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S Nature's Good-night. ,Juuelan.Sat... T&,it 3. 8. Sam. 13. a8. taras nobifcuoi . ft, hifaris ca- navit,& inteo- tas mane eft martinis Andra- goras.Mart.1 á. EPitt. 35. Sea Job se. v. 13, 14, .S. Herod,Ads r t. `.l Adri:ui the 4rh. DeTrinit. 1.3. Rawl. Hirt.;9. t Tim. 6. 1 T. Job 14. 14. Mark 13. 33. Hippac. $omnum à deo fallam nun fu- lam ad corpora reereatianem, fed otiam ad anima libe ta- tem. Stai. exec. x86. Luke t5.4: - -Dam bibimue, duns ferta, unguents, pullets Pofcimus, obrepit non intel tad fenellua. In the enidfl of life we are in death, and in amoment go down to thegrave, Job zr, r 3. Sometimes the Womb becometh the Tombe, and prepofteroufly we die before we are born; fometimesthe Child-bed proves the Death -bed, as to. Eli's daugh- ter-in-law ; and fo are we Parricidesin the birth, and Murcherers from the be- ginning. Sometimesthe Wedding - Cheers ferve for the Winding- íheees, as to Rapids [even font-in law, and to Sophonifba, who called the bitternefs of Death in the fweets ofthe Marriage-bed. SometimesDeath meets us at the cable; Ammon is kill'd when his heart was merry with Wine : and not feldom da men pour in others healths, till they are:forced to vomit up their own lives. He that con quered the world, was overthrown with a Goblet of Wine, Aadragorar bathes, and Cups, and (ports it with his friend*at night, and is dead. in the morning. So Holofernes being funk with Wine, is drowned in Blood : Death may felze- us in the treachery of a Salutation, fo Joabcomplements with Abner, and 7udae betrays our Jefus with a Kip. Nay Deathmay meet you at the Sanéluary of life, for the fame Joab was fain at the Altar, and an Emperour was poyfoned in the Sacraments Lot's Wife looked back, and never more looked forward t a King was killed' by a Loufe, anda Pope choked with- a Fly. The accidents of every day difcover the certainof this unce rtainty, -- That man kaoweth not his time, Ecclef. 9. Iz. The ufe of this Sc. Bernard and Ruperteu give4s, lit Temper folicitum reddat, the uncertainty of Sleep by Deathlhould beget acertain watchfulnefs in Life : a Watch more jealous than befieged Cities keep, when they have their ears open to all alarms, and eyes open to each approach and fiugle motion of the enemy. Parmenio greatly wondered to fee Alexander feep when Darfur was in view with* 84 hundred thoufand men in arms, all ready to difputea title to the Per- fan Empire in Arbela's barrail. How much more of amazement may it raife in us, to fee the drowle world fo fleepy in the very jaws of more, and more cruel fpiritual enemies ? When not our eftate, but fouls are on the 'hazard; When the Kingdom (not of Perfa)but of Heaven, depends upon the welfareof this pre- lent. Can we fee our Neighbours taken and beaten by Death,' even before the Judgment Seat of God, as unconcern'd, as9.oIli9lookedon Sofbtnes, and cared for none of thofe things, Alls 18. 17. Shalt the Harbingersof death, Aches,In- firmities, and Changes, feire on us, yet we not hear the found of their Matters fret behind them, z Kings 6. 32. 'Twas Ephraim's fault to have gray hairs here and there, and know it not, Hof. 7. 9. But it was Jacob's wildem by the fall of his leaf, to judge theapproachof his winter. Shall the fecond coming of Chrift to Judgment in Fire, find the world as fecure as his fill coming to judgment in Water, Luke 07. 27. forbid it Religion; finer Death waits every .day to change us, let us as 70b, All the days of our appointed time wait till our change come. Let us not fleep as do others ; bat watch and pray, for ye know not when the time U. Death as a Bafilisk kills with his fight, butif forefeen by man, he dies himfelf : If we apprehend Death before itapprehendus, wekill Death by dying ; For a man prepared for death, is mot ded butfeeptth. 3. Their third parallel is in their advance and extent of their invafion, which is no farther than the body. Corpore dormiente anima infomnis agit. Sleep captives the body only, and makesno conquefton the foul. The Body fetree'd by flap upon the bed, the Soul in herimaginativecharrior is tranfported in an un- bounded liberty, converting with the far remore, the dead, Angels, and not feldom with Godhitufelf. Thus Death in any Ihape conveyed, cif in the dole infinuacion ofa penetrative Payton, or in the open violence ofa clamorous Canon, or by what inftrument foever the wit of Cruelty did ever invent, yet can it but kill the body, but not able to kill the foul; Matth. ró. a8. thatit is an immortal fubftance,breathed by God