Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

Deaths .Prerogative. 5 45 are founded) be ferioufly confidered, T(al. ro3. 1 ;, 1¢. Lice as aFather pitieth his Children ; fo the Lord pitieth them that fear him. For be knawetb ourframe ; he remembreth that we are duft.See here God only refle&eth with favours on the dufly expel-1466n ofthofe that fear him, and no'othcrs. Therefore let no prophanc perfon, fuck poyfon out of the [weet-flower ofour comfortable ufe,and difpofe himfelf to leudnefs, or ( at the heft) lazinefi in Gods fervice, prefuming that God, knowing his Original °FINA , will thereforeaccept ofhis, as of but duty performance: Here let me dtllingul(h betwixt duty, and Dung-hill ferving of God:, Dub ferving ofhim is , when men Endeavour to the iumóff ftrength of their weaknefs to ferve him, when they prefent him (as facob did unknown,yofeph, Gen: 43. II. ) with the bee, and thofe God knows but bad) fruit of our Land in our i effels, doing all in fincerity ( which is Cgafpetperfection ) and the mean time confe(ing of, groaning for , and fighting againli thofe many. corruptions , and more imperfe&ions which cleave unto their moil perfe& performances. This is Daffyfervingof Cod, Dung-billferving ofhim is,which proceedeth from perlons Deadin rrefpajps andfens, Ephef. Z. T. fending forth the fame favour in the no- ¡trills of the God ofHeaven, with Lazarus when he had been three dayes buried, John the ir. 49. And although futh aEtions mayappear precious to the beholders, yea, and breath forth no bad fentatall, to wicked men in the fame condition ( one rotten corps is not offenfive tó another) yet ess deadflies caufe, Ecclef to.i, Oyntment of the Apothecary, to findforth an ill favour, fo Hypocrifie appendant to fuch a&i_ ons, rendereth them noifom to that infinite being, who is Emundílliminaris, molt exal andcriticalin his[welling. This is Dung-hillfervingof God, moll odious unto him, and therefore the Godly do deteft and abhor it, whilft they only grieve and bemoan it their dufty fervice ofGod, which notwithftandingif, ( qualified asfor- merly) Bated; is acceptable in Jefils Chris. Come we now to the Mar/,towhich vve all run,andunto duff fhalt thoureturn. WhenceVve obferve this Do&rine,All humané artcannotpreferve a corpsfromfinal returning to daft. I fay, final, although for atime itmay reprieve the fame from be- ingpulverized. Far be it from nre,defpightfully to decoy the ingenious indeavours; rand theybe but endeavours) ofany in Chyrurgey, I vvil( not add any to my ignorance in that myffery, yet I fay, Art muffcrycraven,in this experiimens,and cannot fecure a corps, frommoulderinginto its firth matter, vuft. For proof hereof let us fuppofe, firft that vvhich t may call an healthful. corps,' viz. ofone not vveakned andvváftedvvith a long lingering and Ianguiflìing difeafe, Í but of one cut off fuddenly in the prime ofhis youth: Secondly, Suppofe an Artift expert in his profelli,onof Embalming, no vvhit in- i feriour to them, vvho made the laß bed for the repofe of KingAfds corps, aChron. t6. t4 offweet odoursby the art ofthe Apothecary. Thirdly, allovvhim the molt and bell of fpices, not only ; mixture ofMyrrhe and allots, about do hundred poundweight ( the proportion affigned by Nicodemue for our Saviours body, John r9. 39.) brit as many as India and ?Arabia doth pro- duce, the Embalmerbeing ¡tinted tono number but his ovvn pleafure. Laftly, becaufe moift Countries be accufed to invite corruption, let us lay the (cene ofthis experiment in Egypt it felf,vvhere the drynefsof the climatesmay con- tribute (omething to the effedingof the vvork. The prem fes thus provided in matter and manner, inkind and degree, to the Chyrurgions full defire,tet himnot begin his operation,andfall on vdòrking,accord- ing to the rule ofart. Here I fuppofe he vvill vvith his inflruments firlt take out thebrainsand bowels, ofboth vvhich conclamatum eft, it is grantedon all Cides that they cannot be preferved from putrefa&ion,and judicious art vvill not adventure opt a labour invain. Next I conceivebs vvill curioufly incorporatehis fpices,into thofe vacuities, and concavities, out ofvvhich the brains and>bovvels (thofebags ofcorruptions) vvere taken out. Thirdly; i