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A freatife ofGonfcience. 77 more. And fo Job ; Let me alone, that Imay takecomfort a lit- Jab io.zo' tie, before Igo,whence I fhall not return. Thefe good men were 2z' then fomething unwilling to die They might have many rea- fons; moll likely this was one, That they might be better pre- pared, and more fit and ready for their departure. 4. Someof Gods people ; as there, Job and David, at other cimes ; I fay, fome of Gods people have fuch marvellous peace with God as that if it were Gods will they had much rather die then live ; I Chi'.T,z3. defire to be dijrolved, faith Paul, and to be with Chrill ;which is farre better. It may be in regard of the Church, or the care of their children and charge God hath laid on them, they could be content to remain [till in the body nevertheleffe, they ac- count their (late after death much better ; and, were it put to I Kings them whether todie or to live longer here, they would choofe '9.4. death rather ofthe twain. Nay, Elias requeftedfor himfelfthat he might die :It k enough, Lord: take away my life. Not that they lovedeath it felf; for death is evil in its own nature, con- trary to nature, a badgeof finne : but for the love they have to and the affurance they have ofeternall life after death. 5. Nay there is no child of God but may truly be Paid to love death, and to love the day of judgement and the appearing of Chrift Jefus. Divines ufe toput this as a ligne of Gods children : Nay, the Apoftle maker "h this as a propertie of Gods children, to love (hrifts appearing: I have fought a good fight, faith Paul, I have faniJhedmy courfe: : There he teileth us ofhis own peace ; and then he tellLth us ofhis reward ; From henceforth is laidup 2- Ttm,4.& for me a crown of righteoufnefife, which the Lord the righteous ?edge fhallgive me in that day ;and not to me onely, but to them alto that love his appearing: that is, to all his children : For all the children of God love the appearing of Jeffs Chrift to judgement, Though all donot delire it with the fame flrength of faith, yet all delire it with faith, They believe that aria bath deftroyed him that hath theporter ofdeath, which is the devil"; Fi b.xry,, theybeleive Chrift hath taken away deaths fling, which isfinne, and /iralloWed death up invĂșçory; and may all fay, Thanker be un- I Cor. i -. 6 to Cod why bathgiven us vi5lory through our Lord Plus Chrift. 57 Neither