TheEple to the Reader. Why may not adi¡courfe ofConfcicnce, though long agopreached , be fufered to revive and live for the falvation ofthole that !hall havegrace to reade it aright ? efpecially confidering that thefefer- mons Wereperfected by himfelfin his life time ? MuchIcouldfay incommendation ofthis worthie Divine, both in regard ofhis unWeariforne pains inpreaching , confuming hie own bodie tolave thefouls of others, as al,/oof hi learning and eo. en- exemplariepietee : but Iforbear. All that Iwillfay is thi ; They do Ae thatfully knew him did love andreverence him: and ifany diddij- efleem .him, it was becaufe they did notfully know him. He isnoW a fhining flarre in the firmament ofheaven. And there are hun- dreds o fpeople that Will bile f God to all eternity for hispains. He needeth not our prai/es, but our imitation. All that I defire from you that reade this!bon treatife is this ; Thatye would either get a good confcience by the reading ofthis bookkl or bringa good confcience to the reading ofit. Labour to make * Tanta eft an addition to the heavenly joyes ofthis faithfullfervant of Godby dulcedo making this book.a means tobring thy loud to thole heavenly joyes celeßirgau- which are at Gods right handfo`r evermore : whichare joyes un- dai,utj i l u- fpeaable andglorious, fogreat, that* as S. Augufline faith, I f na g g difjlutretán one drop ofthe joyes of heaven fhould fall into hell, it would infernum, fwallow upall the bitternefíe of Hell. And that godWouldmake tutamama- you heirs ofthis joy, is theprayer ofyourfoul-friend ràtudànem inferni ab% forboret. EDM. CALAMY.