5 68 `Ihe`I'rueAccountant. Obferv. 8. vft. Win in V. s9u'gmr.r. Obferv. 9. who dies withthis comfort, that thoughhis body Moulder into duft andathes for a time,yet his Soul (hall left in the arms ofhis Redeemer. The fecond particular now follows,and that is the fubje& ofthis wifdom,where it is feated, evenin the heart and affc&ion. Thus in brief is our next Couclufion,True wifdom isto bebeloved and embrac'd ; Prov. z. z. If thou incline thine ear untoweldor», and apply thine heart to underfland ing. Wifdom is themother ofus all : Mat. as.. 79. rt :fdom isfieffi ledof berchil- dren ; and it is fit theMother fhould be loved ofher children. The vrimwas to be laid upon Aaron: heart, Exod. a. 8,30. to note, that wif- dommuff be feated in the heart, there themuff lodg and be entertain'd : the heart isonly a fit Receptacle of wifdom, andthere the mail live andabide. The Qyen of Sheba was fo in love with the wifdom of Solomon, as that the took a tedious journey to give that wife King a vifit, eSLEat. Iz. 42. And behold, a greater than Solomon is here. What is Solomon to Chrift ? what is the wifdotn ofman to the wifdomofGod ? It is but as a Cloud to the brightnefs of theSun, as the shadow to the fubflance ; and he that loves the wifdomofthe World, and forfakes the wit. dom ofGod, embraceth a íhadow, and forgoes the fubffancc. what can we love, if our hearts be not enamoured with wifdom ? There isnothingamiablebut wifdom; arid if we defpife her, what is there of this worlds good, whereon we may fet our lode and affeftion ? The learned men ofoldwould only he called Phi- lofophers, Lovers of Wifdom, not wife men, as if this were the higheftperfection of wifdom, and no man was fo wife,as hewhofc heart wasenflam'd with the love of wifdom: It is not enough to know that which is goad, but we muff bein love with that good which we doknow. Let us be in lovewith true wifdom, and embraceher asour only delight andjoy. Davidbore an hearty affeâion to the commandments of God ; he made them his only delight and comfort , Pfa1. ar9. 4. Thy re(limonies are my delight, and my counfellort. Letus not fomuch affect the things of this life, as to forgo all loveof God and heaven: Let usnot be (laves to theworld, and defpife the freedomwhich wifdom promifeth to them that loveher : Letusnot fay as the fervantofhis Malice, Exod. zi. 5. I love my üVafFer, Iwill not go outfree ; I love the world fo well,. as that Iam contentto be a slavefor ever, fo I may have thewages which theworld can give me. I value not the joyes of the life to come, fo I may have thegood thingsof this life for myportion. Oh for fhaine (hakeoff the love of thefe vanities, and be in love with heaven, diem nothing amiablebut what is referv'd for thee inanother world. Let thy heart be let upon true wifdom; and do not fuffer the fooleries and vanities of this world to fic:al away thyheart, fromGod. Let wifdom be precious in thine eyes, and da not kern to love her, but love her in truth, and in heart. Let us not contentour (elves with abare fight ofheaven,withanoutward view and fpeculatsonof the glory of heaven, but let us fallenour deepeft thoughts and meditations upon it. Let us . not fpeak of heaven, but let our hearts be ravithcd with the love ofheaven. Our tongues are but the Suburbsofwifdom, but the heart isthe City. Let not wifdom remainwithout the gate,in the mouth and outwardprofeon ofpiety ; but let her be received into the City, andentertain'd with joy and gladncfsinto the heart, and there refs and repofe her felt asin the bofomofher belt beloved. And now that I may not have .i9,;çar.r róxy., a tongue without a door,thatcan- not be governed, and kept within the compafs of time. I hallen to the third parti- cular, and that is themeans whereby wemay attain this wifdom,and that isbynum- bring ofour days. Our Tait obfervation is this, the confideration andmeditation ofdeath makesus wife, the rementbrancc ofdeathmakesus trulywife. Thewife man fhows us,who is wife, andwho isa fool : Ecclef.7.4. Thehear of the :rift is in the bottle of mourning, but the heart offools is in the houf ofmirth. A wife mans heart is bent to fadncfs, and the ferious meditation ofhis end, and makes choiceoffuch mournful thoughts as will perfent deathbeforehis eyes; the delires of a fool are earriedafterunfeafonable mirth and jollity, and he mindsno- thing lefs than the fad remembranceofhis death. The thought ofdeath rafts a man int