Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

2a Funeral Sermon. Oh ; that this mediation were throughly felled upon our (pmts, for I fear we do too many of us ( to. (peak'in the Apoftles language) 4P9oNV, think, too highly of our [elves, and have our parts and abilities, our witdom and know. ledge, too much in. admiration, which doubtle(s is a very great bar and ob (Iruetíon to fpiritual wildom and underftanding : and here (if any where) the Philofophers opinion holds true , Inter exigent prohibet alieirum, and. to be lure, the more we fancy that we know , the lefs will we delire and pray to be taught, But did Mofes here in the Text (o ? and yet he wasa learned Schollar, a great proficient, and (no difparagement toour parts) a much better Schollar then ally of our felves. Howbeit for all this , fee the requeft and prayer that he puts up unto God herein the-Text, fiedoce,So teach us. Well, butwhat .I crow, what? Come new art, tome rare invention, l'le warane you ? To take the juft compafs of the heavens, To know the number of the Stars,, To tell the exa& number of the fonds upon the Sea -Chore, or the like : Oh no ! fuch curiofities and pleating vanities,were much beneath the (an&ifi'd ferioufne(s,and mortificationof his piety; he had a weightier bufinefs to be refolved in, of more concernment and impor- tance by far to his duty and happinefs, and that was numeraredies fuss, to he caught to number his days ; and thiscoo not notionally only, as to the bare quo- turn of the number, but pra&ically and fpiritually, as to the right improvement and application of the knowledge ; accordingly (if you made it) it is not barely doce numerare, teach us to number, but with particular regard and relation to the proper defign and end, Sicdoce,So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our heartsunto wildom. Thisfor the firft part of the Text, the Parry making the requeft. Proceed we on to the ad. pro quibms petit, theParties for whom, and in whole behalf and name he makes this Prayer, not for himfelf alone you fee, but for others alfo ; or for himfelf conjun&ly, and together with others, Dose nos, teach us. See here a good man, of what a publick general fpirit he is, how he con- cludes and wraps in others interefts and concernments ftìll together, and in con- junélion which his own ; juft according to theApoftles precept, Phil. z. 4. Look ndt every man on his own things, but every man ailson the things of others : and fee, fuch as his precept is there, fuch is his pra&ice elfewhere, r Cor. to. 3 3. even as ! feeh,not my own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be Paved; jun. as we are taught to pray in our Lords Prayer, not in the fingular, but in the plural number altogether ; not da mibi, or remitte mihi, &c. give Me, or for- give Me, or lead not Me, or deliver Me ; but giveUs, and forgive Us, and lead not Us, and deliver Us. To the fame purpofe, the Apcftle (peaking of Chriftian charity I Cor. 13. S. 3 Car; (fays he). 7.1 music, it feeketh not her own: How is that? and what a (grange, what an unnatural word is this? does not even nature it Pelf teach every thing to provide, and take care, and feek for the things which concern it Pelf? yes, it does, howbeit charity is anaddition to, and improvement of nature: and fo does not overthrow the end, but only enlarge the bounds of nature: and therefore it feeketh its own things too, but how ? not folely, not exclufively, but herown things in conjun&ion with others, That man cannot be a right good Chri- fhan, who grucchesand envies another, for (haringequally in the fame happinefs with himfelf. In the Firmament there is amultitude of Stars, and every Star is, full oflight, and never a Star hath ever a whit lefs light for the brightnefs and flhining of its fellow: accordingly(if you mark it) the Apoftles exhortation, [ t Tim. 2. r.,] is, that prayers and fupplications, and intercefons, andgiving of thanks be made, but for whom? for our (elves altogether ? or for fome few only? naybut, adrvwr dr?peíamr,for allmen.A good man ne'rethinksheaven the work place for having much ccmpany in it : accordingly all hiscare and endeavour, his ftrife and contention, his prayers and delres are (as to fit himfelf thereunto, fo alto) to bring as many thither as may be; he loves not to makea Monopoly of the Kingdon of heaven, To