Aature's q°0d night. 13 agent that works not by time. Not the multitude, fince the Nations are but tfa. 404 1. as the drop et a Bucket to him : he that role out of his Pealed Sepulchre, without fo much ttoiïe as to waken the Watch, will unlock our marble Tombes, and call our bodies thence aseafily and indifcernably, as he made them in the Wombe; though our bodies were burled in the Sea, coffined in the maw of Fishes, con- fumed in flames to aches, though a Leg were loft here, and an Arm in Tartary; yet refblutiofit in Elementa, thou dolt but return to thedaft from whence thou cameft; from whence he may -as eafily fay, Come again ye children of men; as at ['fa'. 9o. ;. firft he did in the Creation. Nay, couldft thou fink to nothing, the Almighty Arm can as eafily make thee fomething, as at firft it made all thingsof nothing. Thus shall we at laft as infenfibly awake, as at firft we fiept, for how dead forcer a Corps appears to the judgment of Man, yet in thejudgment of God it is not dead, bat only fleepeth. Celle& all this, that Life is fhort and miferable, that Death is nniverfal, un- certain , yet reacheth but to the body, that it is quiet, cafe and peaceful; that the body !hall awake to a flare of high advantage, of eternal health, beau- ty , ftrength, and Angelical perfe&ion; that this anfing !hall not be as a Mandrake, fhreekíng and painful, but gentle, at the noife of a Mufical infiru- ment, a Trumpet ; confider chic, and there needs no (crew to draw in the next part, Weep not. Weep not. This (I laid) is the mourners comfort, to improve it into pra&ice, thereby ro leffen the number, or to lighten the weight of their mourning. I pro fefs my felf unfurni(hed of any other Argument, then the numberlefs felicities and weicht of glory, which Brown chofe that are not Dead but Sleep. David upon news of his innocent childs death, andwell perfwaded that of fuels is the Kingdom of Heaven; declines the a& of weeping, and the poflure of fadnefs, and arofe from the earth, and wafhed and anoynted himfelf, and changed his Apparel and pafhon too, 2 Sam, 1 a. 20. his Courtiers who admire this alteration, he fatisfies with two Authentick reafons, v. 23. firft the vanity of tears for the dead, can I bring him back again? the voice of weeping recals not departed Souls. Secondly, a joyful apprehenfion of their glorious Rate, reflecting a confidence on his Soul to enjoy the like, I !ball go to him; I fee Heaven open, and after death I shall be ashappy as he that isgone before, there- foreI weep nor. Yet becaufe whilft we live in this valley of Tears, natural affe&ion will fo far prevail upon our Reafon, that even the Father of the Faithful, when he was co tow his nearen relative in the Earth, could not but water it with a fhowr from his Eyes. For ,4Graham canoe to mourn for Sarah, and to weep for her. Gen. 23. 2. And becaufe relations in Nature are like Members in the Body, the remaining Member weeps carnation tears for that which is cut off; and good men adjudge it their duty to pickle up the memory of their departed friends in the brine of their own eyes, fo to preferve it ; That therefore ye [ orrore , nee 4.13. not as others that have no hope. Obferve that Anthem whichefay hath fee, for a Chriflian parentation to be Tung at the grave, Ifa. 26. 19. Thy dead men Ifs. 16, 19. Pall live, (that is the leadingvoice by the Prophet) together with my dead body /hall they arofe, (that is the Counter-tenor lung byChrifl;) Awalte andPing ye that dwell in daft (that is the Chorus lung by the whole Quire in Heaven) there is not a word in it, but if ferioufly weighed, will turn our forrow into joy. r. That Men (hall be dead, not always lye under the preffures and miferies of this life. 2. That they are Thy Dead,that is, Godowns them. 3. They fhall Dabit dept bi, not flill continue in the difhonours of the grave, bat ¡hall live again. q.. That Vogue ¢nem. we have fo good fecuriry for it as to rife with Chrifi ; with him, though not in time, yet with him in power, and with him in glory a the man hath no (enfe, no relifh of Heaven, that fangs not upon thefe apprehenfrons, at leaft rays not to himfelf, Weep not. Attend the firft words Chrifl fpake to a Woman after his Refurre&ion,was it not, Why we'll thou ? job.ao. 19. Indeed beforeChrifl hadopened the gates of job. ,o. 15: Death