Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

Deliverancefrom the Icing of Fears,&c. Beloved, many times tee lite of Gem tcrvancs is uncomtortablo to them, becaufe ( for foam of thofe reafons I havefpoken of before) they are afraid of Death, and .hey apprehend itnot with comfort, and this they do, becaufe they fee not theIoterefi they have in better comforts then Death can take from them ; t have the rather there- fore [poke thisof her, that you may take notice of it and apply it to your (elves. end to conclude, make this ufe ofall, to grow more humble, and watchful, and holy, to (Irengthen Faith more, and by dying daily, to prepare more for Death : For Faith is the re6tified apprehenfion of things e Death is not fo fearful as you chink it is, you lofe not fo much as you chink you lofe. Nay again, becaufe this trouble, and this fear difhonourech God, therefore when God callethus to Death, he hideth there fears from us, as he did from the Servant of Chrift ac This time before us s though fhe were fearful before, yet the was exceeding comfortable all the time, when the apprehenfionof Death approached upon her, So it (hall be with thee, if thou be careful CO ufe the means to prepare for Death : Mind thou the duty that God enjoyneth thee in thy life,and leave the event and ilfue to him ; either he will olorifie himfelf by thy fears, or elfe he will glorifie himfelf by delivering thee from thy Rears.