Featly et. Al. - BV4275 T47 1672

T H E DESTRUCTION of rxe D E STROYER: O R, Thé Overthrovv of the IA ENEMY. `SERMON VII. I COR. IS. 16. The lait Enemy that /hall be de reyed, is Death. . Í íd 4 k\.., .. EAT H is a Subje& that a Chrifiian should have in his thoughts often, and neither the hearing, nor thinking, nor fpeaking of it can be unfeafonable for any place or perfon. Wehave heard that the life of philofophers, is nothing but a meditation ofDeath; And certainly the life of a Cnriftian much more fhould abound in fuch meditations. No man can live well, till he can die well. He that is prepared for Death, is certainly freed from the danger ofDeath: Neither is there any fo fita way to be ready for it, as to be often minded of it. Therefore I have made choice at this time to (peal of this Verfe, wherein (ye fee) the Apnftle declareth, and leadeth us to treat of four things. Fitt},. that there is a Death. Secondly, that this Death is an Enemy. Thirdly, chat this Enemy is the laff Enemy. Laffly, that this lafi Enemy (ball be de/imyed A word or two of each of thefe parts. M Divifion of the Tcxt.