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48 1 A Treati'e o fCorticience. AEá; ao. t2. pf.13Z 4. È xod. 35. Vfe 2. Cant 6.1z 13 eth us bound in the fpirit to do it ; as 'Paul fai d, Igo bound in thefpirit to do it. See how importunate this faithfulconfcience was with the Pfalmift : Iwill not give fleep to mine eyes , nor Humber to mine eye. lids, until I find out a place for the Lord. It will not take any nay, fay we what we will : fay we be (leepy, fay webe bu(e, fay we bé lothand full ofexcufes, itwill be importunate, and that with vehemency. It will follow a man if he will not hear it, with a hue and cry of inward checks. It will fometime promife; fometimes threaten, urge us with hope, fear, danger, &c. As we wouldbePaved, we muff do this ; As we wouldefcape the wrath to come, we muffforbear that. Thus importunate is a faithful confcience. I. We fee herewhat a great blefïï.ngit is to have fuch a faith- ful conf cience, fuch a faithful friend in our bofome, which will be careful to tell us ofall our duty, and perfwade us to it; and ofevery evil, and diffwade us from it, It will not flatter us in any thing, but tellus plainly, This yefhoulddo; this ye fhouldnot do. It regardethnot what pleafeth us; but what is good for us, that it looketh to, and that it perfwadeth to, and that it ur- geth. Owhat a bleflìng is this 1 This blefling had thofe willing Ifraeiites who gave fo freely and largely towards the building of the Tabernacle. The text faith, that their heart ftirred them up : and their fpirit made them willing. Mark ; their heart (that is , their confcience) Jirred them up ; Ye have bracelets ; offer them, faith confcience :. Ye have earrings and jewels, &c. part with them too, faith confcience, tofurth_r thispious work in hand Theirfpirit made them wil- ling; Their faithft l friend in their bofome, confcience over- came them with arguments and firong perfwafions. This is a grear blelTing to have fuch a faithful confcience : It will make a manpart with all his lulls, pride, felf-love, covetousnefhe,car. nal delights, for Gods glory andour own true good. II. Ir is a figne that God meaneth well to that may towhom he path given a faithful conscience. O this is an Angel -keeper indeed. Did not ChriII mean well to his Church in the Can- ticles, when he gave her filch a confcience as carried her on wheels --- --