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zs .azure's Good-night. Phil. 3. sr.! Plat. in Lyeurg. a Cor. 1.4: Sea. is Her. fur. t Cor t f so. ' Aug. deverb. Apoji. fer.$3. ¡ 3. The third deft& accompanies the body is Weaknefs, a (late of fuch infir- mity, that men move flowly from place CO place and wax faint and weary : as Chrifl himfelf to Phew the weight of a mortal body, was wearied with his jour- ney, Sohn4.6. To confute this, it is railed in;Power, both of agility and celerity ; a glorified body treads light as an Angel, and can walkon the Sea, and climbco heaven in the foot-(ceps of a cloud, and move nimbler then thought, and penetrate folid bodies, and all without pain or faintnefs. 4. Whiles the body is here, It is a natural body, that is, a body that mull be maintained by eatingand drinking, andpreferved by propagationandgeneration, or elfe hunger, and thirfl, andwearinefs will deftroy rt. But in Heaven it is a Spiritual body ; the Inhabitants there hunger no more, nor thitfl no snore, Rev. 7. 16. and in the Refurre6tion they neither marry, nor are given in marriage (to propagate their like) brit are a; Angell, Mac. 22, 30. The inhabitant: {hall not fay I am lick, Ifa. 3 3. 24. No wearinefs there and all tears wiped away. Theft are the glorious improvements,to which the fleep of death tranflatesour vile bodies, snaking them like his gloriousbody : the privative bleflings are ine(ti- mable Jewels, freedomfrom difeafes : What would theygive for it, who (as that woman) (pend all on Phyfitians? A delivery from üglinefs: how preciouswere it to thòfe, that likeElephants, loath to fee their own face ; or as Kobel, ufe finful arts tomend them? Eafe from Wearinefs is of great price to Traveller. Lyfrnrachut gave himfelf, his Army, and his Kingdom, for one draught of water, to free himfelf from the tyranny of thir(t. If tobe unclothed of thefe miferies be fo valuable, hew ineflimable a bleffing is it to be doached upon with theft felicities! When mortality ie /wallowed up of life, and corruption bath put on interruption; that we poffefs for Sicknes Health, Beauty for Afhes, Agility for wearinefs, and Spirit for Nature; (-Nortale celo nonpotejljringi genus, Flefhandbloodcannot inherit the Kingdom of Gad: not fuch as is layen in the grave, yet the fame, and fuch as it is railed thence. Had I now fliepved a child a new gay coat, how cheerfully would his childifh wit have put off Isis old rags to be new clad I Had I but told him to morrow should be holy-day how willingly had he gone to bed ! yet notwithftanding this precious veftment (hewn you, how loth do we diveft our finful habits ! how unwillingly put off our corruptions! And though wehear of this flare of freedom and jubile in Heaven, yet, like the degenerous (lave, Exod. 21.5. we too plainly lay we will not go out free : nay, as he, we bringour ear to be bored, endure any hardfhip Faeito debilempede, maim, hand-gout, feet -gout ; Dam vitafaller- ell bone eji, fo as they live it mattersnot, though as flares for ever. Death I con- fefs is terrible, Qase eosins voltmori ? prorfsu new, themare Cbri/i was very fad at the approach of it : 'cis a going whether Nature would not, John 21. 18. But look beyond Death, draw by this black curtain, and fee what is behind it. Thus the fame holy Chrift, for the joy that was let before him, endured the troj;, and defpifed(home. So sheMartyrs cared not to bedelivered, that they might obtain a better refterreGion, Heb. t t. ;5. So woulda man enter into the chambers of Death, and lye down willinglyin thebed of the Grave, if heconldered, that then he isnot dead but fteepeth. ;. As a fleeping perfon is ea61y awakedby the fummons of aCock, the riling of the Sun, or force fudden noife ; DomIner tentafacilitate excitabit de fepeekhre quante too non exciiu dtrmienteméleko : The rifing of the Sun of rigbteoufnefs will awaken the dead bodies, as we havean effay, Mar. 27. 52, 53. Al that are in the grave /hall hear bee voice, and (hall come forth,John S. 28. friddenly, and eefly,ln a mmnent, . in the twinkling of an eye, at the la/i tramp; for the trumpet fbaJ found, and the dead /hail be raifd Incorruptible, r Cor. t5. 52. What (hould hinder it? not length of days; whether the body fleep longer than Endyarion, or leis while then a/ldam while Eve was forming, is nct confiderable to an agent