Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

48 Day Appointed We mull improve filch Providences as thele to more manly and Chrithan Pur- poles. You that loved him (andwho that knew himdid not ?) You that loved him mull (hew greater and better Tokens of ir. You that lovedhim, hand Alb in the Truth, which he delivered to you ; being dead he yet fpeaketh, that ye henceforth be no more Children, iofed toand fro, and carriedabout with everywind of Dotirine, You that loved him, mortifie all theLulls which he fo pathetically did forewarn you of; Remember the Words that he fpake unto you while he was yet with you. You that loved him, exercife all the Graces, perform all the Duties, which he fo faithfully didexhort you to, knowingthat you allamong whom he came,Preaching the Kingdom of God, (hall fee his Face no more. Finally, you that lovedhim, pre- pare to follow him; Let the Meditation of his fo fudden change be one Motive to all the ref} which you have,All the Daye of your appointed time towait for your own. That fo he, and we, andall the Children of God, who nowat fundry times and in divers manners are parted forrowfully, may meet together again joyfully, to enjoy the God and Father of our Lord Jefus Chrill with one another, for ever and ever. Vnto tbie King Eternal, Immortal, Invifeble, the Only wife God be Honour and Glory for ever and ever, Amen: FI,kIS.