ao i ATreatifeofConfcience. II.Propo- fition. ever withvou. When two live ever together they had need not offendone another; elfe therewill be no quiet : You and your confciences mutt ever live together: ifye offend them,ye are like to have very ill lives. Better live with a curil fcold, then live with an offended confcience ; ye had better offend the whole world then offend confcience. There are none whom ye are always to live with ; but confcience ye are always to live wish. Ye are not always to live with your husbands, nor always with your wives, nor always with your parents or mailers', there is a time when you mutt part, but confcience and you will never part : Therefore labour to keep it void of offence. And thus much of the firft Propofition, There is inevery man a confi. ence. Propofition II. The light that Confcience atleth by, is knowledge. THis knowledge is twofold; T. OfGods law. 2. Of Our felves. I. The knowledge ofGods law. To know Gods will what is good, what is bad ; what God commandeth, what he for. biddeth. Every man under heaven hath this law of God in fome meafure writ inhis confcience. I confeffe, Gods chil- 1 dren onlyknow Gods law to purpofe, as it is a light to guide them in.the way offalvation : but all the worldhave fome mea- fure ofknowledge, whereby they may gather that there is a God, and that he ought to be worfhipped and obeyed, and that he hath power over life and death. All the world have knowledge in fome meafure, what isgood, and what is not, what is to be done andwhat not, what is according to confci- ence andwhat not : All the world have this knowledge in fome meafure; I donot fay, enough for falvation, but enough tomake them-inexcufable before God for not following that light, and not living according to that knowledge which they have. If there were not fome light in this behalf, fome know- ledgeof the law ofGod in everyman, confcience could do no thing. 2.Know-