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to Iail ggeneration. 5 93 to the Times : Surely a cautions concealment is lawful, and wary filence is thin.: mendable inperilove times. Amos S. 13. Itiésin evil time, therefore the tvifi'ball held their peace. And I confefs that a prudential compliancein Religion in things hi- different, is jullifiable, as alfo in all civil concernments, wherein the çonfciehce is not violated : but wherein the will of the times croffeth the will of God, our Indentures are cancelled from fervingthem, and God only is to be obeyed, There is fome difference in reading the precept, Rom. rz. er. occafioned froth the fimilitude of the words in the original, ( though utterly unlike in ourEnglitte tongue) tome reading it ferving the Lórd, dthers felling the time. 1 will not difpute which in the Greek is the truer Copy, but do obferve that Da lids precedent in my Text, is a perfe& expedient, to demonflrate that both I:e&ions may and ought to be recondled in our praElice : Heferved his generation, there isferving the times ; but what followeth ? by the will of God, there is ferving -the Lord ; this by him was, byus molt be performed. Saint Steven , Aar 7; ±. began hit Sermon to the people with there words, Men, Brethren, and Fathers ; whichwords I thus expound and apply. By Men; he meant young folk, whichhad attained to the llrength arid fiature of men, and were much younger than himfeif: ByBrethren; 'thole ofhis on flanding and fe- niority in the world ( probably forty years old or thereabouts ) and therefore he fainted fuchwith a familiar Appellation as a badge of equallity. Thirdly Fathers, beingaged people, more ancient than himfeif, as appeareth'by his term of refpe& iddreffed toperlons diflanced above him. This dillinElion will ferve me; first per- fe&ly to comprife, then methodically to diftingui(h all my Auditors in this Con- gregation. 1 begin with you men, which are of the generation riling, it being bootlefs for me to addrcfs my Pelf to children not arrived at their-underflanding, concerning Whom I turn my preaching to them into praying for them, andwith them good fuccefs in the name of the Lord. It is your bounden duty to omit no opportunity to informyour felves both in Learningand Religion, from thofe that livingwith you are ofmoreage and expe- rience, and demean your felves unto them with all reverence and refpe&. O let themgo fairly their own pace and path to their graves. Do not thrull them into the pit withyour prepoflerous willies. Filins ante diem , Owhen will be die an hisnameperifh ! rather endeavour to prolong the dayes of your Parents by your dutiful deportment unto them, flaybuta while, and they will willingly reign their room unto you, in earnefl whereof thofe fuperannatedBazzilbaes do contentedly flirrender the lawful pleafures of this life, -z Sam. 20.37. to you their Chimchams, their Ions and fucceffors, to be by you with fobriety and moderation peaceably poffefted,andcomfortably enjoyed. You Brethren, 'whoare pew - fellows in the fameAge with myfelf, who are pall ourvertical point, and are now entred into the Autumn ofour life, give me leave to. befpeak you with becomingboldnefs, familiarity befeeming thofe of the fame forth together; there is anew Generation' comeupon, let us therefore think of' goingoff the Stage, endeavouring fo to A& our parts, thatwemay comeoft; not fo much with applaufe from man, as approbation fromGod. Ifwe live long, we (hall be lookt upon as the barren fig-tree that cumbreth theground; we muftmake room forfuccelfion, as ourfathers have done for us. And let this be ourgreatefl cate, to derive and deliver Religion in all the fundamentalsthereof, in as good plight andcondition to our tons, aswe received it fromourFathers O letus leave Gods houle as tenantable as we found it, let it not be laid, that wewillingly let the fair FabrickofFaith and good life to run to ruine in our, fo that thenext Age may juflly fue us for Dilapadations. Whenour Saviour Paid unto his Difciples, Mat. z6. ar. verify I fay ants you, that one ofyou (ballbetray me, theywere ekceeding forrowfrsl, andbegan everyone of them to /al unto him, Lord id it I ? yea 7udat himfeiflagging at laflwith hit, Is it I Lord 1 and was returnedwith, Thoufaiff it. . Thusat the lafl day of judgement (hallall generations be arraignedbefore Gód; BrtA .,,17., ,.yo gs, ;Qá 4¢. - 4.r.; ,gaö