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1421 . .*._.-.._ a - -.... treatif e of C'onfcience. them alone : yet they are condemned in confeience, and one day they (hall find it. But rive regenerate are by CIiriil treed in conscience from all this condemnation. Thus farce wee grant. Ancino But the Antinomies and J know not what Marcioniiis m ifts. would have more. They cannot abide to heare that a regene- rate perfon is bound to any uincere obedience to Gods law as the rule of their life : They cryout againfi the tno,all law as once the Babylonians did againfi )erulale:n, bows with it, down with it even to theground : O yes de r>ót preach c hrsfl :f Jee talk ofthe Law. Beloved, ti.ete are drunken opinions, fit- ter to be preached among Drunkards and Epicures, and mon- Bess, then among the peculiar ones of God. The-law of-God loth bind the conscience ofall the people of God, fo that they are bound to make it a rule oflife. Nay, the Seri?ture calleth Pfaf..a r,` it Chrifis bond whereby he b;ndetb his people to him : The 3.3. Kings ofthe earth fet themfelvei, and the Rulers take counfell together.againft the Lord andagaint brs Anointed f tying, Let its brealctheir bends and cafi away their cords from us, 'Tufh, we will not be tyed by his laws. nor be fo prec:fely ifrait-laced withfact) Commandments as thefe. Here the laws ofthe Lord are called bonds and cords : Gods people are bound to him by them : But the wicked they f}Ind out and refute to be bound. Now ifthe Law beèalled a bond, J pray what bond is it, but ofConlcience ? It is not a bond like a Prifoners tèrcers. to be put about their legs.: This is a fpirituall bond that hindeth the confcience. But let me prove it to you by arguments. There be fùndryarguments to prove it. Aigu" I Fitfl, That which hath power to fay to the c»nfeience of the Thatregenerate, This is thyduty anei this eau be done that bindeth Thatcods ods b y law bind_ the confcience, 71:s is your duty. Who can tell better then ctli the (Ira : ? Whenyee have done all thefe things that are comnm4n- eontcience' didyou, fay, We. are unprofitable fervants ; we have done that generate. which was our duty to do. lark ; Hee fpeaketh of'e ods law, things cosomanded now the law is nothing elfe but a caca- Lrskt7, to: }ague ofthofè things that God hath commanded us. When Yee i bave