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6o2, The Cramof Righteoufnefr. appointed time, is by many tranflated a warfare,. which was hinted.toAlvin the firft Gen. 3. ss' /enmity between the two feeds ; after again,inEfauand 3Rcob m ftrugling together "'liens'.". in the faine womb; andto thiseffeftis that fpeech of our Saviour,lcamenot tofind n Mat.'o'3q,35 Peaceon the Earth, butWar, Divifion n and variance, namely, between Grace and Corruption ; which was experimented mightily in the breaft of this our Apoftle, when the Law inhit Members rebelled againfl the Law ofhis Mind, R am. 7. z3. it was .éµs d.nregz461,91,es; a warring Law ; and elfewliere he faith, Thefief?, lufletb againff the f irit, as the Sprit luflethagainfl tt e Jlefü, Gal. 5.17. and to the fame pur- pofe alto Saint James, Chap. 4. i..:From whence come wars, and fighting: smong, you ? Come theynot hence, evenofyour Ludy" that War inyour Members? Surely Contention comes from Corruption ; Ice likewife, i Tet. Z. u. Now, I might here take occafion to treat of the Doltrine of the fpirituaI War- fare, and purfuing the Metaphor, prefent you with tholeSeveral things that concur to make up a compleat Battail ; as I. A Bickering, and encounter it fell, IVtfi eS:Cypt.lib.dc praceferit pugnanonpotefteffeVibloria, as Saint o Cyprian, there cannot properly Mortal. c. A. be Paid tobe a Vi&ory,where never was a fighting,'delicara ja(iatio eft,ubi periculuns non eft, its but a fond,or effeminate kindof!malting ofa Conqucft,where never was danger. z. In a War theremuilbeEnemies, with whom to encounter, quisenim certatnijinimicum habit ? faith Profper,there cannot be a Contention,where there is not an Adverfary . Now in this Warfare, the great and the grand Advorfayis the Devil, who, with an it.xh, is ftyled d ¿"h'.s, The Adverfary, t Pet. 5.8. Sam. 4.7. He is as the chief Champion, the World an and the Flefh as tinder him. Stint triaqua tentant Hominem, Mundur, Caro, Damon. And in relation to the Several Temptations of each ofthefe,Schoolmen have given them diftinftnames,or Titles,beingcalled bythem,either Obrepentes,orAfcendentes, or Immiffe : Thofe which are from the World Seem full of flattery,and creep one after a fort, infcnfibly, and deceive us ; Thofe from the flefh afcend,as it were out ofourfelves,therefore themoredangerous, becaufe the lets preceptible, they being fo pleafing to Corrupt Nature, and a fell -Snare : Thofe from the Devil are fent from without, with more vehemency, therefore called RÉas, Darts, r Ephef. 6.36. becaufe tail into a man; for in very deed theDevil p knows no mans Heart, only deals, at fiat, ( till after further erpericnce ) by Conietfure ; afl which (if I had time) it were cafie to enlarge upon. .3. In a War, there muff be Armes,and weapons ; and tofurnifhourfelveswiththefe,we havca full Armoury, or panoply in the Holy Scriptures; The whole armour of Godwehavefor all forts ofWeapons, whether OffenfiveorDcfenfivc, in Ephef.6.13,14, &c. 4. There be policies, or firatagems in War ; meansto circumvent, difappoint, over-reach, over-throw the Enemy,&c. Thefe, and many the like,are the parts to makeup this fpiritual warfare :: all which muff of neceffity, (if , as it ought to be fpoken to fully) will ingrofs more time, than I have left to go through withmy other burr- nefs. Wherefore, waving that fo copious a Theam,at this prefent ; I proceed onnow tothe fecond general part of my Divifion, which is theRemuneration, or reward of Sàìnt Paula fidelity in the difcharge of his truff, in the Difpenfation ofthe Go( pel ; Henceforth is laid upfor me aCrown ofR.jghteoufnefì, &c. Much. (but that I fludyBrevity) might be Said ofthe Dignity of thisreward, it being ftyled, aCrown ; and largly alto I might difcourfe of the certainty thereof proved, and affuredly to be made "ood, partly from the promife of God, ofthat y zThcf.3.3 q faithful God, who is ever rmindful of it,andnever difappointeth a truebeliever of Y Plat. m s. P f promifeth, h as fo performance, namely, Eau4o. io. Behold, the LordGod will Rd). . io.so. come witha (lrotrghand, and hisam»Shallrulefor him, behold his reward is with him. See allo Ifa. 6z. n. and Pfal.3r.19. ThePfalmif' feemeth, after a fort, ravifsed, and in a kindofextafie, tranfported out ofhimfelf, inwonder at the meditation, O koiv great is thy goodnefs, which thou haft laid upfor them thatfear tore, which thou hàfl wrought for them thatcraft in thee, before thefonsof men ! And eifewhere, Pfal. 58. si. Verily there is a rewardfor the righteous, doubtlefr he isa god that judgeth in A