Nature's goodnight. Fait know, chat he who will fleep well at night, muf not fleep much in the day. Sleep not the fleep of Death, i. e. (loth and fecuricy in your life, that you I may fleep the fleep of life in Death. David, once Beeping by day, difquieted aSam rr.z. f many of his nights relis afterward. Watch whilft you live, and you (hall Beep when you dye. Sleep is a (hurting up the fenfes of the Soul, and watching a I+ freedom of their exercife upon their proper objet4s: Now that no ocher objc;,t a John io. S. 1 might claim any fence, obferve how the bleffed Jefus hash apted himfelf to b i r I each ; to the Eye he is Light, to the Ear the s Word, ro the Smell his name c Can. t. ;. is ' O ntmenr to the Tafte a Manna, to the Touch he hash a Body Thus d John 6.3f. Y + + Y e Heb, ro, ç, unlcfs your Soul Both wilfully Iock up her Cinque-pores, fhe may fee, or hear, or finell, or carte, or touch a Jefus ; let your Soul exercife her retire on her Saviour, and her Saviour will (uffer no fin to exercife its (core on the Soul. a. Before men go to Bed they put off their Cloaths, or elfe they fleep both unhandfomly and uneafily. So Ice your fouls diveft thole habits which fin and cuftom bath too long made fa(hionable. Habits of the Body are r. Gar- ments, a. Arms, ;. Ornaments. Hach any one cloathed himfelf with curfing ? Pìrnfal. ruta. or worn the Garment (potted with the flefh in Saint Jude ? or that rolled in os,r 8. TTude z;. Blood in Ira. 9. S ? or the poor mans taken to pledge? or made Aprons of extol., 9. ç as Adam? unftrip, and that early too: Calar the Prator dyed whilft he was putting offhis Shoos 3 'cis forgetfulnefs to go to Bed with any Garment of the day about you. For arms, if any one bathmade the Membersof his Body the weapons of un- Rom. 6. r;: righteoufnefs to fin, or us'd his tongue as a !harp fword, that hash wounded the Cap. 3. honour of God, or his Neighbour : Pat of theft Wait's, yea and theta Lifts 1 Pe o, which 'war againfi the Soil. Then Ornaments, which are the Pomps and Vanities of this finful world: If any one hash as Tamar, put on whori(h at- tire to draw in the paffenger, they muff, as the, Gen. 38. r9: ./rife and Gen, ;8. rs. depart, and lay by her vail from her. Nemo tnatat cowfarclnia; Encumbred people cannot fleep. ;. Laftly, good men before they go tobed they always prays Saint Paul ad- advifech, Pray always, though not with the Lip, yet with the Life; for as Prayer t The(, 5.11. is a good work, (o every good work is aPrayer. Set Prayer is condemned by (ome as Lip-labour, Extemporary Prayer is blamed by others as Brain labour, but Life-prayer is praifed by all as heart-labour : Thelifting up the hands (that In ma a opera is, our works) which at once pleafeth God, and perfumes the company. When is ore loculi. furvivbrs fee a Soul that hash lived long in this Region of holy Duty, to { folet intelliyi. afcend to Heaven as the Angel, Jndg. 13. ao, In the .lames of the Altar,their Greg' Mor. Charity and hopes are fufficienely inftrueeed to fay, Nolitefere. Weep not, the is not dead batfleepeth. The Charailer. I have done with the Text that I brought hither to you, and now apply my Pelf and difcourfe, to that Text that brought youhither to me; from that I pre- fented to yourEars, to that prefented to your Eyes: I dole the book of Life,and now open the book of Death. So Saint Ambrafe interr'd Tbeodofisu; Nazianzen, the immortal Atbanafiae ; and Saint Hierome, the excellent Lady Marcellas nay, Saint John hach taken Chore notes of a Sermon made by Chrift at the Funeral of Lazarut, ,Job. at. ra, r3. &c. wherein are difcourfes of Faith, refurreótion and Glory, raifed from the Dead, and applyed to theLiving. I need no other, becaufe I can fol- low no better precedent. Therefore hear me, or rather hear her (peak, for the Deadcan (peak; lieb. 11. 4. This Confideration fpeaks Caution to our Converfation t fineour Anions dye not with our Perfons, but are recorded in the Leaves, and publi(hed by the Lips of Fame, it fhould provoke us to walk circumfpe&ly, as Wife, nor as Fools, that our Survivors track us not in irregular ftrayings, that there be no . great, 5