ATreatfe o f Con.fcience. 14.9 wheels unto him ? Or ever Iwas aWare myfoul mademe like the chariots of Aminadab, Return, return, O Shulamite ; return, return, Return retur;i, faith confcience ; and again, Return, return. Hath the Lord given thee fuch an importunate confci- ence as will have no nay, will not let thee alone in omitting good or committing evill, will not let thee (lumber and fleepe in fecurity, but continually joggeih and awaked; thee ? Hath he given thee a fevere, a precife conicience,that will not favour the. in the feaft evill ? It is a molt coirfortake Ligne that the Lordmeaneth well unto thy foul. III. Labour to be a friend unto confcience, that it may con- tinue faithful unto thee. True friends will deal faithfully and `tire 3. plainly one with another, and will be importunate to do one another good : Confcience will not deal thus with thee unleffe thou be a friend untoconfcience. Now then are we friends un- toconfcience when we dowhat confcience requireth. As our Saviour faid to the Difciples, re aremyfriends if ye do whatfoe. John r 5. ver Icommandyou : fo I may fay ofconfcience. For confcience 14. ifit be truly illightned will command nothing but what ChriR commandeth. Ifwe deal fo in our connant courfe with confci- ence, be willing to hearken to it, and be ruled by it, then ifwe be out ofthe way now and then, confcience will be true to us, and be importunate with us for our good. IV, Be lure thou Band not out again( confcience when once it is importunate. It is a great (inne to Rand out againil conici- vie 4° ence though it be not importunate ; but it is a (inne a thoufand timesgreater to Rand out againR it when it is importunate. Thegreaten (landing out again f} confcience is thegreaten Lin : M,cxima it is a (inne which cometh nearell that againft the holy GhoR, vi.olatia which accompanied with force other is the greaten éf cäxltmiè 'landing out againfl confcience. There is no (inné that Both peccatrsrn. more harden the heart then to do evill when confcience is im- portunate to diffwade from it. This (inne was the caufe why Saul was rejected of God ; 1 forcedmy fell, faith he : He for- r. Sam. ed his confcience; his confcience was importunate to have him r 3.1 a. flay according to thecommandment of God , but he forced H_ him-