Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

Funerd Sermon. To be the only bright Star there, Heark what the Apoftle lays in his own be- half, Rem. to. r. Brethrenmy heartsdefire and prayer for Ifrael is, that they might be Paved. See the extent, the univerfalityof his Charity; not for this or that particular Ifraelite, but forall Ifrael; for Ifrael indefinitely, for Ifrael univerfally. Well, but Ifrael,take it in the large[# extent you can, is but a colleolive word,and can comprehend no more then either thole of the feed, or at aloft thole of the faith of Abraham: andhere the Apoflle thought he had not come enough for his charity, his great zeal could not be cooped up within fuch a (trait and narrow compa(s : nay but it mull reach, and Peek out further : accordingly mark his pro- feffion elfewhere, 1 Car. 9. 19. lams, iFtaorlr id\ahooa, Ihave made my felf fer- vent unto all, not to all Ifraelices only, but unto all men, No man cemes amifs to a Chriflians charity ; if there be not a6#ual defect and merit in the perlon, yet there is hope in the pofiibilityof his falvation : and everygood Chri(lian willbe fore to love fuch a one, and to pray for him, and to with him well, and to do him all the friendly offices and fervices hecan, though it be but for very hopes fake. But I(hall not detain you any longer upon this digreffión, which was oc- cafioned only from a refleétion upon the Partite for whom, and in whole behalf e Mofes here prays, hot forhimfelf alone,but for others alto, or for hinsfelf in con- jundlion and together, with others. Proceed we now to the third thingconfiderable in the Text, ,Quidpeat, what it is which he prays for : negatively, not any worldly advantage, nor any rem- -poral concernment at all, not to be great, orrich, or eminent in the world ; but only to be taught and learnt the myflerious art of fpiritual Arithmetick, to be put into a right way and method of computing and numbring our days. Time nos at numeremas dies nofiros, teach tas to number our days. Only (if you mark it) here is a fpecial rrfirii%on and qualification, which paffesalong with the aél; for it is not barely numerare, to number : but fie memerare, fo to number: fo ferioufly, fo attentively, fo religioufly, andconfcientioufly, in aword, foas lober Chriflians ought to number them. Well, but youwill fay, what need Motes keepall this ado? and pray fo ear- neflly to be taught a matter fo light and eafie, fo trivial and ordinary? and why ? what Child, what raw Arithmetician cannot (even without a teacher) number you to threefcore years and tens or if need be, to fourfcore years ? Nay, but flay awhile; it is not fo light and eafie, fo trivial and ordinarya matter this as you make it; I am lure not in Mofes his fenfe. It is true, (I grant) in Arithmetical numerations we are many of as very expert and skilful, we can tell how many hours and minutes have run our lince the Creation, can reckon you up how many Miles the world is in compafs, can cell the height of the clouds, the elevation of the pole, the pofitions and cliflance of the Stars, and a thoufand fuch like ca- rioficies : Oh ! but in the concernmentof our (elves, the art and myflery of fpi- ritual Arithmetick, the number of our days, the account and computation of our lives : herein we are coo many of us horriblyflupid and ignorant. And why? it is a melancholy lady this, and we have no mind, no- fancy at all to it : but would fain live for ever, and do not love to hear of an end and number of our days. Yea, fhould Methufelabrhundreds of years be afforded us,yeewould not they fern the turn, all would nor be enough to content and facisfie our craving defiles andwifhes of life, but wewould be as loth and unwilling to dye after that as ever. And commonly the longer we live in the world, the more craving and covetous are we of life ; and none is fo ancient and gray- headed among us, as to reckonhimfelf too old to live, but yet thinks he may hold out a year longer ; and Hill we have our little cxcufes, and pretences of neceffary work and bufinefs to require our longer flay and continuance here; either children to bring up, or a daughter to marry, or an eflateto fettle, or a family to provide for, and the like. Not confidering that God Almighty has long fince pointed out our lives toa day, and peremptorily (in the decrees of his lmmatablepurple and pleafure) numbred out our years to the utmofl poflibie minute; and there is no difpenfation or reprieve to be purchafed from the grave: but that loon dye we mutt,