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Déjths ¶rerogátive. $ 43 Dofirint: mill man-kind derive their original from duff. Adam immediate1, Gen. 2. 7: and the Lora Clodformed man ofthe Duff of the ground, and breathed into his no-' 'grits the breath of1ife,andman became alivingSoul. Eve, mediate] made of Rah; madeofduff, and foall mankindlince, being one remove further from duff in their compolition, but at the fame degree of diflancefrom daft, at their Diffolution, `Dull thou art, &c. Firft Ufe, to retrench our Pride, at the ferious confederation ofour mean ori- ginal ; Virgil tells us, Georgicks the fourth, that when Bees fiercely fight in the Air, the fpeedieft way tò part them, is by caning dull upon theta. Hi motus aniníorum, atgxe haccertamina tànta, Pulverisexiguijatix compofla quiefcunt. But when swarms of lusts in our proud Souls fight ont againft another ; and all againft the word and will ofGdd, the quickeft means to compofe diem, is by throwing (t une duff, pouring meditationsofmortality upon them. Second Ufe, to confute the curiofity offuch, who expend fo muchprecious tinge, care and toff, in pargeting, painting, pouldering. patching,and perfuming of their bodies, which camefrem, andgo to the duff. Here first, I allow a necef- fary neatnefs due to our bodies, left otherwifewe antedate our own (tench, left othef.wife befere our time, this our daft turn dirt, and become offenuive to our félvesand others. Secondly, I allow (for God allows) an òrnarnental decency, proportionable to the condition and eftates ofperfons,andl find, Gen.ad..iz. Ear-rings inthe ears, and bracelets in the hand of Rebeckah, though to any judicious eye, thofe hands fcentedmore. beautiful for the 2luckers the didbear , than for the $racelets (he did wear. But blame-worthy their pride, andvanity; who fpendabout their bodies timeand coft, to the negle&ofthcirSouls. Ir it reportedof ueenKKatherineDowager,firftWifetoKingHenry the eighth, that the accounted no time worfe (pent than what was wafted in dreffing ofher; indeed; Peeing nature was not over bountiful ofbeautyunto her, and having a hu- morousHusband to content, art might the more excufably be indulged untoher; but howmany are there who efteemno timeWell laidout, but what is (pent intrick- ing, trimming , decking and adorning themfelves. The Comcedian could corn.. plain; dammolixntier, doominmuntur untoc,¢; butthe Divine may complain,dum precantur, vin femihorula cff. To tell that Sex of their faults inthat language they heft underftood, too much time is loft by them in their dreffing, too little in their devotions. Here let me humbly tender a motion to theGallants ofour time, and may it bitt meet reception, andentertainment futable to the feafonablenefs thereof; when they do curioufly powder their Hair, (how welcomeis themeat ofold age ofmans,un- welcomeof Gods laefprinkling) let them even then call to mind, this is but anti- cipating the work and words formerly ufedat mens burials, Dud to daft, for drift thou arr,and unto daft thou (halt return. ThirdUfe ofcomfort. Of comfort (may fouie fay) that isimpoffibleto arife na- turally from this Text, can meat comefront the deuourert,eänanygoodcomeout ofa Galilee? Behold the Text is hung about on all fides withmourning, and therefore little chearfulnefs;and Ids comfort,canthencerationally beexpeéted,however molt clarified, anddiffilled confolation may b'eextradedfromthe Text; and it is pity to exprefs it in any other than in Davids words , Pial. 103 .'4. . For he knoweth our frarhe, he remembreth that see are Nit drift, and therefore ofhisgracious goodnefs will notexpedt, Golden performances, from duff] performers.. He will be pleated to accept, Ally nrayeu,andchilli Preaching, dullyReading,anddu(ly ,esgiving, fromus,as proportionable to ourextrat ion. sasd.defc;fma Nucano.