606 TheCroinófAighteoujnefs. x,ci, aeaipiead., Dominion, as he fpcaks, urge and prefs the Lord upon his word, fo we read thé fd yaod e, ara,ae Church under aftlietion did, jcr.,14. Zr. . Rjmember, break not thy Covenants with prom.eiende,Jie at gomode pepma, US ; compare herewith, Neb. i. 8. Deut,9.5. Others more direftly giveua this an- p".." (wet ; :Eternal life ; is in refpeft of us, ;tae.::: a meer Gratuity, or free gift; %ram ar diea- TVdde fixed But in refped ofthe perfonal merit ofChrift, it's a reward ofjuftice ; The Lord propft},,ga,af<, Chrift Jefus having purchafed unto all his true Believers, by his Humiliationand f;;:,' bo. J j Obedience, this Crown oftheir Imputative righteoufnefs, how imperfeét forver ts, ga,tab,ra"- their ownperfonal Righteoufnefs was : And from this title of theLord, his being .,iav,¡;, Nondi a righteous Judge, ' all his faithful Servants may affuredly reft upon the Infallibility <iqx, Uro, Reade, ya;aaee.p¡r:, fed of the rewardof their Service and Fidelity, 11th the Lords own word; Equity and dde, rx ap. faithfulnefs is ingaged for it ; furely he is faithful whoath promifcd, Hrb. so. 23. FFi Cron. Dietetic. nor can he fail or deny himfelf, z Tim. z. t3. Yea, he himfelfis ourthield andour DP. 9. poa exceeding great reward ; Gen. r5. r. and indeed in enjoying God, we enjoy all Ttin, is Fine appinefs, and foul-fatisfying Contentation t wherefore it's not impertinentlyob- (creed by the Hebrews, that in the Effential Name of God +a' all the Letters are Litera quiefcentes, Letters ofReft, to denote, and without God there can be no folid joy, or quietnefs of Soul, which will frill be toffed in a kindof refilefs incon- f3ftency, tilt it do indeed terminate atlatt in him ; which made that man, fo much after Gods own heart (as its a flame of fervent zeal) experimentally to put the que- kion, Pfal. 73. z5. Whom have I in Heaven but thee ? and there is none rsponeartb that I defre befides thee. The next particular that falls under my conudcration is the time ofdonation, when this Reward is to be aftually conferred,exprefíed tobe [in that day,and at the Lords appearing.) srm:4 t. & There s fatter times, into which the t ends of the world are fallen, abounding (as e 7t°' 3''' men in old age with variety of so hancies, have given us oecafion to enquire, etcor.to.,t. ) Y 1? g q n uxaea, fn:. what dayof the 'Lords appearance it is, which is here meant ? whether it be the p°"`"' great and w nòtable day of the x laft general Judgement ; or elfe offome other r5ar,f ced'on, manifekation of the Lord Chrift upon earth , before that lak day of all doll au ABa.zo. come ? .. x Job.. 6. 6 3 , 4° There are flame (otherwife abundantly knowing) -whole wits have herein pro: 39, +4. yeamore wanton, than their judgement folid, whofcapprehenftons have led them 'to -conjefture,if not CO believe an appearance ofthe f,ord'Chriftperfonally,in a way ofreign and triumph, - tobemanifekedupon earth a thoufand yearsbefore thelak day of the General Judgement : fuch, in the Greek exprellionare called Chilies, yVid Aug at .o. and by the Latines, y cAfillenaries Game have fetched the name, and conceit. fo D,Ci..Dd r. 7. hip!: as from x Cerinthus, a Blafphemous Heretick, even in the day es of the A. 6 e rhairemfaa. r.aG. `'' oftles themfelves; who daringly avouching the Lord Chrilt to be no more than.a p Aug, D. Hera meer man, and born after the cótnmon way of humane generation (which gas's occafion toSaint John, that foaling a Eagle, to write that his fo fublimc Gofpel, ant6.isc.,ti. g uJQcx. Eaetì. wherein, in the very b entrance of it (He proves his Divine Nature) Hègave out a ae E w.. thatafter the refurreftign, there thoutdbein the greatCity ferufalem, an outward t. e Jah: . . ,a,&c, wayofpomp, and á kind ofvoluptuous indulgence to corporatvanitiçs anddelights during the term ofa thoufand years-; which opinionhe was thoughrto have luck- ed from the breafts of theJewish Synagogue, thatpeople miftaking thenature and e Mat. so. sr. quality of Chrifls cKingdom, thinking it to beafteranexternal glory, and not (as Afk. °e. it is indeed) coddling dwithirì, in the foul, after -a e fpiritual manner, ruling and t.o et. raigning over the fpiritual part of man : but this Blafphemer being exploded, and qom. tqm. .17 b. g ovp cryed down by all thePritp tive-Orthodox Fathers, and Chriftians, as the Hiftories of thofeTimes inform us. The next, who molt Clearlyfpeakof it,or was,indecd,fuppofed the firftwho more f E.¡6. 3.e.36. diréftiy vented the opinion, was one - Tapia: Bifhop ofH[eropolis; as fEufebiusaa Leal. nit, quaints us, a manof a weak and (lenderjudgement, who if not utterly rtegicfting, yet but[lightly valuing the Authorityofthe Holy Scriptures,pretedidcd for his con, céit; Apoftolieal'Traditions and by reafon of the venerable name ofAntiquity, it rJ in.uar,os is nottobe denied, but thatfotneoftheancientFathersreceived -tometangofthe n °a' Cony T" fameo inionfrom hint, as ma be feat, colleted ofg fsJton Martyr, and inthá ?bonJad.pag.a 39 it Y cn Cnd