,y1 Treat f ofthe eEfion.r. God to your drinkings, andyour whit i.igs,his affè Lions are dead,he bath no heart co the-m: brief him to your fportings,and your vain merrimeuts and your fooleries, you (hall fee him fodead to them that ye !hail have no delight in his company.S. `Paulrnak:s thisan argument ab abfHrdo, How !hall we that are dead torn, l,vc arty longer therein '1Z,m,6,2, How is [hiSpoi- lible ? I (hall as loon believe ir, as that a dead man thould waike along your fireets in a winding ¡beet : hat ? know you not this, (ayes he, what a Chriflian, and yet his affections on fuch courfcs as Mete ? this is impofïble, bow ¡hall we &é. So that this is another thongperíwafion, because yeare dead therefore let not your affe&ions below. `Thirdly, the. Apoftle hereperfwadesby a ftrong reafon, Chrift is your Beca,Lfe Chrift life, verf .}. Lite is !weer, it is true,and a mans affeéttons are prong to his is our dfe. life, vefles ac omnia vendes, thou wilt part with cloaths, and part with mo- 4I[ viram redi- neys, andpart with lands, and part withall for thy life :thine affe&ious are mas. Hera[. ftrong fet to life. Now Chrift is thy life, or elfe thou art- but a damned wretch : if thou beef} a true Chriffian, Chrift is thy life, and wilt not thou fet th.ne effettitms on thy 1. fe; his Commandements are thy life, his Word is thy life, his ordinances are thy life, his promifes, his favours, his bloud, are thy life, and wilt thou not Let thineaffections on thy life ? If thou bcefi a trueChriftian, thou'lt pray for life, and repent for life, and fan&ifie the Sabbath for life, and put up an injury, and be obedient to God for life. All thine aflè&ions conspire together for life : thou loveft thy life, and thou defireft thy life, and thou rejoycefi in thy life, and thou fearefi thatwhich is burtfull to life, andhateft that which is contrary to life; all thinc affections will be to thy lif:;aod therfore let thine affe&ionson Chrift,for he is thy life. fourthly, The Apoftle here perfwades by a ftrong deduaion. Whet- Chrift than appear, then ye alto fhal appear With him in glory, verfe4. this secaufe .thrift is au excellent motive to fet thine affe&ions on God, becaufe he will bring thee willbring ns to toglory, every man affe&s glory. Now all theglory of this world is a blaze,gtory, as our proverb is, agood proverb it is, it is but a blaze, and not worthy thine aflc&ions, none but bate hearts will affe& this ; thou art the child of wrath and damnation from the cradle to the coffin, thou art going to hell and confufion, if thou beefs not a new creature in Chrift : and wilt thou affea to be a Gentleman, affea to be a King or a Lord ? wilt thou affea to get credit, and honour, and reputeamong men, to be praifed by mens mouthes ? this is even as if a theefe thould affea credit as he is going to the gallowes. Set thine affe&ions then upon god and upon Chr;ft when he appears hce'l help thee to a Kingdome of glory. Chrift is the King ofglory,who is the Kingof glory ? It is the Lord of bolts, he is the King of glory ; let thine affections on him then. The vulgar have a pretty laying, He that is in favour with the King, is halfe a King. What may not luth an one doe ? what may not fuchan one have ? if hebe in favour with a King? patenspotently-pi amicitia, Potent is the favour that a man bath with him that is potent. And i herefore Jet thine affe&ions upon Chrift, let thine affectionsbe in favour with Chrift ; what is that then thou cant not have ? thineaffections are potent, ifthey be in favour with him ; all power is given tome in heaven andearth,fayes Chrift, c.í`Ylattb.28. t 8. Chrift is very po- tent :if thineaffe&ions be not fet onhim,he is potent enough to damn thee ; if they be, he is potent to fave thee, and when he appears, then shalt thou appear with him inglory. ifour affettians Fifthly, the Apoftle here perfwades by .á ftrong illation or inference. bemot let ca Mortifie therefore, (ayes he, mortifieyour earthly members, inordinate af- Chrift, theyarc fe&ion, &c. verfe 5. Marke, he cals the affe&ion, when it is not let eutoferder... arightupon God, be cals it inordinate affection; if thine affe&ions runne more after the things of this life, than after Chrift and his VVord, and N his