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24 M. Pro- pofition, Theoffice ofconfci- ence is to bear wit- nel3é. Rom, 9, I, 4- Foure Proper- ties of' Coníci- ence. A Treatife ofGoïiafciexece. other which was propounded Taft to be the third in the hand- ling, and it is this. Propo(ition I I I. The office of Confcience is tobear Witnefre, to accufe or ex cure. Onfcience is put into this office by God himfelf. It is Gods officer ; not onely his regifter.book that (hall be opened at the day of judgment , wherein is fet down our thoughts, words and deeds ; but it is a preacher aifo to tell us our duty both towards God and towards man ; yea, it is apowerfull preacher ; it exhorteth, urgeth, provoketh; yea,the moll pow- erfull preacher that can be ; it will caufe the ftouteít and flub- borne t heart under heaven to quakenow and then ; it will ne- ver let us alone till it have brought us either to Godor to the Devil. Confcience is joyned in commi[ïìonwith Gods own fpirit tobe an inftru Tour unto us in the way we fhould walk fo that the fpirit and it are refilled or obeyed together, grieved ordelighted together; We cannot [inne againfl confciencebut we finne alfo againít Gods fpirit ; we cannot check our owne confciencesbut wecheck and quench the holy fpirit of God. Theoffice ofconfcience to our felves is, to bear witneffe; My confcience beareth me Witnefe, faith Paul. Confcience is alwayes ready todo this office, if it (hall at any time be invited unto it ; For confcience looketh fometimes for inviting; fome- times it will not bear witneffe unleffe we invite it and call upon it fo todo. But there will come a time when it will do it and mull do it, and (hall do it, namely at death or at judgment;then it will bear witneffe wether men invite it or no. Now it may be fuppreffed and filenced andkept under fromwitnefíing; but then it mull bear witneffe and [hall, either excufing or accufing, acquitting or condemning, when God (hall judge the fecrets of mens hearts, as the Apoflle fpeaketh. The properties that are given unto confcience in the dif- charge of its office, are four ; 1. It is fupreme; a. It is impar- tiall; 3. It is faithfull; 4 It is privie. I. It