ell Funeral Sermon. hearts to be (as it were) glued to it, or our affeótions over much fer upon it ; but loving ir, as (rangers and Pilgrims do the place and countrey of their pilgrimage, with a paffing, tranfient love. The Apofles advice to this purpofe is good, z Cor. 7. 29. This I fay Grethren, t, sstsd(CuetszatAse, the time is port : the time of our worldly comfortsand enjoy- ments, that is (hors; and to be cure, the timeof our prefent lives and continuance here, that is fhort : how (hog, the Lord only knows, we do not ; and then mark what an inference of pious abftinence and mortification he raifeth from hence; it remained', that they that have wives, be as though they had none, and theythat weep, as though they wept not, and they that rejoyce, as though they rejoyced not, and they that aft this world, as notabufrng it. See thefe feveral affeétionsof love, and forrow, and joy, and poffefiionof the world, howwe are to exprefs them: Loving, as not loving, that is, with that fobriety of affedtion, as if we loved not ; again, weeping, as not weeping, that is, with that moderationof palfion, asif we wept not ; again, rejoy- eing, as not rejoycing, that is, with that mortification of joy, as if we rejoyced not; again,ufing,as not ufing, thatis,with that indifferency and unconcernedne(sof delire, as if we ufed not. wilt thou, Pays Solomon, Prov. 23. ç. fet thine eyes upon that that is no ? Now riches are not, and honours are not; and fo in like manner all our worldly comforts and enjoyments here, They are not. In adlual poffellion, it is true, for the prefent , they are ; but in fecurity of continuance, in certainty of poffe(ïion and enjoyment, They are nor. And fo long,letholy Davidcouncel you, Pfal.62.9. If riches encreafe, (and fo all() if honours, or children, or friends, or whatfoever t Ile of the world do encreafe and comein flowing upon you) what then ? Nolite cor apponere, jet net your hearts upon them ; donot covet them, donot lovethem, at all (if pollible) but not exceffivly, not immoderately, not overmuch to be lure; for remember, you have but flipperyhold of them, they arepalling, tranfient in- joyments; and when you enjoy them mof, you cannot tell how foon, either they may be parted fromyou,or you from them. Cornet. A Lapide's rule (Coat. in t Cor. c. 7. ) is good. Taliter utenda eft res, frcut reseß : Every thing is to be ufed as it is : For example, if it bea thing lacingand permanent, (fuch as are only (piritnal and heavenly comforts) then ufe it laflinglyand permanently : Dwell upon the ufe of it. But if otherwife, and it be a tranfient and momentany en- joyment (fuch as are life, health, riches, honours, children, and allour worldly comforts whatfoever) then you know what the Apofles councel is, Col. 3. 2. Cl/1 WYan, Set not your a)fetlions upon ít : benot glued in your delires to it, but love iy and ufe it altogether in tranftu, as travellers do Inns in a journey, for a fhort bait, but no long flay. This for the application of our hearts unto wifdom, con(Ping in minus diligendo, in expreffions of lefs love and affeótion to the world every day then other. A fecond infante lays, In cantius vivendo,in living warily and cauteloully, in in more exaetnefs of duty, in more svatchfulnefs over fin, in more circumfpeétion and obfervation of our aâtions for the time to come. You know the Apotties Item to this purpofe, Eph. r. a í. See that ye walk circumfpetlly, net as fools, but as wife, redeeming the time. And why, it is but ,tgspót Curasx>,tdy@-, but a thort time you fee ; bat a very littlewhile that we have to tarry here: oh then' let us loofe none of this little, let us loiter away noiseof this (hog time, upon which fo much depends; nay, butas our Saviour commanded his Difciplescon- cerning the broken meat in the Golpel, let usgather up all thefe fragments, that nothing be loft improveevery fmall portion of our time, in continual exercifes of piety and devotion, of abfinence and mortification : as not having the leaf affurance of a next day when this is once fpene; or if we had, yet can we not certainly tell whether it will be a dayof grace to us, or no ; or that we (hall have the heart to repent of our lofs of time, and the fin which we committed the day before. And in cafe Death (hould come hafiiy upon us, and furprife us, either in the aótualcommiflìonof fin, or before we have finifhed our repen- tance for our fin ; confider and tremble, what a fad condition is this to die in, and