--.-----._.._ 34 @Jig' Funeral Sermon, And now I might further add, her pious and orderly government of her fa- mily, her great civility and hofpirality, both towards neighbours and flran- gets; her exceeding courtefie and affability towards all perlons , with fuch an equal temperament of gravity and fobriety, as I think is hardly to be fampled in any other : which makesme oftencall romind an ufual and familiar expreflìon of a lace Reverend Prelate concerning her ; That of all perlons he had ever ken, he never law any Become her felt fo well, as The Good Lady Capri, Thus lived this precious Saint ; unblemifhed in her Life, unflained in her re- putation, in her difcourfe affable, in her behaviour grave and comely. Never yet did I fee fo much gravity tempered with fomuch fweetnefs : In her Spirit exceed- ing meek and humble, though hercondition and quality had placedher in an Orb and Sphere above moll people, yet had (he learnt her Spirit to (loop even to the lowefl, and fubmit to an entertainment of friendfhip and courtefie ,with the meanefl perlons of all. And why,Arewe not allfellowChrifiians ? hate we not all one Maker ? they were her own ordinary and familiar fayings. A fevere Cenfurer file was of her felt and aélions, Will condemning and fault- ing fomewhat or other in thofe very performances, which in the judgment of men, might jufily patsfor excellent and exemplary. One inflance hereof I (hall now give you, by which you may judge of therefl : when about four years ago t pleated God to try her witha very fore and heavy affliélion, the untimely lofs and death of her fecund Son, that gallant and hopeful Gentleman, Mr. Charles Capri She fends for me, (as that the would ufually do upon any fad accident) and being come to her, the uttered her felf to me in thefe words (I (hall as nigh as I can give you her own words, for I took fpecial notice of them) Sir (laid tie) I praybe free andplain with me, and tell me ferioufly and unfeignedly, what fin or vice did you ever take noticeof in my praBice and converfation : for I am fore fomething is amifs, and fomething God would have amended in me, that he does thus continually ply me with crofes. Now this I (peak, to let you fee what a feuere cenfurer the was of her felt, and how ready and .forward upon every occafion of any fad accident, to be (catching and enquiring into her adlions, and propounding to her Pelf that queflion of the Jews concerning the blind man in the Gofpel, John 9.2. but to a much better end. TIe ñttatTt ; Lord, who have finned? what anion of mine have been faulty? wherein have 1 offended? in what have Idone amifs? having often in her mouth that Prayer of holy david,Pfal.1 30.3. if thou Lord fhouldefl mark iniquities, OLord who (hallRand? But there is forgive- nefs with thee. Shehad it feems well confidered and emproved that Leffon of the A potties, I Cor. I I. 31, If we would judge our [elves, we fheuld not be judged of the Lord. A (Iriél accountant thewas alto of her time, even tominutes and (mall par- cels t be(hrewingand grutchingeveryhour, whichwas otherwife (pent, then either m the aélual fervice of her God, or at leafl: in force proportion and tendency thereunto. For herconfiancyat her devotions, file was another Anna; for the unblameable- ne(s of her life, another Elizabeth; for her frequent and diligent attendance to the word of God, another Mary ; for her charity to the poor, another Dorcas ; for her great civility and hofpitality, anotherMartha; for her fidelity and obe- dience to her Husband, another Sarah ; and for her wifdom, gravity, fo- briery , temperance, quietnefs and the like, exa6d.y one of St. Fault Godly ta(atrons. She was evermore a zealous abhorrer and hater of idlenefs ; a vice, grown of late years the common falhion and deflruélion, of too many of her rank and quality; who, beeaufe the plenty and abundance of their effaces, doe ad- vance them above the neceffity ofworking for a livelihood,do thererefotelookupon chemfelves as priviledged, andmark't out unto alife of Idlenefs; not confidering that God Almighty, whobathgiven Ladies hands aswell as others, doth alto ex- peél work and aétion from them (in proportion to their rank and quality) as much as from any people. But