Thejufi e..91/fans Funeral. 5 83 Secondly, How infants, who never committed a&ual fin, are Cubje& todeath and which is more,to damnation it felf ? Thirdly, How God. can a&ually harden the hearts of fome, as he did Pha- raohs, and yet not be in the leak degree acceffary to fin, and the author there- of. Fourthly, How the americans can juflly be condemned,to whom the foundof the Gofpel was never trumpetted forth, and they by their invincible ignorance un- capable of Gods will in his word? Lakly, How God, as it in the Text, can fuffcr righteous men toperifh in their righteoufnefs, andwicked mottofleurifle in theiriniquity? In allthefe, a thin vailmay feem to hangbefore them, fo that we havenot a full and free viewof the reafons ofGods proceedingsherein; yet fo,as that under and thorow this nail, we difcover;enough in modeky and fobriety to fatisfie our felves, though (perchanceunable to utter what in part we apprehend) we cannot effe&u- ally remove all the fcruples which the pious, nor all thecavils which the profane manbrings againkus. Butat the dayof judgment, at the revelation ofthe righteous judgment ofClod, this vail(hall be turned back,or rather totally taken away, fo that all (hall plainly and perfpicuoufly perceive the juftice ofGods dealing in the cafes aforefaid. Not that then or there , any new effential addition ,or acceifion ihall accrue toGods jukice,tomend ormake up,any former default or defeEt therein ; but his proceedings ( which before wanted not clearnefs in themfelves, but clearing to our eyes) fhall then be pronounced, declared, and adjudged jufl, in the pretence of Devils, men and Angels; fo that ignorance ihall not doubt,nor impudence dare to deny the truth thereof. But before we take Our final farewel ofthe words in our Text,know they are al- fo capableofanother fence, Ihavefeentherighteous man perilla in his righteoufnefi ; that is, I have feen a goodman, continuing in goodnefs, and fnatched away in toe prime ofhis years, whilk wicked men, perfffing in theirprofanefs, haveprolonged their livesto the utmoft pollibility of nature. I confefs Saint Paul will inno cafe allow the wordperi/hing, to beapplied to the death of theGodly, but flanks atthe expreil on,as' containing' forme Pagan impiety therein, pointingat MasanAtheilhcal pofition : Than they alto whicharefainafleep in Chrifl, arepertfiaed However, m a qualified fence, ( not for a total extin&ion, but temporal fufpenfion of them in this world) the Prophet pronounceth it ofa juifmans death, 7 he righteousperifh, and no man layerli it toheart ; Yet, as if fufpe&ing fotne ill demight be made ofthat term pertlhing, in the next words he mollifieththe harlhnefsthcreof,and (who bell might) expounds his own meaning: The righteous man is takenawayfrom the evil to cow:. Indeed,when a juif thandieth,with abraham,in agoodoldage,he isnot properly laid to be taken away, but, in Scripture. Phrafe, to tarry till Clodcamel. Thus when Peter was very inquifitive to know how John fhouldbe difpofed of,Chrikanfwered him, /f?willthat he tarry till lcome,what is that to thee? john,of all thejuryof the Apokles, died in his bed, a thorow old man, of temper and temperance, ofakrong and healthful natural conkitution , moderate in diet, pallions and recreations, (Ahijah and foftah may be inftances) are-cut offby anuntimely death; fuch are properly faid to be taken away. Now even fuch men, God(not only without theleaif,hhain to hisjuftice, but in great manifeftation of his mercy) may caufe toperifb ; or if that be too harih a tearm, may take them away from the evil to come : And that in three feveral ac- ceptions. Firk,to;keep him from thatevil offin whichGod in his wifdom forefees the good man would commit,if living longer,and leftto choremanifold temptations which fu- ture times ( growing daily Work and worfe) would prefentto, and peefson him. True it is, Godcould by his reifraining and effe&ualGrace keep him, thoughfurvi- ving in finful times,from being polluted therewith : but being a free Agent, he will vary thewaysofhis working,fometimes keepingmeninthe hour oftemptation,forne- ttmes from thehour oftemptation, Thelatterhe doth,fometimesby keeping thehour from Ezod 14 4. 3,é 3g t Cor. is. ra. Ila. 57. t. 39 Gea.2t S. Job. at. 22. r IÉing.24.r 3 Rey. ji..