Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

to wait for a Change 4i. forth bah fweet Waters and bitter ; Although to the inspenicent it fendeth forth bitter Waters, Tribulationand Anguilla and Wrath : Yet to the pious it fendeth fords fweet ones, Glory and Honour, and Immortality. And (liftable to theft two different Effe&fs, the Children ofmen are differentlyaffectedwith it ; For although the ungodly are afloni(hed at ir, as at the approach of their Executioner ; when Saúl heareth he muffdie on die Morrow, as flout and valiant as he was, the Story tenet's us, he f R all along on theearth andwatfore afraid; Yet the Godly they wel- come it as their Friend,and Benefa &or : St. Paul hath a defire to depart, andHoly yob fpeaketh of it as that which helonged for, !trill wait. Once more, it fpeaketh his careful Preparation in order to ir. Iwill wait, is as much as Iwill get me ready for it : And is there not need when it is above the reach of Words howmuch dependeth upon it ? What TtagickShrieks, what fearfulCries have fame awakened Confciencesfont outwhen they have found themfch'es fur- prized by it ? O that Imight live, faid a great Man of this Kingdom (when his Phyfician had givenhim over) O that I might live, if it werebut in a loadrfom Dungeon ! O that I might live, if it were but the Life ofa Toad, that I might have a (pace for my Repentance ! Indueiat domine afque ad mane, laid the Young Man in St. Gregory, Lord (pare me ! but a little, little while, but while toMorrow Morn- ing ; but whileI fay my Prayersoncemore I and fo expired in Horrors. Death will not wait for us, though we are unprepared ; how Both it behoveus then towait for it and prepare for it ? To wait lot itwith confidering Profpe&I To wait for it with a ciieumfpe& Care? To wait for it withOyl in our Lamps ? To wait for it withour Garments girt about us ? i And this not tobe put off to one of thofe Days, not tobe deferred while the lat- ter end of our days, not to beneglected while the evil Days come, but all our days. Otir wholeLife (hould have an habitual ferious refpeet toit; doing every thing that may make it comfortable, keeping aloof from every thing that may make itformi- dable. Let usaccofl every A&ion as thofe Marinersthat were going to Execution did theEmperour, moriturito falwtant, You may die while you are thinking, die while you are vifiting, die while you are talking, diewhile you are trading, die while you arefinning. Do therefore every A&ionas if it wereyour laft, and live every day as chofe that know not whether you (hall live another. This is the way to make yaui change, whenfoever it (hall come, to be a happy one ; and whereasthe bofeand prophaneo the carnal and the debauch, change their Mirth andjollity for anguifh andgnafhinggof Teeth; TheirConfidence and flupi- dity for Tremblings and confuted Dittra&ions Their Acquaintance and Compa- nions for Devils andmifchievous Spirits ; their bawdsand Ornaments for flames and chains of Darknes: Yourobange (hall befor the better : You flail change Frail- ty for Immortallity, and Infirmity for Perfeélion: You (hall change this trouble- fome World for the Jerufalem that above, andthe Societyofcorrupter Creatures,for the Churchof the Fitfl-born which is inHeaven, and theSpirits of juft men made perfect. Nay, evenour Bodies that now at prefent chaste for the wor(e,fromBeauty to Deformity,from Strength to Rottennefs: Even theftvile Bodies after awhile (hall be changed alfo,changed into the LikenefsofChriflsgloriousBody,to be (hiningas the Stars, hail as the Cherubin, and reunited toour Souls for ever, both together to enjoy the Pretence of God andPleafures for evermore. which Godof his tJ4iercy Grant ses. I have dottewith theText : Butknow there is another Subje& you expe& tohear fomething of : this Eminent Iofirumene, this ufefulOrnament ofthe Church, Our Reverend andbear Brother,whofe-Funeralswe arenow celebrating:Andhere Iam in aStraight between two, having much Obje&ion bothagainft (peakingand being filent; To faynothing of hitn were tobeinjurious tohis Worth byconcealingir,and for me to fayany thing will bethe fame, by under-reaching ir. When this Office is tobedone for DeanHardy; It isnot fitthat anybut the Tongue of a Dean Hardy fhould have the doing it.1 am in Pbleton's cafe,whowhenhewas toperform the Rites of Burialto the Body ofthe Great Ageßlaut had no Honey ; And withhimmutt be forced tomake ufeofWax inftead of it; Giving you adry and naked Narrative or want._af a (wetter andmoreproper Panegyriek. Hfis