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The TrueAccountant. 5 69i intoa malancholly fit , therefore he cannot away with it. What fain het shall I think of chat which torments and adhiasmySpirit, andcaWèch(adnefsandpenfv.- nefsofmind ? The remembranceofdeathicisL. Ejnle eró9a.,ere.,a daily death , am the meditation of our latter end is res;9ae9s srrarleas, a continual forrow and veal i- Clima. Sul. on of theheart. But letcarelels Chriltians imagine what theypleafe ; that which is PiZtl a grief tothemwill prove no little joy and comfort to chafe, whofethou,hts are ea. r {nL.: to kenupwith themeditation of their latter end. When the hour ofdeath approacheth, P we flail account it the only wifdo:ne to have fitted and difpofed our hearts aright for the 1st} day of-our diffolution and departure out of this world. Heathens them- (elves werewont to fay, that the chiefea wifdome, and the main aúdy Of Philofo- phy was only this, ai peaéva Srrniz., even a careful and refines thought of death. The tb. infine memory of a Chadian is never betteremployed, then when the thought of death is prefented before it. This is our wifdome to confider and Rudy how todie well. He is a wifeman, whole memory ferves him to thinkofdeath. The foundnefs of the Re. mack is the firengthcning of all the tea of the parts of the body, fo the vigour any Rrengch of the memory in thought of death, is the chieffupport of the foul, and if the renieailorance of death decay not in us, there is no want of wifdome in the foul. Is it the meditation of death t hat makes its wife ? Judge ye then how many fools Vfi: there are in the world, that never entertain the leaf} thought of death into their hearts, that live and run on in fin, and never chink of the hour of death. It is the folly which the Prophet chargeth ferufalem with, that (he did not confider her lat- ter end ; Lam. I. 8, She remembreth not her lafí end, thereforefhecame down-won derfully. In the height of herpride fbe never thought ofdeath. I. is orange to fee, that we fhould neither think of one owndeparture, nor heed the death of others, who are conl}ant Monitors, and Remembrancers to us of our own frailty. if the Sun chance to be eclips'd, we Rand amazed at the fight of that darknefs, which e ver-fpreads the face of that glorious body ; but we never regard the declining and eclipfe of man, who is the more noble and glorious creature. If the Sun be darkned we wonder at it ; if man die, we never heed it. Why then let me air up your thoughts to the meditation of death, that ye may be fo wife, as to have ever inmind the approach ofdeath. a. Let us think of others, that are daily going to their long homes: Do we not fee force continually coming into the world, and others making as much fpeed out; of the world , forme entrirg upen the Rage, others going off: As it is in the con- Rant Revolution of the heavens, fame Stars rife, and others fet and fall : fo it is with the Sens of men, force live, others die, force daily come forth out of their Mothers wombs, others daily return to the wemb of their common mother, even theearth , from whence they were taken. a. Lot us look upon our (elves, and confider how veer death is approaching to us, and what haft it makes towards us. *e know not how foon death may furprife us, therefore let us be fo wife, as to provide for his coming: Death for all that we know is now digging of our gravest evennow he thinksof us, when we little think of him; let us thenhe as watchful for death, as he is for as ; let us think of ficknefs in the time of health, and in the day of profperity remember the hour ofdeath. E ven in the mid(} and heigt t of all theglory and happinefs of this world, let us bring into our remembrance the time of our change and di(folution. It is obfeivable, that at theverytime ofChrifr glorious transfiguration, the conference whichpail between Chril} and tíetefet, and laid:, was concerning the death of Chril}, La¢,q, 3 t. They fpeakof his deceafe, which he fhould accomplish at ferlfalem ; toPhew unto us, that when we are in the height of our glory and honour, our thoughts fhbuld be bulied with the remembrance of -our death and departure out of this 'world., I do' not like the proverb which is too frequent in your mouths. i ` {bongbt offuch4 thing, nomorethen of my dying day, Let us remember the oldCanon in a- notherfenfe. Finis primsíi feto intention; Let our end be fiuli in our thoughts and intentions let the time ofour death be thefirf thing we think of either morning or edening, that fo tie confian-e thought of death may talc away the temps- of