Jature's 'good-night. .9 God into man w make him a living foul, Gen. z. 7. and when man becomes a dead body breathed out again to God, Eccl. 12. 7. The delft /hall return to the earth ae it woe, and the fpirit to God that gave it. Sachan's contmiff¡on terminated in the body, Yob a. 6. and the foul is not left in the grave, Pfal. t6. so. Upon this account Death in the ancient flileiocalled a Sacrifice; wherein the earthy part falls down to afhes on the earth, and the fpiritual climbs heaven-ward in the a6tive flame. Why elfe did wife and piousmen commend their fouls into the ! 'Ached of God as a faithful Creator, as the eff ]efus, and the leader of the Army of Martyrs, but chat they are in a fate and central life ? For he is not the ça of the 'dead, brit of the living, Matth. 23. 32. Have ye not feen the Sun dart forth a beam (a little Child of Light) and annon to fuck it in again ? And isnot that beam as (afeand lively in the body of the Sun, as when it was difplay'd in the air? So when God fends forth a foul into us and again calls back that foul to him(elf, is not that foul as fafe in the hand of 'God as it was in the body of Man ? He muff have forfeited both Faith and -Reafon that dares deny it. David implies no mean danger of death, when he Pays, My futile in my hand; Pfal. i 19. I tag. but when hecommends his foul into thehands of God Pfal.3 t.5. he is fafe as the eternal life: which certainty of eternal life after death Sr. Pant hath confirmed by affixing is to the condition of Chrif}s foul after the Re- furreetion. Chrifi died for no, that whether we wake or fleet we f>onld live to gether with hies. Not fleep, but live, that is, do 'the arils of a living fpirit. Tell me, was e/lbel's foul (lain with his body ? whence then the voice of his blood, which is the .receptacle of a fpirit ? were they -(as the Italian threatned his enemy) run through body and foul, who were (lain for the Word of God? Rev. 6. 9. flare then they could never have cryedwith a loudvoice for vengeance, ver. so. If Sr. Paul upen his diffolution could not have. been with Chrif}, it had been far better not to have been diffolved, Phil. a. 23. . And if in this life one!, ive have hope, we are of as 'men moli miferable. The Mifer and the Epicure (who have their portion in thislife, Pfal. 17. 14.) arenot only thewirer, but the hap- pier people : But ridendi font, faith jerom,they are to be derided, I think rather much to be lamented, who to continuea beaf}lylife, think they (hall end in the deathof a beat}, foul and body all at once. No; e,l y` 4oxa, life and foul areinfe- parable; and though the foul may for arimebe abfént from, yetnever excinguithed with the body: but when Curti} calls, all our (pities (as hers in the text) (hall re- turn, Her fpirit Mils living, it cameagain, V. 55. If yettherebe any foul fo brutifh, fo (winifh, that after the fatisfaCtion he may receive from the' writings of Heathens, the diótates of Reafon, and authority of Scripture, will yet wilfully deny the deathlefnefs of the Soul; I confefs with Pineda.Cans hoc non verbie -fed rifle agendum the bef'e confutation of fuch a one is to pur him to death, that he may in hell confefs with horrour, what on earth he denyed with plaifancie. But if theirbe any (park of Ingenuity within us, let me kindle it into an affent by that are which Alamandurue a King of the Saracens, ufed tò confute the Eutycheen Herefie,.. This Herche held that the'Divine Nature of Chrif} (offered Death upon the Crofs together with his Humane ; and this Heretic much pet}eyed his Court. He to fupprefs it, gave free liberty to.a publick Difpute; but before hand appointed a Poll to be difpatched to him with a packet: in the mid} of the difputation break- ing the letters, and reading himfelf into a fadnefs, the Court-faílion that were Hereticks defired the rea(on; he fadly tells them, this packet came from heaven, with theheavier} news could fall on his nation ; for,faid he,&lichael the Archangel and our Prince is dead.' The Hereticks tell him that one or other had impofed on him: for-fay they, Michaelis an Angel, and Angels are Spirits, andSpirits are immorcal,theynever, die. Oh !. replyed the Kiag,if Angels çannot die, flare God who is a Spirit cannot die, and fo furprized them into an acknowledgement of the truth. So fay I, Souls are Spirits and therefore cannot die. Bbbbb Awake si anima ignie efi,in catuna de- lift enter ne ex- ndieu,amoreklite ? tem. Laa. 1. a. Luke z . C. Aft! 7. 56., t Thef. g. 13. Gen. 4. to. s Cot. ¡g. 19. . See Coupe Holy Court. Maxim r6. inEcciet.eaa. -