TheTrueeiféco`úntänt. 5 7 3 in Chrift for the free pardon of them ? If youvalue not tiefe things, pardon me; ifI think there is nothing to be valued in you but vanity ; and what the value of that will be, you wilt know at the hour of Death. Godgrant you may know it fooner, and then you are happy, when you will find that piety in the heart isddre to be accounted of,thanall the wealthand honour in the world. I think I have Paid enough to honour thisNoble Knight at his Funerals, that he died a true Childof God, and left a goodly Inheritance on Earth, to be poffeffed of a better in Heaven. There havé I a good ground tobelieve he refts in peace and joy, and there I hope we (hall all meet at the laft. And thus in an holy intention to Gods glory, a zealousdelire ofyour good, and an honourable refpeEl to myFriend, I have now run through the duty ofthis day; not aiming (God knows my heart) ax the lealt applaufe fromyou, nor yet valuing the cenfure ofmalevolent fpirits,who (hakeoff all Charity to the Dead, and to the Living. I haveendeavoured to approvemÿ Pelf faithful toGod, in fpedking nothing but the Truth ; faithful to my felf,inthe difchargeof a good Confcience; and faith- fultomy Friend,in pablifhing the truthofhis Converfiorf,tó the world. Thushave I fought to honour God, to right your worthyNeighbóur, and info doing I hope I have not wronged my fell. And now it is my earneft prayertoGod for you, (not that Imay injure the Dead, but in love to your Souls) that all of you may have the grace to live better than he did; And this I with again frommy heart, hoping the heft of him; andfearing ale worth of Tome ofyou, that ye may obtain the like Faith and Repentance to die nd worfe thanhe did. His Soulnow refIs in Elifsand joy ; do ye thatfurvive,labour to enter into that'refi which remains for the people ofGod, in the gloriousManiions of Godthe Father. Now beftiryourfelves,anddoyour bell for heaven; while yehave time and opportunity, work outloan onne Salvationwithfearand trembling, (hew all diligence by Faith, Repentanceand Obedience, (the old and (Lire traft and road to Heaven) to makepar calling andelelfionfare ; live holly, that ye maydie com- fortably. Learn to number your dayes, to fpend your time aright to Godsglory,' and in his fervice t Countit your honourto honour God; youronly freedom, to ferveyour Maker. Bewife for Eternity, and defire ofGod tokeep. your hearts up- right in his fear, to give you fixedSpirits in tottering Times, and in the end to guide you all the right way toHeaven and happinefs ; to makeyou true Accountantsfor Heaven,and to valui thelealt minute of.your time ; and in this I vvill joynvvith you in Prayer, both for my felfandyou, in thevvords ofMy Text, Lord,fo teachoto,&c: Amen, Amen, Ee e e The He(í. 4. g, Phi1.2.,s: ì Pet. t. io.