Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.A1 F37 1657

iozt Treatire of the 21 the revenge for the turningonesafge&ions ary.Lec a manbe wrong'd though never tomuch,nóthingbut anger and choler does ante to revenge it ; but if he fufpea the want of affe&ion in his own wife, then it is not ananger alone that atifesto revenge it,but a jealeufe. Doeft thou not know what jealoulie is ? I cell you,it is the revengefulleft pafflon that ever arofe in thebreafi. jealoufie is the rageofa man, thereforehe will not fpare in the dayofvengeance : he will regard no ranfome,neither will he refi content, though thou givefl- may gifts, Prov. 6. 3-1, 3 5. We have a good Proverb , From jealoufie the good Lord deliver us. csixots star ayytos; TUy, (ayes Oppia,Theheart ofjealouty is wilde andall lavage. Aman is not only angrv,but direly ina rage, that is jealous. So God ex- prefles himfelfby a fury and a rage,faying,m)fury fhall breakout aga of them, andI willnot pity them.INhen thineaffeLionsgo a whoring fromGod ,he will be revenged on thee deeply; he will takeno ranfome; no ranfome byChrifl, no ranfome in the world : couldeft thou givehim a whole world for the till ofthy foul,he will not accept it. What (ayes the husband when he isjealous, what haft thou defiled my bed,and played thewhore ? and fo forth. I will make you an example : he eats himfelf up,till he is revenged : he will marke every caft of her eye,every gefture of her body,every treadof her foot,every thingnow (hall bematter of tufpition : the (hall not (peak to any man in the ftreer,but he will lufpe& it is wantonnefle.She ¡hall not be able to go one itep out of doores,but he will fufpeet it is to her bate lovers. So if we let our affe- &ions wrong uponother things betides G7d, God will never put it upat our hands. He will thenbe extreme to mark whatfocvcr is atniflc; not one idle word, but he will be precife to obferve it ; nor one vain thought, but be will be curious tonoce it ; not one foolish fathion, hut he will let it down in his note -book; he will thenbe extreame with thee. Ye have read andheard the TenCommandments often andoften. Yeknowwhat is (aid in the fecond Commandment, Thou (Halt not do thus and thus, For [the Lordthy Clodam a jealous J od, and vifit thefnsof the fathers upon the children. If thou let up thefe Idols in thy heart, to afte& the things of this life, takeheedof this jea- loufïe, 1 theLord thy God am ajealous cJ od,&c. He willvifit not onely thy fins upon thee, but he will lookwhat thy father bath done, and thy grandfather bathdone, and thy great grandfather bath done. If anyof them have been drunkards, he will vifit it on thee : if any of them have been (wear- ers and woridlings, and wicked, he will vifit it on thee. From his jcaloufic the good Lorddeliver us. 7. The feventh motive is taken from the Tyrannyofour af fe&ions,if they be not From the ty- fer right, If our affe Lions be not let upon God, they are the forefl Tyrants nanny oftheaf- that can be to tyrannize over us. `Philocompares the tyranny of our affeLfi- ferlions. onsto the four hundredyears bondage of the Ifraelites in Egypt. Ye rea 7n 1,4,7. member what woful and Ilavifh bondage theywere put to in Egypt, in fo ñ ? ?;:, Icamuch that theygroanedunder it and cryed out unto God. Pharaoh played Tà ras ray theTygcr-like Tyrant over them, and made them weary of their lives: fo 7i 7dt a ra- do the affe&ions tyrannize over aman that is carnal and earthly, they do fo '}(;v J'wjá- btfót him,andbcfoolc hiin,that he knows not how to come out of his fins ; they do fohardenhim and obduratehim,that no preaching nor counfel can convert him; they dofooccupyand taskhim, and bulie hiin,that hecan find no while to fave his owrlfoul, or bethink himle;ie of efsaping of hell and damnation, he is inhell before ever he thinkson it ferioüfly they plague him likeTantalus,fayes hc,and leave his foul in the lurch after all his vaine hopes,he can never be free for God. The Apof}le fpeakingof the Kitt and aft feaiónsof theworld, how they allure met] intovanity; he layes they pro- mite men liberty, but they are the fervants and (laves of corruption, z Pet', 2,19. A man wouldwonder how of fhothld be its bouelaBe with et pot Or a pipe, with a bowle or a game, wish- as carnal trieräd,. or an ufehe bath- _.. . w.Mua.naf®®