attire's food-night. it fweet advantage, we reft in hope, that is, in hope to rife again, which is another I 16. g. agreement 'twist Sleep and Death. 5. The next agreement is in the expeltation of rifing again. This admits three obfcrvarions. 1. Men lye down at night with deign to awake on the morrow r fo we cake the beds Of the dead in the dark, and lay them down in fore and certain hope of refnrrd.lion to eternal life. Chrift was the firft-born from the dead, and myflfh !hall ref in hope, that he will deign me the priviledgeof a younger brother,rorife g, after him. Cur defperaba quad poterit in me, quid demon(revit in fe, propter me .e If Chrift whets lie was dead could raite himtelf, I doubt not bat' being alive he can draw me to him. It is an Article of my Creed, and needs no other expla- nation to invite belief, than what our Church faith, it may be proved by moll certain warrants of holy Scriptures : yet to fatife thecurious queflionifi; St. Paul defcends to a natural illuflration of the anniverfary rcfurreó}iòn of a Corn-field r Cor. r 5. ;6, 37. and befools him that can fee each field bring forth the grain Town in it, yet think the Church yard is the onely barren ground, as if chofe bodies which are town in the Faith, and water'd°with the tears of the Church, fhallnot flourifh as an Herb, as Efay affirms, Ifaa.66. s.4. Andahat herbs may be awakened from their afhes to their former flourishing flare, is now no great Quotedby Mr, fecret in the Chymical Art, Pays Ceffare/. Gregory. This hope then may revive our fainting fpirits, that after a long fleece in the grave we (hail awake, (hake of the (hackles of the Tyrant Death, and rife in Pf4 17. t f. triumph. We have a lure word of prophetic for ir, Iwill renfome them from H-,lea i;, rq;' the poser of the grave, Iwill redeem themfrom death; O death Iwill be thy plague, O grave Iwill be thy deßrudion. Letnot the length of time afright you, for in death is no difference betwixt this young woman of twelve years old, and Wes old man of threefcore and ten ; all corn isnot Town at one feafòn; yet it is all ripe at harvefl: fo alfo is the refurredlion of the dead,'.they- '(hall arife both (mall and great. a. Secondly, Somnas of redintegratorvirium" Sleep doth not onely give refl- Terudi. to bodies, but refrefiment : the famebody indeed that (lept dothawake but not fuch as it was ; it lay down a worn, wearied, fpiritlefs trunk, but it awakes a fre(h, ad}ive, and fprighdybody. So alto is the refurred}ionof the dead, as Sr. Paul moll tnyfteroufly difcourf- ech, r Cor. r 5.42, 43s 44.' it is fown in Corruption, it is railed in Incorruption; it is Town in Di(honour, it is railed in Glory; it is Town in Weaknefs, it is railed in Power; it is fown a Natural body, it is railed a Spiritual body. In three ,words the Apoflle remarkschofe four cumberfomedefedls which le(fen the noble- nefs of this mortal life, and to each defe61applies a gracious date, which glorifies the life immortal 1. Thefirft is Corruption, which(ubje6ts thebody toDifeafes, the Gout, the Stone; and even to Death it Pelf, and toall chofe puni(hments which God lays on finful bodies. Againfl this is Incorrnption,- which is a flare free from all defedlivenefs or dil--' folution; no ficknefs, no death inheaven, no crying out or complaining in the ftreets of the new jerufalem. 2. The fecond is Diflhonour, that is, Decoris expert, uglinefs and deformity, Bev. a gate fo unfupporcable, that manyhave fhortned their days to hide their di(ho- nours in the grave. To this is oppofed Glory, a (lateof tranfeendent beauty ; ?be righteous.: fball Thineat the Sun in the firmament, Matt. 1;. 43. nay (when that gorgeous ':body of light (hall be a Cinder) glorifiedbodies (hall exceed that. fplendour (even-fold, Ifa. 30. a6. What an eza e} fyrinneìry and proportion (hall glorified bodies have when they arrive to the meafure.of the nature. of the fulnefs of Chrift I -what Ephef.4. 13. an outward fmoothnefs beyond the face- of mirrours! what an inward light fhining through a body of ehhryftal,-when it flail be raifed:iir the clarity, of glory ! Bbbbba _1. The