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600 The CrownofWighteoufnefr. If we take them in the former fenfe, thenfrom the firfl particular, The Perm ;. Magalianus, , The note of h c A lotion is oppoute, Stus Paulus Dux fuit, & anteg names es- :ad Loc. rum quapracipicbett ; That we look at Saint Pam/ as an exemplary leader to all his fucceffors, (though indeed not in anApofholical Latitude, yet ) in the office, and work it fell of the Miniftry9 praélically firff doing what he would have others to obferve,in, and about the difpcnfation of the Gofpe! i Ice Phi1.4. 9. And this was our Savioursown Conde, `t. i. t: Hebegan to do and Teach, firíl iodo, and then to Teach ; its notedby Barradius upon thatPropbcße, lfa. 9.6. which had relation to our Saviour,itwasfaid,The Government íhoold be upon hisfhoulders; intimating, that himfeif wouldfirfh bear in his ewn perfon, what he intended to im- pofe upon others,to wit, in things capableof Imitation ; even as hefaid unto John eaptifl, when he tendefd himfeif to be Baptizedofhim, and he in an hunble re- nuence grew flay, as deeminghimfelf unworthyof fo greatan Honour,. Mat.3. 15. Suffer it to be fo now, faith he, for thus it becometh us tofulfil all Tiighteoufnefs; Bee eft enim fufficia, ut good alterumfacer° veles, prior ipfe encipias, & two ali. i S..fmbrof. ia. as horteris exempla, as Saint i Ambrofeexpounds the words ; This was righteouf- Luc, nefs, that is, anequal, and juft thing, that whatthou wouldefthave another to ob- ferve, and do, thou thy Pelfíhouldfl firthexemplifie in thine own aEhions fuitably; whereunto was that ferious advife of Saint Paul unto his Son Timothy, Tim. 4. 16. Take heed unto thy felf, andonto thy Doílrine,far fo thou /halt bethfavethy felf, and theft that hear thee ; where the chicfefh heed was to be given to himfeif: Tru- &SaintGre3.- ly fpake k Saint Clregory, cum Imperio docetur, quad prim,' agitier, quam dicatur, Job" Then (hall we with_Authority fpeak what we do, when we do whatwe fpeak: But this is a Difcourfc fitter for a Vifitation, than a Funeral; were it not,that it is at the obfequies offilch a worthy Divine, ( for vvhom eve novv perform this lafk Chri(hiangood allies ) vvhofepradice hereinyeasan accurate Comment upon the vvhole fpeech. . Faint the fecond and thirdparticular, (in this acceptionofthe vvords) its obvia' oat to every apprehenfion, that the vvork of the Miniflry is a Fighting, yea, a continual Warfare : foBruno, and vvith him l Effiencetat oblerves, that vvhere the Verband Subftantive run in the fame terms, one conducing to, the other toperfed. theEnipheus of the expreffion, there is evermore a . [Frequency] òfthatA& im- plied I fhould, but caft drops into the Ocean, to endeavour a large proof offo Clear aTruth : Wbilfh 21Loah, both by his Lips atad by his hands, (in to building theArk) vvas a aPreacher ofRighteoufnefs, inthe old vvorld, vvas it not thus? Mar. at. 37. vvhilfh the fpiritof, God (in his Mininery) o flrove vvith the obfhinatecorruptions rinfigoum cum. ofthatvvicked vvorld, vvhat afperfions, vvhat oppoftions, vvhat mifuages,and aba- tmdiciblte.Tcrt' fure had theprophçtsin their dayes, being p derided, traduced, gmifufed,infulted de CfixCme cap on, even for the Confcientious difchargeof their Funolion ? the precious Sons of as, SiancomparabletctfineGsold, hovevveretheyef>teemedasearthenPitchers,thevvork Ili. 2.13. of the hand ofthe Potter ? Lam. 4, z. And,vvhoknovvs not the exat2accompliflí- luGric.Bifirop meratof old Simebns.Prophecyofour Saviour laimfeff, 'Luke z. 34. Hove he veas let x <U in Para' for;a:figis, vv,hich veas and Ihould be r fpoken agaíníl, «s "wK., a,snief.,, fora phi. Pifeator e'ybrand¡cut frgn,of.contradishfon, . he fhould be as a commonmark, vvhereat the arrovvs ofre- Luca,. proach (hall be fully Ihot t Ofall the Holy Apollles its noted, 1 Cor. 4.13.' They :Confer. inadeas the filth of the world, and the t off-fcouring of all things continu- eüy JSrsr bi<tav, fignifieth that rejedament,which is fcaped from the dirty pavement L3t0:,;.usr Cadywhence,theaho ,gather defilement ; and_4 9áçtrrtm, it being a word dlscarComp.ofttiolts carries with it thegreater Emphafis, and denotes thepointed rakings of the flreets, fit for nothing but thecommon Dunghil ; Info low a flats us Cor,s. 20. afals$c6hion,.and in fovile an efteemwere thole very is AmbaffadorsofHeaven, a- re A' 2' 40' mong an AtheifficaLand tocrooked generation : our very Apoflle here profeffeth, Phi !7..:11.11i1 .1 Or:r . z. Tbke he' oil ht seam bea s at E hens, 3 3 f P f °msx "°`°, which tome -Would-havemeantLiterally, ofhis being dilaniated, and rent inhis body (asmany %Mt, in .!- ' PrimitiveChrifhdans Were in the firfl Cruel times of raging perfecution) by wild tologtt. ¡ :; alts p'' towhichs2's ero, that Dedic4ter Damnationes, x as Tertullian flyles him, .ys Tim.4. if. being himfeifa Lyon, was Wont Tyrannically to can the bodies ofthe Chriflians; r But t E%ptne,eus ad Loe. n a Pet.a.s. o Geo.6. 3. hr. 20. 7. y z Chron.ió t6