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The Crownof Aiohteoulnef.r. 6o7 endof Trajanc time h Apollinarucl,i T rtrrllion (toornuch mi1-led by Alontane and hBaü fa Aiiii (LAilantius) who were in part fpiced with this Millcnarifine; fo perilous a thing,it " H, ° , ran ? proves to the Stipine,and out ofa feureor carelcfsdif-regard,to gaffer Humane Tra- argatft, o.,,d: dition to;become aDiotrephes,andto havethedpreheminence above the infallibility ?' PP.r t t. of the undoubted Scriptures ; which fatted, and unerring written Word of God ; advcic cloth hold forth (asofcertain credibility infpired by the Divine,and firft veritythat Marc. o kt4a nr. 1 can never deceive) no Inch deartrnth, that the Lord Chrift !hall in Perfma before he General R.efurreetion, comevifbly, and corporally upon the earth, and as by a caner r: m firft refurredtion caufc all thofc who died n in, andfor him, toarife, and with him' (1 EP ill a peaceful tranquility, and glory to reign, and to bear fway over the wicked, as m RC. 10 o; Vaflds, for a thoufand years ; which date of time being expired, immediately(hall ; j h. çN. d enfue the General ILefurredtion, and the day of the lift Judgement. No fuelsevi- ro, cow. T0.11. dential verity is demonitrated in Holy Writ,as ofAbfolutc Necefftty to be believed p'seeeBdin Hdt unto falvation : But whatfoever,is alledgedout ofthe prophetick Scriptures for the to nts'kevnmlon ftablifhing of thatopinion,is to be underftood,either of the firftcomingofCh rift in ssfo`At`d' `d"' the flefh,or of the fiate oftheN. T. us general; orelfe,ofthe glorious-eftate of the D. rr,d. Church triumphant to be expected hereafter lactic eternal kingdom for ever in form. òo :' pet. Heaven, as o Gerard judicioufly : I have not time to alledge, or you patience to h hear, on this octagons the feveral Texts cited by the Chiliafls, orof the Orthodox ; many reverend, and renowned Divines have eared us all of that labour Dieter, lee it p t elsefelt. fuflice, at theprefcnt, to take notice; from ourSaviours own lips, that his ICingdont a.r eP 6 r ¡snot of this world, John t8: 36. but witkin us, Luke 57. 21. and FromHeaven ; and I`e°aVO befides, we find, inour Creed(which is founded on the Scriptures,andmay inevery cons. Anabapo article thereof be g proved by them) we find,I fay, in our Creed,mentiou madebut j áñuno,`;,: of two vifible comings ofChrift, thefirlt in r Humility to fuffer,. and to be judged; q An. s. of me the other, at the end of the world (but not before)- in the s glory ófhis Father, to !chg t'ffiióea. t judge the world, both quick and dead in rightegtlfnefs ; and. unto them that look; Aran at, s. forhim, faith the great Apoftle, fit heappear, thg[xfecon4J time, without fin, "A7r., thatis, without fuffering anymore psafacrtfice for fàn unto falvation, Heb.B. 28. :Tints Leaving then thofc MillenarianconjeL ores to filch, as abound with leifure ref" r e.,.4 r We in the foliddetermination ofOrthodox, andflable judgements, who refolveby ßóóe ttÿteáñ,i theday, and by the appearinghere mentioned in this text, to bemeant the laft great 6f4 óaln daft, of the general Judgement, according to that Scripture, .ïçls 17.31. and the isga ptee<hed Lord Chrift his fecund corning ;Tan that day, in 1 gloriusMajefty,uuto thejudg- .oW.pa. ment ofall the world ; fo that however ; thgfe who e. labour in the Word and W =ra.a.t. *Mar. apt Doétrine, meet often with fo great di fcouragemençs, that they Teem to labour all in x Tim. s. vam, and FJond thew flrength for notts;hr, as the Prophet [peaks, 446.4. yet furely LMn. z their 7udgenrent is wall the Lord, and their work: that is, the reward of their work . is with the Lord; his goodnefs is laid up for them ; O howgreat ! [fol. 3s. 19. la the mean ilme,leti be our delight and contentment that wrydo our Mailers work, not as byconflraint, but z, tat/knelt ; lith indeed filch a vertuous fernier ever carry- eth its own reward with it, as being a thing to be defired, and embraced for its own worth and certainly that fweet comfort, and,complaccncy that a righteous foul findeth in the fiuceredifeharge of this duty (withinits proper Ration) in con- fcience of {'sod, is infinitely inure valuable than all the a treafures the earth can a tiéfï..è.01. afford vdithoureit;. only, as the 1.fushandman, wq may not anticipate the (Caton of the I-Iarveft; ttatwe snuff b wait, and then in due time,we ¡hall reap,if we faint not, 'J' ; > Gal. 6.9. Heb. to. 36, 37. and w hen the reward aCtuaüycomcth,it(being fo large), willabúndhnflÿ recgmpence all our work, yea, end.all our patience too; lidiihr manner gf tt.wçll be the more inanifcft, and confpicuous before all f that great day, , when a all, ofall forts; both great and (mall, fhall, upon the general gammons, Band ¡' Áev.id. d. before the laft Tribunal, and'tlaen upon the appearanceof the Chief Sbepkeard, we fha;vreceivo aÇroivwpf Glory tbat.fadetb not away. s Per. j. 4. - Hereof S. Paul had a particular af(urance in his o,vnperson , when he faith, Henceforth to loodop for [ me 3 aCrown of evtshteoxfefs, and if for him, why may it not be alto poffiblefor others to be in like manner alfured of the fame, efpeciallp provided,that we are fuch as do lovehis appearing ? This