Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

TheVghtéotts Matii Sèrijici Hevvas a tender Father,andfaithful Friend,witnefs the many volunteer mourner:, (an unufual proportiomifor a perfonof his quality) vvho at their ovvn charge have habited themfelves, that the outward fadnefs of their cloaths might exprefs the in, vvard forrovv of theirhearts : Hevvas an excellent Mafter,having bred manygood vvorkmen in his Vocation, and! hope they mill prove good husbands too. Let. me add, he vvas an excellent fubjeft ; for according to that vvhich his confcience (vvith many others ). conceived to be loyalty : he loft much of, and hazarded all his &ate. . . Laftly and chiefly, hewas a goodSaint, having more piety than he thawed, and as daily he confumed in his body, he vvaaftrengthened in his foul in Faith through Chrift, vvhereofhe gavemanyteftimonies before, towards, and at hisdeath. What fhall I fpeak ofhis parts ofNature,fo far above his education and profetrion;that he might have part for a Scholar among.Scholars, for hisvvit andpleafant egpreffions: But God novv hath madehim hisfree-nian, andpaidhim hisvvages forfo well fer- ring his Generation: , , Air 0: 4,',.'' .;...- ery, ,i4V,A:. j .4k GA. , H, hhh __