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The TrueeArccountani. .ody ; but he muff have one eye chiefly fixt upon the Soul,and inthefìrfl placepro- ¿ o3 poteft eTe vide for it : we mutt look direókly to heaven,obliquelyupon the earth; fix our eyes (cep en', 4 "E axt upon the one, cafl a glance upon the other. It becomes a Chriflian to confi act z ndaPgfo per- what may become of himhereafter, andwhither he is going. Confider thebegin: roen;endu,nftt ning,from whence thou cameo, and confider thy end,what will befalthee hereafter. e ¡tat. Cie He cannot be a wife man, faith the Heathen, who doernot know eitherfromwhence he Acad. q, I. z. earns, or whither he mu(lgo. Sure enough 4e cannotbe a wife Chriflian, that knows not what will become ofhis Soul. It isby wayof juft Reproof of fuck as are wife for the world,but meetfools for 21fee i- Heaven. The wifdomofthe fleth is inter folly in the fight ofGod. Somc.men would be reputedwife inthe world, and yet know not which way to take for the gainibg of heaven : Such amanpaffeth in the world for a crafty fubtil worldling,that knows how tomanage his affairs with the bell advantage tohimfelf, andyet heknows not a ftep of the way toHeaven. It is aMaxime arnongft the Jefuites, Vtifczent,a, to live by their fhifts : to do many in the world, who have only a little wit to carry them out infecular affairs, and their brains ferve them to gather alittle wealthand muck, but they are meet Idiots in all that concerns heaven and falvatioh, and::the purchaftng of the true richesof the Soul. And yet fee the fondnefs ofthefetnen, that though they know not which way to take to get heaven, yet they make themfelves Cure of it, as if Salvation andeternal life were within their reach and power to command it when theypleafe. Tapyrius D, Ron, Pon Magontu writes of the Jefuites, that counts themfelves fo wile, at fi pistant melo'tf(o ;,, vie. velipli quandoqueimperatùros, as that they think they flaallone day have the corn- 'Fauti,4. 46. mand ofheaven it Pelf, The like prefumption is in many Chriflians'atthis day,that they believe heaven is at their command, and they.fhall eafrly.obtain. it, though they do nothing for it, Oh shake offthis folly ; make what provifloù thouwilt for o- ther things, thouat but a fool if thou'doftnegle'Et thySoul.. As provident as the Luk. at: ao. rich man was in the Gofpel, God gave him the title of a Foot.; and Cajetangives the reafonof it, becaufe hedidnot provide for himfelfin fuchthings as were:need- ful for the Salvation ofhis Soul: He is a fool that prefers ahApple before a piece ofGold,w Ito keeps thofe thingsthat areto be eaft away, and negkfls loch things as are to bepreferved; who heeds not his houfe wherehe muff abide for ever, and beautifies that place where he is to lodg but foranight. Such an one is he, that for- gets his Soul, and is careful for all otherthings. Give me leaveto fpeak the truth, and not always to dropoyl into your ears, and fpeak tinto you fmooththings : Where fhallwe find the man that delires to fave his foul,''that would willingly part with this world to gain abetter 2' We daily hear the word ofGod,we talk muchofReligion,we boaft ofourintereft in heaven; but when the matter comes todecifion,when vveare put toour choice,vvhether Heaven or Earth, vvhether vve vvill forgo the profits of this vvorld for the love ofheaven, Kiln, a, it. this is the fiery Chariot vvhich divides betvveen Elijah and Elifha, vvhich parts us and God, and makes us to call avvayour (topeofheaven for the love ofearth. Let us labourfor this main piece ofvvifdom, even to provide for the eternal well- Vfe a, beingof our Souls. This isthe only vvifdom vvhichvvill Hand us in ftead,vvhen vve grovv vvife for a better life.And that vve mayprovide for the lifeto come,letus learn this point ofvvifdom,even to rememberour latter end,and knovv hovv to dievvill; Dent. 32. 2,9. Oh that they werewife, that they underdlood this, that they would con- ftdertheirlatter end. This is thevvifdomof a Chriftian,to prepare himfelffordeath, to be ever in a readinefs to die,that when his change 4ía11 cotne,hemay have this to comfort him, that vvhatfoever becomes of his body for the prefent, he bath' made good provifion for his Soul. He is the only vvifeChriflianthat provideà for Eterni- ty, and minds this only above All other things, hovvhe may enjoy his God,and live vvith himfor evermore.The Greekshave but one vvord toeteprefs a vvifeman and an happy man, 6d2,1w,, lignifies both, as if that vvere only tobeaccounted fortrue vvifdom, vvhich leads to Eternal Blifs and happinefs. Herein is thevvifdom ofa Chriftian, in labouring to attain true Bleffednefs, even the fight andenjoyment of Godfor evermore. Ohbleffed is themainthat is fo vvife aatoprovidefor Eternity, vvho: 567 _ 11