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treatife of C'nfeienee. ence will fay, nu haveno part in therm. When you heare the word, any promife or comfortable paffage in it, your conscience will fay, rt., this it my miff?* ; have ns fhare ix theft thtngs. [his will be a hell unto you, and will torment you befóre your time. This will alto' make all outward good things bitter unto you : When you fee wife and children and friends, then conscience will whifper and fay, lfhall not have theft long : ere long ,3goal/ have none but damned tompanic. When you fie your goods, efiatcs, and the Ike, conscience will mut- ter, Alas; ere long Iflull h in a place where a drop ofwater í116411 Not be affordedme to cool my tongue. When you lee the light and other comforcable objc Cts, O xi+o is me ; l (hallfhortly be is a place where IAll'fee nothing but dark,nejre, utter and everlaflrng darkneffe. Conleieñce will make your afflitions intolerable, your ficknc«e intolerable, your death-bed intole- rable, the face of death intolerable. Jr beicech you, brethren, confider thefe things, you that have not felt a troubled confci- ence untill this houre, Ye hardly know yet what it is : ye will know it to your furrow, if you do notcenlider it. There is a phraie in Ezek. ;). 24. where Gad faith, he will make Pharaoh groxe w,th thegrahrngs ofaman deadly worarded : So it will be with you, if you will n, t hearken and liibmit to Jeths Chrifi ; contcience will make you grone with fearful! grove; ; O ivo is me, Jam un,tone, without hope, w thoart remedie. Con- fider this therefore, and be wife, before Me things which concern your peace be hidden fromyou. And let me the rather exhort you to this in regard of the Exbor- danger of the times. The Lords wrath is gone out, and his tarsos. judgements do fLe through the earth, and his plagues do fall on every fide of us : What will your guil:ie confeiences do now ? ohyou can never endure them. Ye h id need ofpurged contèi- ences now lea ye bequitecomfortleffe in theday ofvifitation. How miferable is theircafe who want the peace of contcience in the time ofdare& ? When troubles and " l C ¿ions are with - 'out. then how grievous is it to want peace and comfort with- in ? WienGods mortal! arrows are in your bodies, then to hive B b 2 the