Fenner - BV4500 F466 1651

THE :13 ' vcs j' Kxi 42 With a Treatfe of Confcience: VI VI/ herein theDefinitions and DiflinUi- ons thereofare unfolded, and feverall Cafes refolved. Lively reprefenting its efratebe- fore GOD: By that Reverend and faithful Minifler of the r Word, William Fenner, B. D. SometimesFel -- low of `Pembroke-Hall in Cambridge, and late Re6tor of RochD ford in Eflex. - Z# ACT S 24. i 6. 1 exercifemy felf to have always a confcience void r of offence towardGod and towardmen. London,Printed by T.R.& E. i1't for JohnRothwell at the Sun and Ear e Fountain in PailsChurch -yard. i 6 5 z. F F F FXIVXiF iriF fPF FP-. F Wr3zs6-{