appointed from all eternity, in due time to fay unto them, Mat. 25 3.. Comeye blefed ofmy Father, inlerit the Kingdomprepared for you, from the Foundation of the woriel. Yea, which ismoll material, Chrift himfclf, of whom it was raid, Gal. 3.8. In thee 'ball all Notions be blefed, according to his humanity, andas con - cealedin his castles, had even then a Seminal exiflence in our firti Parents. What laid ilalaam, 21Cumb. z;. 8. How (hall I curfe whom God loath not curled, or how 'hall I defie, whom the Lord bath not defied? But it foiloweth, afortiori, that God could nor, that is, would nor, iffue out an eternal malediction on them, who had him in them, who was the fountain ofall blefednefs, and that by Gods own fore- ' appointment, an eAtî as much precedanious to my Text, and which by due fenio- rity took place of Adams punishment, as eternity is before time, z Tini.,.9. 'who bathPaved us, and called its with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to hisownpurpofe andgrace, which was rivenus inCbrifl yefus, before the world began. Its further illuftration of this our anfwer, it is veryobfcrvable, that God in this Chapter, twice dilcharged the terrible word Curfed, andyet both timesdefgnedly no doubt, (hecan heft, ifCo pleated mile the mark, who if fo pleaded, can beghit it) mifih troth ¡?dam and Eve. Once verfe04. Thou arecurfedabove all Cattle, and this Curled he bellowed on the Serpent. The other on the earth, verfe 17, Curled be thegroundfor thyfalse. When Sons of Princes committed faults, it was ufual for the fervantsof thole Ions to be beaten. As here the earth is punithed for the fault of manhis Matter; and the curie is on it infliledwhich by him wasdclerved. Second Qeflion: Seeing God threatnedAdam, Gen. z.17. in theday that thou eatefl thereof, thou !halt fleetlydie; how came he to live fo longafter that fault committed. The,Tar- barians, eAEt. z8. 6, looked when St. Paul, (Stung with the Viper) fould have Swain, or fallen down dead. fuddenly. And it might rationally,have been expeled that Adam, invenomcd with fin and the guilt thereof, fhould in the fame minute, Aaaa z and 54-1