ATreatife ofConfcience. written in their hearts with a pen of iron and the point of a diamond ,as Ori gin ob(erveth upon Ter 17.1. Now the thoughts and cares of this life put them our of our minds ; but the time will come when all worldly but-1110'e (hall ceafe, and theonely butines (halbe to look into the records of confcience.We ore to fey, Confcience bath a very good memory. The chief Butler had forgot his promife unto p reph; but his conscience remem bred him of it two yeers after : 1 remember my faults thr4 dray, faith his confcience. Adonibrzek had forgot his cruelty ; but his confcience brought it to his mind .. As d have done fo God. Iag. t 7 hath re(mited me, faith his confcience. 2. Confciencebeareth witneffe of what we intend and pur- pole to do, whether againll God or man. It will teftifie every purpofe and project of the heart though it be never a&ed,, though it die in theheart and never come to light. Men little think ofthis : Tr f7,9 ( faith one ) Inever didfilch a thing, though I once intended it, or hadfame thought about it.Mark; thole very thoughts wil confcience bringforth and teflifie what they were. ;Zmm.2.16 Heare the Apoftle; in that day God(hall judge thefecrets of men, &c. The moll hidden things confcience íhall bring to light,' and Chrifi íhall judge them. 3. Confcience beareth witneffe of the bent and frameof our hearts , what we aflea molt and love molt, and rejoyceand delight in moll, and delire molt and grieve for molt, what our affecîions runne upon molt, whether upon God or the world, whether upon heaven or the things of this life. Confcience bare witneffe to David, that his delight was in the law of the Lord,that God was his portion, that Gods flames were his Pf119,77 counfellours. Confcience bare wrtnef e to the falle teachers in Chrifts time, that they affected vain glory and the praifeof men more then the praife ofGod. Confcience bare witneffe to. 'Dew/4, that notwithftandinghis fair profeffion his heart was let upon the world. Confcience bare wrenelle to Jehu,that for all his feeming zeal his heart wasnot upright. But it may beobje&ed, How can this be ? The heart is de- Objei . t ' above all things : whocan %aoW it ? Ter.'7.9. 1 Who