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TheCram oMahteoufneft. 603 inthe earth. And lieb. 6. to. God isnot unrighteous tó forget, &c. nor was everany mans labour (maugre the blalphemy of all thofe Infidels, e2.1a1.3. 14.) in vain in the Lord. 1 Cor. ,5. 58. See alto Rom. z. 7. And this is partly a11ò to bemade good for the meritoriousekpiationofthe Lord Cnrïft, the vertue whereofextend- ed not only to a deliverance from all pain and mifery, which he purchafed, by his Patron ;. butalto to the openinga way to everlafting happinefs, by his all glorious Kefurreftion, andAfcenlon, Rjn,.8. ;z, z Per, a u. joh.14. z. And Iallly,this maybe colleited likewife from theprefent afllis Lions ofGods fcrvants, x Thef. t. 5. for elfe, as the prefent cafe nowRands with them,theyare in this life ofall men else aloft miferable, 1 Cor. 15.19. Now, the Schoolmenhave reduced the fumofall the future Blcffednefs, and Re, ward,untotwo main heads,which they Rile,Dotos Corpora; is it were,the Dowries of the SoulandBody,bothwhich,as they have been fharers inobedience,fo hall they alto be in the Compenfationof thejuft reward.ThofeoftheSoul arethere 1. The clear Viuion of God,which they fay is,ratanierces,beholding him t face " 10.3. i- d face, namely, fo faras a finite Being ( for fo our Humane Nature continues í1í1l; r ` C°r' `t ti. though glorified) maybecapableto apprehend of that Majefty,which is Infinite; in this advanced condition, the Soul ( which is here clogg'd, and drolly, andmuch prxgravated by the Body,fubjeft to corruption) fhall beatifically fee God,as he is, in the full fplendor ofhis immortal glory ; whereas beneath, it feeth only in part, andkno weth but in part,nor.can the greateft partofour fublunary knowledge,make upthe kalt partofour Ignorance; the difcoverythat we have no w of Heaven,is but me winCli9ini, as by retie&ion from a glafs Darkly,beingchangedinto the Image ofGod, by degrees, from one glory to another, zCor.:. 18. but then, all clouds !hall be difpelled, the Intelle&ual eyes fully cleared up into a perfeft and bright ferenity, and withal enjoy a fweet obleftation, Conteutation and Delight accom- panying that inexprefltble and blifsful Vifion. z. In thewill, perfe& fruition of the Divine glory, tendon, and (for the meafure of the Creature) Comprehenfion,acompleate aflimilation, and lìkenefs to that glori- ous Majefty,inHolinefsand Righteoufnefs;In tholenew Heavens dwelleth nothing but righteoufnefs, z Pet. 3.13. 3 In the whole Soul, Joy unfßeakableandfull ofglory, t Pet.3. tg. IntheBody, i. impafrbility, it is not, nor can be fubje& thereto any Ach,Ague,or Pain,no dif- contenting ór agonizing vexations whatfoever, All Tears /ball be wiped awayflame our eyes, Rev.7,r7. z. Agility, expeditequicknefs,free from all mannerofLumpifli ponderofrty, or defatigation whatfoever ; Yea, moreover perfeft Charity, and. glorious fplendor, filch as the Sun it felf, in its full Brightnefs partakesnot of: Here below the Beauty of the Saints is shadowed, and much clouded, partly by the interpofitionofHypocrifie(Copper oftenpaflingbefore weakeyes for Gold, Formality for Reality) eelipfing that u na.se,,.-i:y and frmplicity which would both; a a Cm. r: r s. wadorn the Gofpel, andgrace the purity ofprofefron : partly altoby aflli&ions,to mTtt. z. to. which thegodly arexappointed in this life, where Chr,flianus, is quali Crucianue, a AFL, a 4.21. and thaty Baptifm ofBlood,and Sufferings is made the chara&er of.atrue Believer,as y Mat.ao,za. thatof Water is ofan outward vifible Member of the Church: And partly alto by Corruption, which like fprigs, or lockers fprouting forth even under the choyceil arafs,will fomctimesbe (hewingof itfelf in the .defe&ionofour bell: a&ions,yea,in ffonie particulars ofxExorbitancy; fo that whereas, in thefefeveral regards, the 23am..1. Beautyof theSaints is much obtenebrized,and obfcured,yet then(hall they a Rhine Gal' 6't. forth,adii.y,Pt, ds àatp, even as the Sun from out ofaCloud,in full clarity,and re- fulgent glory which was przfigured,afterafort,in that Reining transfiguration of aPhil. ;.ai. our Saviour upon the Mount, Mat. 17. When the vifion was fo.gliftering, and re- fplendant, that Peter couldhave been contented, (though but from that glimpfe of glory) to have ere&ed a b Tabernacle, for a farther fightand Contemplation, he 6 Mar.í74. found it fo fweet, that it was good tobe therelonger. 3. Lally, To all this maybe added Immortality, as the Diamondfct inthe ring of allthe reft,their Mortalityhath put on Immortality,the Body never more, after it iscloathed upon therewith; being fubje&unto Corruption,Dcath it felfis thenftruckdead,and fwallowed upin a final I i i i Viáory