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Funerat :Sermon. 3><. (after nnich iearchand enquiry, and refusals of many) by a roof} wile and ex- ctIenu choice, they happilyfound out one : who(if the whole Kingdomafforded any)was indeed a fit and proper Husband forher:AndHe(aperfon not tote named,. withouta prefaceof honour and reverence)The truly Nobleand Honourable "rthue Lord Capel, late Baron of Hadbam: . , . One, who had he been call upon better conditioned times, might happily have lived much longer, but hardly have either lived or dyed more honourably ; but, the times were toobale and unworthy for his generous foul, he could not endure to behold his Mafera Loofer, and himfelf come off Saver ; nor hug his private fecurity, in the choice of an inglorious retirement, when he beheld the King his; Mailer, exposed to the mercilefsfuryof an armed multitude. He faw the Ark, and Israel, and 7udah now in Tents, and hi$pions Souldid yearn in him, to be after them, and to flare likefortunes with them: And here indeed (though otherwise the moll afteelionate Husband of any other, yet) he give the world plainly to fee, that his.zeal and loveto his God and Countrey, wasfar fuperiour to his af- fe6tionstowards his wife : Awife indeed is ultimum relinguendnm, thelaf tempo- ral comfort that is to be forfaken upon earth; and you know how the command runs to this purpofe, gen. 2. 24. Relimquet farms ti matrem; Fie(hall leavefa- Cher and mother; and fo alfa by like proportion, brother and lifter, fonanddaugh ter, friends and acquaintance, cfr agglutinabituraxori, and flail cleave to his wife. Howbeit, when the difpute comes once to happen betwixt our zeal to the truth and caufe of God, and our affe&ions towards a wife ; then in Inch a cafe Lin- quenda domus, & tell's', & platens uxor : all muffbe forfaken, yea, a wifetogether with the refs, and wemull cleave unto the truth. le is anotable fayingof his own to this purpofe,- which you have in his vea. obfervation, (and which gives you in little the emepourtraiolnreof his noble fpi- rie.) I will obey my parents, honour myfuperiours, love my equals, refpedb my irfo- riours: Wife and children Pal be dearer unto me thenmy Pelf, lint.none of all there, nay nor all thefe, lhadbe prized by.me liketruth. . Theft were thofe pious principles which fief engaged him in our late unhappy warts: Notthe ambitious aims of honourand preferment : not any covetous de- igns of gain and profit, to enlarge andencreafe his eflaecby this means : ohnod his noble and generous foul was far above theft low and little proje&s; as he was clear of it himfelf, fo he hatednothing with a more perfe&i hatred, then he did a degenerous and mercenary Loyalty, Accordingly,' he freely and willingly (with the firs) offered himfelf, totbe help of the Lord againfl the mighty; and it was the pieryand sincerityof his confcience, the juflice and equity of the taufe he engaged in, whichdrew him into the battei, and put the firs fword into his hands; and which, though (indeed in the end) it proved fatal to his life here, yet not fo to hishonour; for by ithe hasgained agood report, and his name is as ointment poured forth, and smells fwete and fragrant to this very day; and people do 1peak honourably of him; and the, eyes which never faw him, do pay homage to his memory, and be is bleffedin thegates. So that by the invincible courage and fortitude, the altive zeal and refolution of this incomparable Hero, the veryname of Capri, is become:an entailed badge, and Title of Honour and Loyalty, upon that numerous family. Unto this bleffedMartyr, was our mof excellent Lady here, the fruitful mother of a plentiful iffue : a good part whereof are to.this day happily living and fur- viving, but fame are not. During the whole time of his life, she was his moll loving, faithful, and obedient wife; and when providence had made her his widow, she then openly declaredand manifefed to the world, how dearly the loved his perfon, by her fhgnal faithfulnefs to his commands; I mean, her exceed- ing care and tendernefsof hischildren, thole dear remains and pledges of hiscon- jugal love. And here, her firsand greaten careof all, wasfor their education : to water theft tender plants with wholefom precepts and examples, and to infufe early' principles Of piety andReligion into their minds. Shewell knew Of what great imoor-