to Maat for a Change. 47 . At his Deanery, hefound the Cathedral with the Stampsof the Reformation up- on it, waft andmuch fpoyl ; Thisby the indufiriousEmployment of his Great In- tereft in the Gentry of that County, added to fever, thoufand pound, which heand the Chapter disburfed freely, he repaired, and adorned in force good meafure. At Leyborn, a Living he was buta little while. poffeffed of, He findeth the fame occafion for his 'MunificenceandBenefaLture, aruinous Hoirfe again : And that found him the fame ; Hehath well repaired it although it was a Place where his Circumflances (if .God had givenhim longer Life) would not have allowedhim to have made any flay, yet his SuccefforsGoodwas a fufficient Motive to him. Ashe made his Preferments better, fo his Preferments did not make himwork He continued she fame, the fame humble, affable, obliging Perfon, he was, in his leaft condition. Yea, to the confutation of the clamorous Rabble, he was the fame confiant diligent Preacher. Infomuch that I think I may adventure to fay,there was not aLords Day whereever hewas, whereon (ifSicknefs hindred him nor) he was not at leaf}once in the Pulpit. God grant themas muchGrace, as theyhave caufe, to repent, who have anyway malicioufly afperfed him. ForalthoughIam not fopartial as to believehimwithout' his ifiliftaTa, (let them that efcape all thetnfelves,caf} Stones at him) Yet as to groffer Mifcarriages I am highly perfwaded, that not Truthand Reality, but Rage and Defign were the movimenta Mechanica,that fee their Tongues in going. Not only Charity, but common Reafon thinketh no evil, where it findethEvi- dences of Good:And inhim wereverymany.In his Behaviour inhis Family,He was a 3efhua, He and his Hoafe fcrving the Lord: Dayly, Morning and Evening, worfhiping, with the Solemn Devotions of the Liturgy. In his fenfe of Mercies, He wasan Hezekiab, writing upon theWall, when he wasrecovered of his great Sick. nefs, ánd every one of the Yearsafter, that God added to his Life, He kept that Day on which it feifedhim religioufly in Fafting and Prayer. In his Converfe and Friendfhip,.he was a Alathaniel,one in whom there weno Gsdle; Cordial and faithful Without Bafenefsor low Diffimulation. Inhis Preaching the Court, the City, the Country, all.fromDanunto-Beet/heba, know, he'was an 4palos, anEloquent Man, and mighty in the Scriptures. Such was this WorthyPerlon, whoon the 2Sch. of May laft part, was taker* fuddenly, and fatally. Ina moment, quantam mutate,:ab illo ! How (}range a change was there! That Head,which was thétenaciousReceptacle of fo much ufeful Learning, is now the f}upified Seat of a Difeafe: Thofe Eyes, which had read throughfo many fortsof Books,cannot nowbyany meansbekept ppen:ThatTongue, which dropped thingsfweeterthan theHonycomb, Cannot now pronounceanordi- nary Sentence: That Perron, whom fomany ofall Degrees and Ranksof People fo rejoyced to fee, is now becomea fadand dolefulSpeélacle. His Diftemper beingof loch a Nature, you cannot lookfor any thing from him in his Sicknefs : For thoughhehad his Apprehenfion (which he difcovered when anythingwas laid to him, and in a very particular manner, when Prayers were pur up for him) yethe hadnot Expreflion : Hecould norfo much asmake aWill, or call his deareft Friends by their Names. thushe laynotwiehftandingall the.Care andArt of the great n>Efcaiapivaof this Age, hisConditionbeing more andmore hopelefs,while the Firft ofhone at Night, when, to the Grief of his Friends, the Lofs of the Church, but (Ihope) the great Gain and Joy of Himfelf, his great change came, and be fell afleep. Andnow he isgone tohis Long Home, how many Mournersgo about the Streets. I need not hete breakout into David's 4pofärophes at the death of Saal, to beg La- mentations or publifh a Brieffor Tears, perhaps no manof his Quality andStation have hadmore to weep over him: His difconfolate Widowweepeth, that She hath loft fo Dear and Tender aHusband. You of St. Martinsweep, that you have loft fo able and beloved aPallor. The Poor andneceffìtous weep, that they have loft fo importunate and effei tualan Advocate. his crowding Auditors from all Parts weep, that theyhave loft fo praEtical and meltingaPreacher. His Friends and Ac- quaintance weep, that they have loft. But I muff forbear: This is but toopen the Flood Gates to a {oft and rro+_sblefxnePaffion. We