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i-ft44141rYYtY,C4itY - (9ó ge fr. REAÏISEI r. OF THE Arir G ECTI ONS 2 v Y 40 R The Soules Pulfe. .44, so' , Wherby a Chrìllian may know wl'etlacr he be livil,r or dyin,'. Together Ni Viril lively defcripr tonof their Natur:, - Signes,andSyniptomts. As alto d Chi men to ire the right uiè and ordc- ring of them. ` By t1.1' Kocrerid and t:dirhfti;líti1nìitc:r . ofGodsWord, M.y1lllaiiD FcxAel,fòmr- tines FellowofPembroke Hal!,and Lue Rc3ur ut Kuchtura in Lllèx, Fr>lJf7xd6; bimfelfi. - __ __ . UF UT. Ó.s. 3-41 21ou 'halt love tbr Cord thy Goa :it!) all tbj' bi Art Aid 2*, »itb all tb, fox:e,and mitG all by noigbt. LoNDON3 Printed byR.H.for 1.Rorhpet,atthe Signeofthe stUlne in 'Paoli Otuchyard. ló*. ra. ' ,- .. ts.'

. ÿAxYÑ,p.I`'+riÉ;'e5ì ra.-nd-.9rra+!, '{;.< . :!.° .. T® the Reader'. OdmadeMan (ar a.'1 tlsin4s elfe) for biraefelfe, Godsglary u the endfar girds *Maws made ; shefruition ofGod it the lia peine 'fe to Auch he ruai appoitr ed ;thathemizht be fnbfervient to this end, ami ibtaine this happineje, he beJlo - ed on h:, a re8e- n4blefoxle con;sltng of au:, nndcr;(hhndiv and a +ill,that by the one he might contemplate and 6 holdthe bea:ttyofthe Lord,_by the otl:sr be might emsbrace him. The tsnderjland:g as the eye of the f the to dtfcerne :nob , the mill as the f et of th/e foulest, carry it togood. The :in?:ri'1444s'; (!hasisb fm-nifbed ;v;th *client &noreledge to tí_i.ngs n ztA- ral) u+44 chieflrenriched with the knowleid e i of Gott thefir i truth : the will i then,q,h l.,t out to the dareofd..end tiara-rill!) wou ernecialy cnamo- redwith o4 the chiefes á,od ; and wíulf tbef faculties continued in tholepofluresman cont.ixreed rn the happy 4nd holy condition ofhie priinzve" ereatten; the corruptionandmiler/ of thefettle is the averfni ofthefefacultiesfrom this objet 2 the , comaptien of the ssnderflanding the Ignorance. of god; the corruption of the will, the abhorring of God; man lollnot his faculties by his fali,but their .integrity; bee bath an sssrd-rgandiná ¡1:11. but is regardofheavenly things blinde andv.siniixickt' !shed inether things , hee bath a will pia; bit ,twirl from God, and pteriru:,g with ec coet

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thb:s torre:te ; the reparationofthefouls ie there- fafinsetbefera epics on their proper oójci:, and tbuu thatwhich is repfired, c *lj fox give no thy beart,giveme thy axdcrflanding to knowme, sizv me thy tillto cleave to rrs, -by loving and fearing me,by delightingandhoping inme. T4efail: 4(14- . vin ,fearin1, c. commonly railedby ^.the nomo of `ons (1fpeakwith frnóìrt ffion to better jirdge- mentslare one) themotionsofthewill, ,hic4it goetbforth tothe imbracing of it obi -a .which re good ;which confidered rn thegenerail atare u 1. ved, confidered ae in the f nition is elghted in; eovridered to thefutureai attainable, withcafe,u defired ; ifwithdifficulty bopedfor, if the Will er tbefe4fel-ions befxeti ontheirproper p6¡iel7, there is nodanger in the excefe; ggodcannot' be' loved, or feared,r c. overmuch ; she onelydanger in them, fie either inmi fplacing upon a wrong ob j e or their loo a adherr ' s, to the right ; botb th the ; 4- po /lerolli ,Banot with/Pine, ; s bsçb u excefe, bat befilled watb theSpirit,. cov4t thebe 7rhua aria invites bye Chard:, D ern k.yea, be dran e,O my beloved. ThisJrx en fe,.(aitlr ro ,makes raensober: And thu tóe fr.6jel ofthuenfuiagDifcourfe publijhed / r thj benefit. Aead,conftder,PrmJ,amd theLordgive theeus der-. flung to conceiveofa,anda will to coafprme. am- to rt.

y'¿Z.ck.1i. ... .t. , ....

j aLE JL it 11 I. iti THe right ufe and orderingofthe Affc&iòas. Par I Dahl. A natural! man cannot fit his $fffftions on God,or upon thingsabove. 3 What theaffcfticns arc. ib I They are motions. ib. s Theyare motionsof thewill. 4 3 They are forciblemotions oftheheart. 6 4 They are fcnfible motions. 7 They are according to the.apprchenfions of good and evil'. li Refont. 1 They are the wings of the foule. a z They are the inclination of the foule. rr 3 Theyare the pafíton ofthe fouie. a s 4 They are the perturbationof the foule. 14 9 degrees whereifi the affeftions may be wroughion; In five of them a carnali man may have his affeftions wiouught on,but in the laic foule hecannot. 17 i The heart is inticed by them. ibid. a The heart is founewFat touched therewith. ib. 3 Theheart is fomewhatbowed by them. z I 4 The' heart is flolneaway with them. 19 s The hea rt is inflamed upon them. so 6. The hears is Overturnedfromwhat it was. 1" 7 That the heart be ingaged for "-God. ib. 2 The heart is glued to a thing by them. . as 9 The heart may bee quite given up to the thing?it atrzfts., Z3 Affeftions ofthewir kfdcannot be fet on Chrift ,but may he raifed towards Chrift. s3 Proved by.fiveart :meats. r By the fparkesof right reafon, ib. z By the knowledgeout ofthcWord. as 3 By knowiedgeand confcience quickned, * 26 4 Bythe horror of theircftate. 27 f By felfe-love, 23. A tcdionsm'ayworke the wicked to doe fame fpecialt duties,asappeares in fire inítances. s, urthRea(bn, though a carnal' mans affe&ion; b wrought on,yet they are not kindlywrought on. f irft,theyare not z kindly, s judicioufly, 3 iegnlarly3- 4 univeifally. A 3 _ Ez..t ,

iitril r+:"i -#44; ,44V `, ttr, ar r1t °(j ' wR 'N . Demonarated by fgettie Jiggles. : It hands us inLnirdy.in hand to have ouf aftcflions fet rir,bt, irgvedbyeight arguments. It is a C briftíans duty to fct his affeaiorts on God , two reafons. 57 Theneceility of icfor three Reafon% St All the good of the creature is not thy good ; proved by to'ire arguments. Gt It is bcfl to fit our afie Lions on God for 13 reafons. 64 Vie. It is a blcfling tohave affix-lions. , 64 Afkaions not fintull for three reafons. Sit. Afcftions are necefláry, and why. 66 our irnpediments,our afteetions are not fee onGod. 7s wo grounds to fet our aitcftions on G . 78 Neancs to fct ont affcElionson God. , St ?vlcancs to get up the bortosne of the aftè ions. loo 1,1 iniftersmull labour to fair up the aftcí ¡ons of thehea- rers. 107 Pow a Miniftcr rm.& ffir up afté5ions. r 114 It is a great en to f t our aftcÜtions on earth , proved by route arguments. 114 The degrees ot theaffeaions. I26 The catrcatnity of the a{Ìc£tions is zeaie. 14t Zeae what it is,in fiv; dctnouflrations. 142 Zeal is due ?nc1y to God for five reafons; ; 47 Cod dcmaundsthhe zealeofti a af%Etions. Ili Verydangerous to deny God the %aleof theaffe& ions inholy dutirs. 191 It is a lamentable condition we arc in, when our affcEti- ons runcontrary to God; by eight arguments. t . `ibid. Seven la nes u hetlrer the zeale of our oflEtlons be fet on God. ' 174 Zcale cannot abide any fin. ; 177 Norm any perfch,childe,wife,ricJ &c. 178 rave n canes to make us zealous, boy Be exhorréd to be zealoi:s againftthy wore enemies,Sin' Satan,&c. , 'ibid. Without zcalc thou mull never do good to others. ,ibid Nor incor,ragethe Middle's oCod. ibid. Nor can you be ecelleru. . bijy Zrl. makes us like Angels. ' í T Zeal as Ergpgainftcoldnelk and Jukewartne efiei entki ytevenmotives to fcc your aí}Qions on G94. {, . :', t ç.

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3 A T R E A T I S E 0 F THE A F F E C T I O N S. The I. SERMON. COLDS. 3. 2. Set your affeEiions on things that are above, and not on things which are on the earth. He fubje.`t ofthe Text and this Treadle is the Áfß= Eiions, fhewing the right de and ordering of them; which is a thing of continual and great concern nient : for theywill never be idle, but (fill running out and bringing into the foul, either healing or hurtful obje&s,and fo Authors either of our weié of welfare : and certain figues either of our happi- ncílè, that we are rifen with Chrifk or mifery= that we are JIMdead. And concerning tilde theApo$ic Fief, Implies a difeafe anddi!temper : that they are disjoyti'd from Qöd, and that d fperate1, Secondly, Appliesa medicine, a way to cure them, tobring them back,and place thenupon their firffand right objea God, and things above. r: The firff he intimates to us in three things. Firll, by calling them inordinate aflètlions, and fuck as can never be fcc right, without they be mortified. Morti fieyour earthly tnerabers, Fornication, Vncleanneffe, Inordinate offelpiòn, &c. v. 5. He tearrnes them inordinate and They are the trmafterleflèade& ions, and hecommandsustömortifte-then. of the Secondly by Cuewing theyare ,buriedin.tkel-Lssgsof the world, and tne't1 heart. can be raifcd upagain, but onely by the powerof the rc[herc&iou'of Chris{. If1ebe rifen withCbrlff,feekthofe things that area4ove, veri ,q,d,Ye can never be,tble to make your ade&iotasfeekupwards,unleff yc be rifen widiChri(f. Thirdly, by fùppofing they are naturally (as 3vloanon faits .of a looks B wrath ) 3. rimy are for- 7ible motions of -he hears. --e

r ` motions offinne., {ayes Saint Poul, R,om, 7. 5. that is, the a$édtionsOffanne, for foit is in the Original : ' tothat then area mans afte&ions fet. upon God, t when the heart hath itsout- goings to God, and therefore the Scriptures call the affe&ions thefeet ofto foule : for as the body goes with its feet to that which is loves, fo the foul goesout with its affe ions to that which it loves. I thought upon mywayes, and turnedmy feet unto thy Teftimonies, Pfal. 119. 59.that is, I turnedminc.affelions to thy. Teftimonres : 'looke to thy feet when thou comeft intò the houCe of the Lord. I have refrained my foot fromevery evil way, Pfar. i I 9. 10I. Their feet are fwift to flied blood, r$ Rom. 3. 15. TheSoul hathnoother way to come at that which it loves, but onely by its affections : can themuck-worme bring his bagges and his cof- fers tohis Soul ? can the.voluptuous manbring hisdoges, andhishounds, and hisbowles to his Soul ? No, though hisSoul loves tuch vanitiesas thefe, it cannot move to them butonely by its affe&ions, Currui fimilesfont &equis Yo pernicibusaffettus, fayes LaEtaniau . The afte&ions are the Souks honks, that drawher as it were inaCoach to the thing that fheaffe&s : aman is moved byhis afte&ions. ByAnger he movesout toRevenge : by Defrehe ah moves outto Obtain : byLovehe moves out to Enjoy : by Pity he moves iedout toRelieve : the affections are the motionsof theSoul. When theun- believing.Jewes had an attè&ionofenvyat Saint Paul,theText fàyes, They were moved withEnvy,e4trts 17.5. So theSoul ofthe godly is moved with af- feetion to God. This is the firft thing, the afIe&ionsarc. motions. Secondly, As the affeEtions are motions, fo they are the motions of the s Yilli I knowAri ftotle and molt ofour Divines too, do place theaffe&ions in ofthe fenitive part of the Soul, andnot in theWill, becaufe they are to be fan in the beafts. But this cannot be fo, for a mans afre&ions do moft ttirre at a fhameordifgrace ; which couldnot be, if the afte&ions were in the unreafonable fenfitive part : the unreafonable lenitive part of a man is not fenfible of credit or efteeme : call the deliires of the appetite greedy and gluttonifh ; the appetite is fencelefle of any difgrace, and therefore the af- teti`tionsmuff needsbe in theheart : the Scriptureplaces theaffeEtions in the Heart or the Will. Being affeEtionatelydeftrous f you, we were-m illing,. z-Thef. a. 8, Saint Paulcouples his affections andhis will together in one,. andhis affection that he had to theTheffalonians,. he feat- Obis will. Howcould the, JQ Treatife of the eilrons. wrath ) asheavy as a ftone; the affe&ions are fo naturally, as heavy as a (tone, which falls down to theearth, and cannot afcend, except it behea- vedúp : Setyour a4rettionson thins above, and not on things on the earth. q. d. Theynaturally faggedownwards on things chat are earthly, but lot them not do fo no heave them up, and fet them up upon things that are hea- venly, Ifye be rs fen with Chriff. Thefewordsare to be construed with all the exhortations Saint Paul does heregive. If ye be rifen with Chrift, feeke thole things that are above. Ifye be rifen with Chri ft, letyour affe&ions on things that are above. Ifyye be rifenwith Chrift mortifie your earthly members, and your inordinate affedti- ons, &c. q.d. ifye benot rifen withChrift,it is but a folly for me tobidde you do this, yecannot mortifie your affe&ions, nor raife up your affe&ions to God, ye cannot poll-161y do this, except ye be rifen with Chrift. The point then is this which I will handleby way ofcoherence. Anatural man cannot fet his affe&ions upon God, or upon things above: for our more intelligibleproceeding in thisDo&rine, as likewife in thewhole Treatife of the Affe&ions, which I defire to go through : let me tell you, Firit,What the affe lions be The at eEtzons are theforcible andfenfibk motions oftheheart, or thewih',.to a thing, or from a thing, according as it is apprehended to begoodor to be evil. There be four things to beconfidered herein. Fitt, The affetlions or motions. They are the motions of the heart. The

(4 if rreQt f ofthe "IeEtiàn:r. the Apofllccommandus to fet our affe&ionson God, and the things which are above, if the atic&ions were in the ferifitiveand unreafonable part ? can a man makehis material ftornack to hunger after God ? or the thirfl of his fenficive appetite to thirstafter Chrift ? alas! the fenfitivepart is not ca- pableof a commandorprecept. No, if the affe&ions were onely in the fen- titive andmaterial part of the foul, then how could they be in the Angels ? the goodAngels have affe&ions, all the effential parts of the aff&ions, and to have the bad. The good Angels, which things the Angels defire to looke into, I Pet. i. i z.The evil Angels or Devils, The Devils believe and tremble, Jam. 2. 79. I confeffe there be certain animal and analogical affè&ions that are in the fenfe : ther's gricfe for torment, and feare to toucha ferpent or a toad : delight inmoats that arc pleafant,and hatred of themthat are noy- tome. But the Lord doth not call for there fenfitive pail-ions to be feated upon him and on heaven, theyare feared aright as they ftand, foa mode- rationbe kept, they have no need ro change objeers : The affetions of the heart,thefe are the affe&ions the Lord doth callfor ; the out-goings of the heart, as the fenfe is afraid of a Lyon,fo is agodlyheart afraid to fin againf£ God ; as the fenfe is joyful to havecafe after trouble, fo a godlyheart isjoy- ful with a good confcience in Chrift i as the fenfe loves that which loth feed ir, foa godly heart loves God that doth nourish it : and therefore Áu- ften, and Galen, andScotus,and why fay I them ? the Scriptures fay, the of fe&ions are motions in the heart, ulfine eye effetteth my heart, faith the poor Church, Lam. 3. 5i . that is, when the beheld the lamentable diflreffes of the daughters of Sion , this ftirred up the affe&ion óf piety in her heart. Thirdly, as theaffe&ions arc the motions of the heart, fo they are ciao 3: forcible motions ofthe heart ; every little motion in the heart is not an affe- They sr! . for.-: &ion, but onely the forcible motions of the heart ; a man is then faid to fèt ciblemotkn 4 hisaffe&ions uponGod, when his heart goes with force unto God; for as the heart. God appoints every creaturehis taske, and to feeke out its own good, fo hegives it a force for todo it ; the (tone its nature is to fall downwards, and God gives it a weightineffe that it mayfall downwards with force: the flo- macke itsnature is to take food when it isempty, and God gives it a hunger, that it may take it with force : every creature hath not oriely its motion td move it to its own good,but it goes to it with force ; fo Godbath given at= fe&ions to the heart, as weight rothe fton °, and hunger to the flomacke; foGod (I fay) hath given affe&ions to the heart,that it may feeke out its good with a force : tò that then does a man fet his affe&ions upon Gotl1 when he letsall his forces toGod-ward. WhenDavid had given 847. Mil- lions, 3â2 thoufand Soopound in (liver and gold of his own charges, to thh building ofGods houle, forfo the learned may gather out of two Chapters _ in theChronicles, youmay well think he imployed all his forces thereto ; but what fayestheText, Ihave fet mine affeïuion to the houfe of God, T Chron. 29.3. Thus ye feewhen hefets his affe&ions to Gods houfe, he put to his forces : the a e&ions are theforcible motions of the heart ; when a childe of God prayedwith affe&ion, he prayeth with force; whenhe RandsforGod with aflè&ion, he ftands for him with force. Fourthly, as the affections are the motions, and the forcible motions of . the will,fo they are thefenfible motions too. For the will ftirres up the rote= they are the' riour facultiesofthe Soul, and they ¡titre up the humours and parts of the fenfblemations body, to make the greater refiftance to that which it difaffe&s, or the grea- °f theheart. ter embracementof that which it affe&s. This is one reafonwhy the affe&ionsare called paffìons, for they make the foul to fuffer,and the body to fuffer. The affe&ion of Joy makes the fpleene for to fuffer, and angermakes the gall for tofuffer, and fearemakes B 2 the

4 rreatife ofthe 11 eFlionr. the heart for to fuffer ; yea,the affè Lions makehumours,blood,fpirits, mem- bers, even bones and all the body for to fuffer. Hence it is, when a man fers his affè&tions upon God, hisfeare, the fear of God makes him tremble ; his Love, the loveof God makes him to weepefor his fnnes; theShameof it that he fhould dilhonour his God, makes him to blufh before Chriff. Grmfe for his honesmany times dryes up hismoyJure ; andZeale for his glory confumeth hisflefh : fo was it with the Pfalinift, when hewas fullof affe&ions towards God; and law how men did dif-obey his Commandements, fee what fenlì.- ble motionswere inhim. Misc eyesgufh áut with rivers ofwaters becaufen¢eß keepe not thy Laws Pfal, A I g. i.3g, Ezra was fo off, dionatc for God, that knowing how thepeople tranfgreffed, it made the colour to come in his .1- ' and to blufh before heaven, Ez.r. 9.6. as Demetrius blutht for his father Philips offences; theOrator that pleaded King Philips defence, didnot do him fo much fervice, as the blushing of Demetrius his forme, This was the cffea of hisafte&ion to his Father, it fhewcd it fclfe in his blufhing for the offences of his Father : Thus theaffe&ions arc the fenfible motions of the Will. q. ,Fiftlyand laftly, they are (Lich fenfible motions as are according to the theyare fùch apprehenfon of good or evil, For when there is but finall apprehenfion of motions as are good or evil, the auctions arc weake, andmayhardly worke on the body according to the at all ; but when there is ag'eat a rehenfion of either, not onely the foul is apprehenfion of pl? good or evil. deeply aff`áted, but alto the body is mightily compatible. Nay, if the appre- heniionbe dcepe indeed, the aft:aims break out into raptures,as dancing and leaping oftheheart, which are the raptures of joy : ravifhmenrs and enamo rings, which arc the raptures of love ; meltings, and bleedings, and breakftigs of Spir it , which are theraprurt r of: reitc'; af}onithments,amazements, which arc the raptures of feare ; cornfutìon and the like, which are the rapturesof fhaine: the of trionsburft forth intofuch ra-ptures as thefe, when we.ap- Jndith i6.`y, prchenfionis deeps. Oloferner hiscyes were ravifht with the flippers of fu- Gen.37. deth,becau(ehe,was deeply in love with her : Jacori ihooken almoft dead at the fight of iisfonncs bloody coate,bccaufc he was deepely aff }ed there- at. The Roünan Senate were affrighted with the fight of the Carthagini- an green figges, that Cato did thewthem : filch raptures have the Saintsvery pften in therrpraycrs to God, being Iielpt with fighesandgroanes that cannot be tittered, Rom. 8.2G. becaufe they have a deeps apprehenfion of thecor- ruption chat is in them, Thus ye fee what the affett}ons be, they are for ::ibleandfenfiblempticnsofthe will, toa thing or from a thing, according as it is iFprehended to be evil,or to begood, n the next placelet me thew that a carnal man cannot fet there hisaf- fetións upon Ggd :or,tipoit'Grace, which may appeareby reafons, The affetlions ,Firft, 4ffe aesPunt alit anima, as the proverbegoes, -The .flffeE'tions are the ,;t are the wings w,illgs ofthe Soul. Ifthç birds wings be litne-twig'd and glued tothe gr-oúnd, ofthe foul. _thecantlotflyup now a carnal man his affections areglued and lam- twig'd to thethugs ofthe world, or the thingsof this .life : and .therefore it is tripoffible he Ihouldflie,kip:untoGod. I read in the life ofgoodAnfelme, mIking in the fieldslie.faw:a.lhephcrds boy that had.taken a bird, and tyed a (lone to her legge, and as the bird would be offering to mount, the flow Milledher.ddwn, thehad .fuch a.weight on -her legge, the could not flicup r th-tisgood Fatherfell aweepiug, to confider, that to it was with men, carnal men ',.çhough perhaps thcy,think to flic- up;unto God by many good.pur- poles) they atOtillillOnlq dòwn ;wiiti theirlinnes, their aff, :aions are clbg'd, fcctirity, deadneffe of heart, felf-love, ai`s l léue ofthe. things here below, like .milftoncs made fat} to theiriheeles,their affections cannot mount up to God. Hai} thou more affection to agame.then a Sermon ? more affection to fit drinking .in Ale-houses, then tobe reproved for thy limes ? more offeEtion to Reafops, Anfelmus.

rreatife of the Aledions. to agood booty,then a good duty ? alas ! how canft thou fet thine affecti- ons upon God ? thine affe&ions areearthly affections, and therefore they cannot be placedupon God, Rórn, i . 2 6. there read ofvile ,4ffe5l-iou. God gave up the Heathen tobaie andvile affections : fo theft are bafeand vilc,*f and carnalaffections, that thou artgiven unto thine affections are malice, and envy, and revenge, which cannot be let upon God :. they are worldly feares, and worldly forrowes, and worldly joyes, and worldlypleafues, and worldly delights, ehefè are thineaffections, there can never be placed upon GodTheyare vile afle&ións,too bate and elifhonourable to God. Thineaf- fections are lime-twig'd by Satan,they canuQtfore upunto God. This is the firft reafon, why a carnali matt cannot fet his affections upon God, becaufe his affections, which are the wings of bis foule, are glued to theearth. Secondly, Afcîusfont incl.nationes anima, Theofethons are the inel:nationr They are the ofthe Soule : as a man .i5 affe&çd., fo is he inclined ; and therefore theaf4 Inclínatións of fections in Scripture are called the bent of the foule, My people are bent to the Soule. baekefliding fromme, Hof. ii. 7. that is, their affe&ions to me are unflable, unconflant, andfiekle. How ftands (uch a one bent ? às we fay; that is, howRands he affeaed ? A man is bent tothat which his affections are on ; now then is it pofl'i'ale that a carnal man fhould let his affec&ions on God, when his heart does not (land bent unto God ? the mtickc.worme, his heart Elands bent to the world, the voluptuous, his heart ffands bent to his plea- fures ; the proud man, his heart Bands bent to get credit ,and be well thought on ; the natural manftandsbent to be carnal andearthly ; and howcan fuck men fet their affections; on God, when their hearts Baud that way bent ; the affections,are they bent ? that way that thy bent goes, that way do thine affections go : thouart merryand jocond , and j pyful to day,tell me, what is itfor ? is it becaufe God is glorified by thee ? No, no, thy Mirth and thy. joy (land otherwife bent ; thou haft. been angry and revengeful,what was ittor ? was it becaufe God is dithonoured,aud thy lulls have beenviolent? Alas ! nolthy anger and thy wrath ftand,otherwife bent: thine affections at-eta bent and inclinations of thy heart, and therefore if thoube inclinedto things that are earthly, thou canft, not place thine af- fections upon God ; nothingcan go against itsownbent and inclination, un, leffe by the omnipotent power of the Spiritof Chrifl. Daú d knew, this weld enough, thathisaffectionscould never be to Gqdrand, his .iighteoufnetle;áf his heart did not thatWay :Elandbent ; and therefore he prayer God, Inclii not my heart to anyevil thine, Pfal, t z 4. Let not mineaffecions be on aiag evil thing, for then I thouldbe thatway inclined. This.isthelecoid reafoa why a carnal mancannot let hisaffections upon God,:becaute the - affefkions of the heart are thebent oftheheart. Thirdly, pffeaus funspafanes asiim'e,fayes Damafcen,'The. affeaionsare 3. ahepajJìons of the Soule. When.the-heart isaffe&cd with a thing,it letsin that They are the thing ,andit fuffers a change by that thing ; when a man is affected with a11'ons of the anger at awrong oran injury, we fayhe is in a paffion ; that is, he lets in the SOU . wrong, and there does hisheart bite upon the wrong, and chafe at it ;. thus Ell rorhe lbe he is paffioiiate, when a man is affe&ed with love toapleafure, he lets in the pajfions as é pleafùre, and fuffcrs it toprevaileon the heart: now then acarnal mancan- are. 1am.9.17 iiot fet his affections upon Godnothis Grace,. becau(c he cannot let it in to That is, fubjetl prevaile over his Soule, he will riot fatter it to cater ; can he be in a Food to lik,e ith afpuse e4i' pafïion for God ? can he be angry and cholericke to fee howGods Spirit is ons grieved ? can he -be grieved at the lulls of his heart, which he joycs in? Can hebezealous for Godstruth,and for the beauty ofhdinefl:e ? Alas,alas aió. He cannót let in there things into his heart, nor Chrift, nor Grace, nor Holineffè, nor Humility, nor Self denial, nor any faving grace that is Chrifts, can get entrance into his heart ; and therefore he cannot fet-his af-- li 3 feaións

6 Çreatife of the .df. e1ionf. fe&ions upon God. When the Apoffle had exhorted the Hebrews, and nowwasconcluding, that he could exhort themno further, he concludesou this manner : And Ibe(eech youbrethren, fuffer the word of exhortation, Neb. 13, 22. He laboursto workeon their affections, that they would let in his -X exhortations into their hearts, he doesnot fay, (Ida me to exhort you, for hehad exhorted them already, and had taken his leave, but fuffer it to en- ter into your hearts ; now ifyoub_ carnal, thouwilt never fuffer Guds coun- t fels to enter ; youle never fuffer the word of reproof, neither will ye fuffer a ' refignation : Suppofe we íhouTd pull down all the unueceflary Ale-houles in theParifh,would ye fuffer it ? Suppofe we thould roote out all your game- houles and the like,would yefuffer it ? Suppofe we thouldmake everyman pay histwelve-pence a day for every time he is abfent fromChurch, and have all diforders punifhr in the Town, would ye fuffer it ? Suppofe we thould come to your houles and exhort you, and reprove, and tell you of your finnes,and labour to reforme you and your Families,alas!would ye fuf- ferit ? No,your paífions will rife, ye would be fo farce from affeBeing theft things,as thatyour affe&ions would be againfl: them,nay,yewould be inpal-. ffìon againut me ; carnall hearts cannot let their affe&ions upon God, why ? becaufe the affe&ionsarepaffìons,as I have proved already, and the foule does fuffer its affections. The affe&ionsdo alter the heart; but a carnal heart will not be altered by the word,nor by Chrift ; norfuller his graces to enter. Fourthly, put the cafe aman fet himtelf wrong, Affe2us runt perturbationes They are the anime, The a f fetfions are theperturbations o f the foul; if once they go wrong,and Perturbations the reines be laid on their necks, they are like wile hottes to thefoul,ro car- ofrhe Sonic. ry her whither fhewould not; they are the difturbers of juclgement,and vio- lent tyrants over the foul,chcy make a man walk as they lift; and therefore the Apoftlecals chfrn,the lofts of concupifcence,wherein a manwal,_es,t.7hef,q_, 5. in theoriginalit is theaffeitions of concupifcence,they are cruel and mallet- lets mifleadersofa man ; now a carnal man,his affe&ions are loch, they are dillurbances and perturbations untohim,they.will fo troublehim,and tone 4f. himupanddown,from lull unto luft,from fin untofin, that he thall never be able that is carnal,to fet themupon God. jamblychus cals them thenayles of the foul,whereby it's-nailed-to the things ofthe body; would a carnal mate --repent ? alas! hips affe&ions difturbehim;wouldhepray and hold out in that duty? his affe&ions are importunate tobe otherwite occupyed; would he ex- hort and reprove,and be rebuking his neighbour for finningagainfl God? his affe&ionsthey are againfl it,he is afhamed for to do it,he is afraid he thall have a flout for his labour;would he forlake his covetoufnefle,and drunken - nefs,and company ? Oh 1 his affe&ions are fo ftrongto them,that he isnot able todraw hisheart from them. The veryHeathen brings in all the world thus fpeaking of themfelves, Nitimur in vetitumTemper cupims fque negata, fo head-thongare the affe&ions when they arewrong : its Medea in the Poet, video meliora probóque, the faw the good and the liked the good, but her af- fe&ions tranfported her quite to the contrary ; thus it . was with Herod the King:whenhe heard there wasanother King ofthe Jews born in the world and that Wife amen from the haft were come for to dohomage to that new King; theText fayes,he was troubled, Macth,2, 3. feare and íhame,and grief, and vexation,and all his affe&ions,theywereall upni Armes and would not *let him be quiet : they troubled him laves Saint Matthew, Yea, they made fuch a difturbance in Herod, theydid fobaffle his judgement, and buhe his thoughts and torture his minde,that they drove him tomurther Godknows how malny fcores of poor Infants, before they would be quiet, they made him a mad-man. Thus the affe&ions are grievous perturbations, when they areonce come tobemil- placed;and if they be fuchperturbations as they are, alas , how can a carnal' man let his affe&ions upon God ? they

coÁTreatif of the AfeEio'ns. theyare mafterlefle wild horfes, and hecannot fubdue them : they arcbed- lams and frintick miuicaders , and he cannot .overcome them : they are desperate things, his of e ionsare fo giddy and unruly, that he can never be Chrifls, as long as his aflè&ions are alive; unleffe theybe fet upon the tcutcrs> and and put upon the rack, anho ethapareChri,itslhave cru:never ed theright >Yirh therefore (ayesthe Apoftle, f 1 f fl Jh> theaf feEt1ons and lufts,Gal. 5. 4. Thole that are Chrifts, have done fo,or elfe they could never bcChrifts,becaufe theaffe&ions are perturbations 8cdiftur- bances, molt wofull perturbations they are. And this is a fourth reafonwhy a carnali man cannot fet hisaffe&ions upon God , .becaufc his affe&ions are perturbations, and like a company of wilde hot ies, thatwill not be ruled. c$1 . F.44. ,, Q . o The II, SERMON. Cotos.3. z, Set your af feCtions on things that are above , e-c. THus I have fhown you firft, what the affe&ions be : Sc- condly,how acarnali man cannot fet hisaffections upon God. But here it may be obje&ed : cannot a carnall marl have good aff &ions to God and tograce? The p:ople were fo aflec}edwith johns preaching, and with his Baptifnse , that they would have been angry and zealoufly affeaed againif that man, whoever hewas, that thould havePaid it was not ofGod; theywould have Honed filch anone todeath,Luk.e zo,6.Thepeople molt of themwerecarnall,yet theywere thus affe&ed with his preaching. Certainly,a carnal mans affections may be mar- gellouilywrought on. For the clearingof this doubt : Let me thew you nine ctegrees,whereii theafte&ions maybe wrought on : in five of them,acarnal man may have hisaffcctionstobewrought on, and in the laft fourof themhe cannot.Firft,I will name you thefenine degreesof theaffectionsof the heart. The firft is, when theyare foJane wrought on, that heartis enticedand al- r lured much by them. Thus the eloquent Min titers in Corinth it kerns , they Theheart is en- wrought upon thepeoples affe&ionsexceedingly,their words were fodraw- treed and aaa- ing,and their fpeechwas fo inticing, that theycame flockingto them. Saint red by them. Paul conteffes he wouldnot preach fo,with the enticing words of mess rvi(dome, >s Cor.2.4. (q.d.)what good fhould I do,ifmypreaching were filch ? Its true Imight allure you,and moveyou,and enticeyou,and airyour affe&ions; but alas , this would neverbring you to faith, and repentance with power : this might tickle your hearts peradventure a little,but nor fouidlycomfort you. The fecond is when the affe&ions arewrought on fo far , that theheart is fomewhat touched therewith, Asaman when his affe&ions are moved with a- ny,at adifgracefiull word,he faith,thistoncheth me indeed. WhenGod-tur- ned the affections of Ifract unto Saul, indeed'ome of them had no affe&ion to.Saul,How Jhallthrs man fave us?fay thcy,they defpifedhim in them hearts, but God turned the affe&ionsofthe reff upon Saul, for to follow him:' The Text fayes ofthem,7he Lord had touchedtheir hearts, z Sam.i o.z6. That is, he fettheir affeetion.s uponSau /,that theymightíollow Saulupand down. As when -i

[reati(e_ of .the / edior. when the Needle is touched with the Loadfione,then it will turn it felf.pr-e- fently to theNorth;theiraffections were rouehed,and therefore they follow;- -- ed after Saul. So,manymcn,thcir affc±ions are touched at a Sermon; thug affections are not only allured, but receive a touchfrom the. Word there ï> f jmc vcrtue goes out of the Word, as fame went from Chrift to the Wo- man that had but a touch ofhis ga-r-ment; o theiraffcetionshave a couch from the Word,and fcnnevenue goes: to them, for the affcecions arc termed the touch of the heart. ,1t'sgoodfora mannot to touch a woman, i Cor. % .1 .That ìs, not to fit at amorous affe&ion ofthe heart upon a woma n.Thus far awick- edmansaffe&ionsmaybe to the Word,they maybe touchedby the Word. 3. Thethird is,whenthe affeaioas arc wrought on fo far , That the heart is f Th mew heart is fomewhat bowed thereby; this is another degree ofworking on the affeaìons, a to bowed by them. bow the affe&ions,as ycmay read; David bowed theheart ofallthemen ofJidda, evenas theheart ofone man, 2 Sam i 9.14. that is , by his Mind fpeeches , and friendly meffage he fent,he inclined andbowed their affections unto hire. So a wicked manmayhave his affecions bowed unto good,whcreas his affe i7 ons ftood fturdy before, or may be they were bowed another way before, now theybe bowed the contra rv;as wickedIoabsaffeaions were fo bowed to God -wards, and for the good of his Church, that he was wiling todye in his defence. Beofgoodcourage,fayes he,let us play the men our people andthe Cities ofour God,and the Lord 1.o what feemcthhimgood. z Sam. I 0.1 2, See how herowzesup his valour,andhisgeneausaffections to fight forhis God , his affectionswere fornewhat bowed unto God, and yet he was a wickedman. 4. The fourth is,theaffectionsmay be wrought on fo far,thàt the heart may be The bcart is flolne away with them : this youmay find in the ftoryof Abplert, whowita:%js away beauty and the ro erneffeofhis crfon, and the flattery ofhis lips, and his with them, Y P _p p courteous complement with thepeople ofthe land,he did fo win their affecti- ons,that the Text (ayes, Heflole thehearts ofthe menofI frael, 2 Sant.' 5.6, So grace is fo beautifull, and the Word of God bath filch kind promifes andkind fpccches with it; not complemental, as Abfalors, but Nall and tru- ly amiable, that it may itealc the°affections.of a carnali man, as the lfraelites ffole from theeJgyptians, and theyknew-notilow, fo grace may fteal thine affections and take them with its beauty , and yet thou be a wicked man for all that. As Paul with his preaching did fo (teal away .the affeaions and the. hearts of Galarhians, that for a need theywould have plttck,t ,out their eyes and given them to Paul, they were fo ftrongiy affected with him and the Gofpcl he taught them,Gal.4. z S..Neverthelefs S.PaulLays they therefoollh& carnal, s The fifth is, the affeaions may be wrought on fo tar, that the heart may The heart is in.. be hot and inflamedby them. .That this is another degree ofthe affe&ions, flamed by them. you may gatherfrom the avenger ofblood; whenany had unwittingly and un- willingly killed his brother, the Lord commands him to flit qutck¿ly to a icy ofrefuge, left the avenger ofbloodjhould loll him infury and anger. The words go thus, left the avengerof bloódpumjue r beflayer,while his heart is hot. Dent. z 6, 6. While his,heart is hot,that is, whilehe is in the heat ofhis paffran, while his anger and the affectionsof revengearehot : the affections may be railed fo high,that theymay fet the heart in a heat .upon a thing which .it affects. So acarnal manmay have his affections heated and inflamed towardsGod and towards grace. Saul had a great zeal to GodsChurch, 2 Sam.2 z .2, fehu was zealous for God,Comewith me,fayeshe,andfee my zealfor theLord, 2 Kiug.i o, 16. Zeal is the heat of all the affections, and therefore Iehu was heated in all hisaffections for God; his affections werehoc to root out Idolatcrs,hisaffecti- onswere hot tocutoffGods enemies,a.nd to reform abundanceof finful ahu- fes in the Kingdçxm:hc was zealous,his affections were heated cowards God, and yet 7ehu was no better then a carnal man for all that. Thus far may a Garnal mans affections be wrought on for grace ; and this is no argument that

rreatàfe ofthe that he hath fet his affections upon God, as ihall afterwards appear. There- fore there be four further degrees which are only tobe found in the godly. . The fixth then is, the affections may be wrought on to far, that theheart 6; isqu to overturned from that it was before; I fay theaffections may be'wrought The heartis on fo far,that the heart may be turned upfidedown by them. So it was with r what it the godly; they were even overwhelmed in affections for Godwith the fear frombefare. ofthe Lord, and their hearts turnedupfidedownwith grieffor their fins. Be- hald0 Lord, for I am in diflreffe, my bowels are troubled,my heart is turned within me,for Ihavegrievoufly rebelled,Larn .1.20. Her foul was evenbattered with affections of repentance and humiliation ; her foul was diftreffedwith ter- rors; her bowels were troubled -and contracted with fears, and her heart was turned upfide down with forrowes, and all for her fins , for I have gri:evouf- ly rebelled, fayes the. Nowicked manunder Heaven had his affections ever fowrought on, that was not converted upon ir. As fob fayes of his birth , He lob io to, was curdled like Cheefe : to here in the fecond birth, her heart was curdled like Cheefe, &c. My heart is turned inme,fayes the. This is a higher working on the affections, then any carnalman bath. The feventh is,thc atle&ions may be wrought on fo far,that the heart be en- . gagedfor God.As a womans affe&ions towards a man may be fo deep,as that The heart is' the engages 'her heart unto that man , and retolves to have none other hut- cd gcd for band but him. So when the ate&ions are fo deep in love with.grace and with Chrift , that the heart is once engaged for Chrift, tobe a widow for ever,unlctle hewill be pleated to count her his Spoufe : the world (hail never have herheart more,the fiefh thall never have her heart more,nor devill,nor luft,nor any other tin (hall ever have her heart more, the is fo tar in love and affe&ion with Chrift, as her heart is engaged for Chrift, this is a godly foul. Who is this that engages his heart to approach untome?faith the Lord,Jer,3 0.2 i . If pleaftue come,faying, fet thine affectionon hie; no fayes the heart, mineaffc- &ions are engaged already; if her old lutts,and her old lovers, andher oldac- quaintance come, Paying, fet your affc&ions onus; no, fayes theheart, i am engaged for another , even for Chrift and his graces : this is a deep working on the affe&ions indeed, when they are engaged for Chrilt. The eighth is, theafteaions may be wrought on fo far , that the heart may R. beglued to a thing by them. Iamblicus the heathen bath a prettyphrafe to this The heart is purpofe: a wickedman hecalls him iAAAu.Éq- ü Toic 6mruttácuc, bound in and glued to a thing nailed in his affe&ions ;he is even nailed and glued to the things of the world, by them. his heart does even flick to them like pitch and Tarie to the Ship. So it is Davits Py- with a godlyfoul, his heart flicksfart unto Chrift , and theCommandments of Chrift. I haveflock:into thy teflimonies, layes David to Chrìtl, Pfal.ii 9,3 Howcame hisheart to flick toChrifts teftimonics? His holy affections were the glue, his affectionsclave to Gods law. Theninth is, the affe&ionsmay be wrought on fo far,that the heart may be 9, quiteg'iven up to the thing which it affetts,Solomon had fuckafteaions to wifdom The heart is that hegavehis heartfar to feekit.Ecc.r.i 3 .As weufe to fay,he hathmyheart, to quite iveneit- what can he have more ? all mine affe&ions are Pet on him , if he have my affetFs. hearr,and allSoa godly heart is to deeply affe&ed withChritl and his righ- teoufne(le,as that Chrift bath his very heart and all. He gives up all that he bathunto Chrift. It's true, no wicked man in the earth bath his affe&ions thus far wrought on; but it is marvellous to thinkhow far a mans affc&ions 7-7Je a}feffionr maybe wrought on for Chriff,and yet be a carnal man. It's proved already, may be thus he cannot let hisaffc&ions on Chrift , but he may raife up his affections a raifed. good way towards Chrift, and now I will prove it. ,. Firft,the iönicles and embers ofright reafon that God hath made natural(to By thefparbs hisheart,may regulate his affectionsto he chaff, and fober, andkind, and li- of right reafon regulate beral,and juft,audmorally humble,and patient,and ncrciful,8cc.and toob- C ferve the at

Io ?1Q' Treatife of the AffeEJions. ferve the things contained in the Law. Natural reafon 'directs men to love their parentsand their children, and one another : thus the very Heathen thernfelves guidedtheir affections withReligion as it were,thevertues ofmo- tib.,Eth,c.6. rainy Pays Ariftatle,they doiueíoxeir g'r d! 7,7s }gin.They find out a Medi- umor agolden mean in theaffections,& hold themuntoit. And therefore Sr. Paulknoweth thus much,and how that fomcof theHeathenwere fo wicked, that they wouldput out the, light oftheir own reafon, and be drunk and luft- full,andpreud, and mercilefs,and difobedient to parents,he condemns them efpecially for this,rhat they were without underffanding,and without naturall affiF.tion,Rom.i .3 I. that is,becaufe theyput out that naturali reafon,and that naturali af%&ion that were in them. Becaufe their of coons might have been naturally fet upon thofe things. Their very naturall reafonmight have ruledtheir affèLions, and fet themupon venuesofmorality. I. So that thus far thou mayeft go,and yet beacarnalift,rhineaffections may run to be civil, and morally honeft, and the like natural reafonmay raife tip thineaffedions from drunkernefTe and luft, and fromnaturali injuf} ice; and from fwearing and lying,and filthiuefle offpeaking, and the like. I fay natural reafonmay raife np thine affections from thefe. Indeed it may be thine affections are violent, and grcedy,and fenfual to tempt thee tofome of thefe fins, but natu- ral reafonmay take themofffrom fuch fins as thefe. Are .thine affeerious fv vile as to follow thy blowzing and thycompanykeeping?we need not quote Scripture toconvince thee : thy material ftomack cries out it is a fin , for is grumbles at it. Thine eyes,and thy legs, and thy heels cry out,it is a fin ; for they do betray it. Lookupon thy purfe, it cryes againft thee, for it thouhaft emptied.Look upon thy Children,and thyServants, and thyWife, they cry againft it, for them thouhaft beggard. Look upon thyfields and thy lands, and thy inheritance , they cry againff it , forthem thou haft morgag'd and impaired.Lookupon the ftinking dunghil,it bids theehold thy noftrils at the ftinkingneffe ofthis (in,for there is thy fpewiug and thy vomiting, and fo of the reff ofthefe fins ;natural reafònmay eafily raife up thineaffections from thefe. Which ifthou haftdone already, andart civil and moral , thou art yet gone no further thenaNaturian maygo.Thou mayeft dothat,and yet be a Carnallif}. 2. Secondly, becaufe thouhaft more means then the meansofbare nature, By knowledge thy knowledge out ofthe Word,mayraife;up thy affeltionsexceedingly : knowledge that f ahfetwh ord up may awe the heart,andmove it with the affection o f feares, that it go not a- the ilea. gainft its own knowledge. HerodfearedJohn, knowing that hewas a jugman, Mark6. o. Herod his affection was ftirred with fear at the hearing oflohn; why? heknew he was a goodman, and he knew it was juft as he preached; heknew it was GodsWord. And therefore he feared not to obeyhim, he wasafraid to go againft him. Nay,his affections weremore railed then fo;he heardJohngladly,anddidmany things. He was affected with joy at hisSer- mons,and his affections were wrought on to breakout intoact , and to do many things. I do not read, he (tuck at any thing but only hisdarling cor- ruption. Hisaffections are fowrought on , that is Ihould Teem h ereformed many fins in his Courts, and manyofhis Courtiers; he began to let up forne worfhip of God in his Palace. All this was byreafon ofknowledge; he knew John was a good Preacher, he knewhe preached the truth, and the truth over powredhisaffe&ious.Now he had no fuch elbow-room forto fin,as he had in his ignorance. Nowhe fcares to do many fins that before he feared not, why ? becaufe his knowledgewas inlightened. This is noargument that thou art a childe of God, becaufe thòu reformeft many things. Alas , thy knowledge isconvinced thoumufffo : theveryDevil . himfelfmaybe over- powred byhis knowledge when the Devill knew Chrift was Chrif} , he could not but confefle, We know thee who thou art, the holy one of God. Mark.

?A Treatife of the ilifeîlions. (frtark.I.24. Happily thou fearc t to go flatly againft the Sermons thoii heard} , thou fear& to live fo bad as thou didit ; happiiy thou rejoycelt to hear the Bell ring toa Sermon , and artglad to hear the preaching ofa Miniaer; happily thine affc&iovs are fowrought on, that thou artinoved co domany things, not to fuffer fuchpotting and cupfyiug in thyhoule as thou ufedit , not toendure fuchd iforders in thy family as thou wert wont; alas, alas, this is goodyet; and,O that others wereproficientsthus far,this is fur- ther thenmany, dogo , but this thoumayca do , and yet be a Carnallift. Thou knoweft this is the truth ofGod ,and this ftirres thiie ae Lions a little. Thirdly,God,may be, he bath quickned thy kuowleäge a little , and quickned 3 thy confcience, and made it tell thee the horror of thy tins, and tnis mayraife Bednon 1tc1nee up thine affectionsmany fteps higher; not onely to mourn for thy fi,,s, and qu;ee be full of the aff.:fions of forrow, but alto togomournfully, andfadly up and down,topull down thyproud looks , to take on lamentably ; becaufe of thy former,iniquities. As Ahab, Thus the word made .Ahab rend the very clothesoff his back, and fling,oft his royal robes , andpur on fackcloth in their room, it made him have. no mind to his meat, but to Taft, yea togo 'foftly too,fayes the Text : 1 Kings 21.27.. When Ahab heard thefe words., be tore offhis clothes, heabflainedfromhis meat., and.rvent lofty. Ambulabat demif fo capite g that is,he did not go fo proudly upAnd down with fuch a careere itl the:ftreets,as before; No, he hung down his looks, he went fadly andfofdy up anddown as he went. Thusfar toothou,mayft go in railing thine affettiii ons, and yet be a Carnallift. Thoumayeft be [mitten in thy{oul for thy fins, as:togo (ufdy,and lad mournfully up and ,down, to have little:luft to eat thy meat for thi11:itig of thy fins, to gopoorly-and meanly, and have little mind CO gobravely :I faythiue.atfeCtions maybe fo quickned,as togofadly all along as thougaeff;tothat all that knewtheebeforemay,wonder;goodLord, What ayyes yonder man, how he ischanged 1,ewas a .Ruffian, a Royfter, and whobut be theother day : what's the matter withhire ? he goes fó fad- lyupanddjwn,atìd petfively along. But whydo I fpeakagainft thee; when there be few that area quarter fowell affected, as .thou.? -but alas, I tell thee, thou mayeft go:thus far, and be thus deeplyaffeaed, andyet be a Carnalift. Fourthly, á, "deep apprehenfon, a,ndfenfe ofthe horror ofthineefiate : thismay wind up thineoflegions manyftcps higher; thou mayeft be afraid co bedam- ned, and afraid of the judgements of God , and this may fetch teares from By adeep app thine eyes, andfiglies and,groanes from thy heart. This mayeven melt thy thehof afleltions intoweepings ,. and abundance ofweepings for the fins thou haft their eftrr te. done,and yet.bèa Carnalli(t. TheProphet brings in the carnal' Ierves fo do- wg,, This have"yedoneagain , covering theAltar ofGod with teares, with weeping and crying' opt.; ii.ifomuch that he regardeth not the offering any mote. Mark, theyoffered theirprayers untoGod, and cryed out-right , yea , they h1a; Z; powredoui many teares, they covered Gods Altar with teares,and yet fayes he, God regarded not their prayers,and their offerings for all that : fhould we fee.a man come toGodsHou(e,andhearbimat thehearing oftheWord, orcallingupon;God, makeanott-cry of his fins, yeaweep and weep abun-, dandy,cover hisPewwith histeares, we would wonder at the repentance and the goodafféions ofthat man,yct fólac thou mayeftgo, fuchgood af- feaions thoumayeft have, as to cover thyTable with tears , yea and Gods Altar with thyweepings, and yet be a Carnalüft. ása3o, d' äe,ß cíwguec « vgfes, Goodmenfayes Homer areweeping men. Nay, I faya man may be a leite weeping man, and yet bea good man. O howmightily may a mans affe- Etions be wrought on,andyet bea (hanger fromGrace I Fifthly , felf -love : look how high felf-love maywind up thy affe&tións By fe/f lové,' for thy fins, fo high may thineaffections be wound up. Self-love maymake thee wondrous affeâionate. No naturali affe&ion can poffi-bly be raifed up higher,therifelf-love may..St. Paul maybeing to reckonup all the finfull af- C a icaiont

I2 Q rreatilé. of the Aeiiionf. feftions ofinea in thefe laft dayes; henames fell-love for the formoft. In the Taft dayesperilous timesfhall come,lvhy?for menfallbe lovers ofthemfelves : then thenames eighteen more,but this he places inthe front on the Catalogue,for Pelf-love is ftrongeft ofall, 2 7701.3 .2. I cite thisText only to thewhow high our affê&ions may be railed to God . namely as high as ever felf-love can clamber. Self-lovewill make aman be veryaffe&ionate,When a manknows hecannot be faved unlefl^e he do thus and thus; O how affe&ionate mayhe be for CO do it,when heknowes, he (hall perifh for ever, ifhe benot religious and godly; ifhe do not bewaile his iniquities' and ftrive againft fm , and la= bour to dogood unto others : howmarvellous full of aftètions may this snake him to be,todo abundanceof things 1 Which may, Firff, it mayfcrue uphis ofettions fo high, that he de loath tocommit fin ; per- Fir`ft,nake a adventure he does oftencommitit, but fain would he leave it, Ohe isun- man be loath to willing todo it,hewifhes affeáionately, OLord, how (hall I leave it ? O that commit fin. I might leave it: yea,he feeks foremeans for to leave it; hedoes'i t I confeffe, but fainwould he not do it: his affe&ionsmaybe wroughtupon thus far,and yet bea Carnallift. Such an one was Dar,us,hehadmade a Decree,and writ it, and figned it, and fealed ir. Well , Daniel would not do according to the tenor of theDecree : and therefore theDecree wasi,he fhould becaft into the Lions Den. TheKing did calf him in indeed,,but lo, howunwilling he was tocommit this fin : He fafted,hewaked, hecould not sleep a winksdeep; he Inritus fed, wifht, O that I might fafely deliver him r O that thy God, O Daniel, would s he tai in deliver thee.,; True,he thought I muff needs nowdo this fin; alasmy Decree, Como', and what may the Lord think of me ? if I fhould not it , all the Country would think me too blame , nay they would rebell againft me outrighr,for breaking the Lawsof theMedesand thePerf:ans. Alas,I molt do it;; but it ap- peares though, how unwilling;he wasforto do it , he couldneithereat , nor fJeep, nor bemerry, nor quiet, till he might hear Daniel was fafe. Many a Kingbut a quarteras great as' he, would have fcorned to have troubled his thoughts about fuch a Puritan as Danielwas efteerned to be : nay , he rifes early in the morning,before the time was expired , lie runs in all poft to the Denof the Lions, and there hecries lamentably, ODaniel,thort f rvantofthe hying God:ODaniel; he fcreecht it out dolefnlly:and when heheard that D4- 'lidwas alive, he rejoyced exceedingly, Dan.6.23. Thefe fubfequent circum- fiances fhewhow unwillinghe was in the ofcommitting of the finne, if he could have helpt it,andPavedhis honour withhisLordsand hisNobles.Thus Men the was unwilling tocommit the fin,yet a wretchedmanfor all that magine theyhave agood Chriftian plea , whenthey can fay this forthem fives; it is true,I do rapout an oath inmycholerI do praycoldly and with manyby-thoughts, but Godknows I am unwilling todo fo, I wouldvéry feign have it otherwife;I am forry I amdrawn foaway. Alas (o thou mayft be, andyet be aCarnalift : thoumayeftpray,andbe unwilling to pray care lefly,thournay(} repentinfoiemanner;and beforty thou repenteft no more; thou mayftbe loathto commit anoffence,and yet be a meer natural man,no jot offaving grace in thee.Was note:fare fenfiblyunwilling to condemn7efur Chrift? Was not Herod unwilling tobehead lohn the Baptift ? it fpoyled all hismirth at his feaft, that he was compelled for to do it, for fo he counted it a coitpulfion,otherwife he wouldnot have done it : was not Sag/ unwilling to tranfgreffe the commandment ofthe Lord? He forced himielf; he hada-. bundance ofgain-fayings in his hearr,abundance of williesin his breaft ; O I wouldnot do it, Iwould to God I were nor put upon fuch importunate cir- cumftances as I am,fain would I not doit; he forced himfelf,there was akind ofpitcht field in his bofom, a battel inhis foul : fain would hedo it, that way h went his lofts; fain would he not do it, that way went his confcience : Sohe forced himfelf, r Sam. .r 3, 13. and yet God did rejeit him. Thus fell-love maywind up amans afféaionsexceedingly, to in loath to commit a fin. Second-